Reviews from

in the past

Me ha gustado bastante. Tiene un estilo artístico muy chulo, el gameplay una vez desbloqueas cosas está entretenido y todos los productos de entretenimiento son mejores con robots gigantes.

La historia es bastante cliché y le cuesta mucho arrancar pero bueno.

Pretty cool, pretty fun overall. The final boss was an unexpectedly BRUTAL fight though. I'm definitely gonna have to check out the Armored Core games now though.

Really wanted to like this game but I couldn't. Moving the mech feels good and there's actual build variations in your loadout, but the game gets so repeitive between bland enemy design and some seriously spongy ass dudes. There's a lot of story but it's pretty bad and it feels like I was reading something with chunks missing out of it.
Also this is pure opinion but the art style is pretty bad. There's cool mech designs but the color pallete of this game is just so grading. Any level with the blaring bright red skies is so bad to look at.
(The framerate also chugs sometimes but this probably isn't an issue on the PC port.)

The perfect example of a modest game that manages to punch above its weight class.

Since mainstream entries in the mech genre are so few and far between nowadays, it is not difficult for someone who does not actively seek the genre out to forget the more peculiar traits of these games. The weighty jumps of the machine and their wind-up. The way the lock-on functionality works, and how its effectiveness is governed by (at least) three different stats. The meters, and the number of verbs at one’s disposal—enough for them to not fit neatly into a regular controller. Learning to overcome the friction is part of the appeal of these games, but having too much of it can make the entire experience crumble by ruining the intended game feel.

Luckily, the movement in Daemon X Machina is airtight, even in the most chaotic and frantic combat situations. The experience of piloting your arsenal can be fine-tuned to the finest minutiae, and even rising or lowering a stat by a few points makes a noticeable difference in performance, directly impacting either your movement, combat capabilities, or raw damage output. Unlike the paper-thin attempt at a story, acquiring new parts and customization options never feels superfluous, as expressing yourself through your arsenal becomes the game’s main goal.

This means that, similarly to other titles such as Monster Hunter, Daemon X Machina is fundamentally about a person who loves their job so much they spend their payment in becoming more efficient at it, and nothing else. The game asks the player to come up with a build tailor-made for the given combat scenario, although regrettably it only dares to really push them hard in one direction: ‘can you do it again, but faster?’. Repetition and grinding are baked into the core loop, but, as satisfying it might be to set the arena ablaze with your unit—and it is incredibly satisfying—, the game does not do enough in terms of variety for most mission justifications to stay in your mind, drowned under the noise of exploding machinery. Including more varied scenarios and side-objectives would help in pushing players out of the comfort zone of their winning build without disrupting the design goal of ‘blow stuff up and look cool while doing it’ too much, and it’s the one area of the game that feels somewhat lacking.

So, variety-wise, the stand-outs are few, but they exist. Colossal Immortal (read: ‘big robot’) missions lean on spectacle effectively and are diverse enough among themselves for different players to have different favorites. Some non-standards missions such as infiltrating a facility on foot or escaping with a stolen, wind-fast arsenal are among the most memorable sequences the main game has to offer. The secondary cast acts as the element of novelty in you average mission, as skirmishes against other mercenaries abound and are rife with banter and exposition. Although narratively the game does not really coalesce into anything of note, these characters are well-defined and entertaining enough for their company to be appreciated.

But the flying. The flying feels good.

A really fun mech game with really downright an addictive gameplay loop and awesome customizations, while the story is forgettable and the mission areas do get kind of repetitive after a while the game is still fun t play

Although the switch version has some performance hiccups.

This is the best mech game I have ever played, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone who wasn't specifically looking for a mecha game.

Tener tu mecha y disparar cosas está guapo pero se me hizo aburrido y repetitivo

I rented this game with no expectations on how it would play since Nintendo was hyping the crap out of it prior to launch. Wasn't really my thing.

Neat game that could use some seasoning but was still a pretty cool play.

Had to play this because my copy of PLA STILL isn't here so I had to pass the time. lmfao

Played the long game on this one and got it for free on Epic so thats nice.

Keyboard controls were abysmal though. I somehow managed to not break my wrist playing it

Si te atrae todo lo relacionado con los Mechas y las batallas entre estos, creo que este juego te gustará bastante.

En general se me hizo bastante divertido, aunque no pude jugarlo online y me centré en la historia individual.

Tiene buenos personajes, una historia que cumple y poco más... ¡Ah, sí! Un menú de inicio chulísimo con un temazo musical BRUTAL.

Eché de menos mayor personalización de los Mechas, más variedad en las misiones y que nuestro protagonista fuese un mudo inexpresivo (de verdad, que alguien acabe ya con la tontería de los protas mudos que no aportan nada y los hace insulsos).

En general me gustaron más los Zone of the Enders en su momento, pero este no estuvo nada mal.

PD: La batalla final es un infierno y exige levear equipo y tal...

Plot is a bit all over, and the final set of fights were a weird spike of difficulty/force of strategy change. Some great music and customisation though.

Has a weirdly in-depth character customization for a game that encourages you to become a transhumanist mass of cybernetic augmentations.

Not as good as Armored Core, but it's good fun. Only thing I didn't care for was the end-game grinding for parts.

good game,just dont read the character lines

The game is held back by the Switch, be it for scale, fluidity or game feel. It has a lot of potential tho. I've heard that a second game is in the works, I hope it's true and that it can expand on what this game tried to do

Being shackled to the switch at first did this game no favors.

I really enjoyed the aesthetic of this game, great use of colors, and some really good UI bits. The gameplay is a mixed bag, the controls feel pretty solid but the mission design ranges from pretty good to absolutely abysmal. I really do love all the customization stuff, and optimizing my mech to dual wield swords was a lot of fun.

Can't say enough bad things about the story. Somehow, despite dumping tons of exposition on you every 5 minutes, it feels very underwritten. There's a billion characters, but 90% of them have no bearing on the plot and were mostly just there to yell annoying banter during missions. Also it runs like ass on the Switch.

Overall I still think this game is worth playing if you're a fan of mech stuff because there's a lot to love in that regard, just be prepared for a bad story and some bad missions.

the gameplay in this game is SO GOOD but the levels are SO repetitive. probably just about the most disappointing game ive ever played.

Fun robot game to play if you like them. Gets a little repetitive and difficult part way through though.

Sadly disappointing. You expect a super fun mecha simulator, but there isn't much content there. A lot of missions are repetitive and the enemies are either extremely easy or extremely hard, nothing in between.

Mechanics and ost are GREAT!
Everything else is okay to "I don't care", which is unfortunate since I actually liked ACVD's story more, however little there is there.
The bosses are fun, but I can't say they're much to write home about.

Hopefully the sequel is better.

The feeling of flight, action, tension are fantastic in Daemon X Machina, I don’t like the story, varying levels of difficulty, performance (on switch), and final boss.

This is the new mecha shooting game I'd been waiting for. Controls great, designing your own machine is great fun and the weapons in general are a really nice mix. The structure of the game works well as it takes a lot from Monster Hunter - short missions ideal for portable play and plenty of scope to mess about. Only a shaky framerate and a bad final boss take the shine off what ends up being an interesting campaign, with plenty of variety to it.

I'd buy an expansion or a sequel for sure - hopefully we won't have to wait that long for it.

The moment to moment gameplay of this game is so good; moving around in your arsenal is so fluid, it feels like you're running on ice in the best possible way. The cast of characters is also fun, with most having fleshed out personalities. However the story of the game isn't as good but still has very fun levels. I for one can't wait for the sequel.

how do you have a game where you pilot giant robots with characters designed by kozaki yuzuke and it ends up mid

for a game about customizing your mech, it's really hard to compare equipment. movement feels light and flighty, not weighty or meaty. basically a helicopter sim with an unbelievably annoying cast. maybe it offers up more depth but like 10 missions in it feels glacially paced and determined to show me Really Epic Cutscenes instead of letting me play a mech game where i can have cool moments.

Man I was really looking forward to liking this but after a couple hours I just think it feels bad, and that cannot be excused in a mech game. I was ready to fully ignore the headass story and characters for some cool nimble mech action but it's not nimble, it's clunky and shallow.

Rating: 7.6/10 - Pretty Good

I do like this one quite a bit, despite the fact that this game does run out of money after the first two thirds are done. The story is nice and the characters are interesting enough. Combat is pretty fun but shows some problems during the final boss fight when the rockets becomes the dominant strategy.

probablemente de los juegos mas aburridos que he jugado en mi vida junto al control

Pretty decent. Gameplay loop & mech customization is solid, skipped past all story shit. The menus could've been streamlined more. Didn't like being out of mech fr lol.