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A deeply unnerving psychological horror culminating in a chilling yet heartbreaking climax.

The problem with 'horror walking sims' usually lies in the inherent lack of urgency. Horror games often impel player apprehension thanks to health bars, AKA the notion of pain and death. In Devotion, the player walks from room to room, solving the occasional "puzzle," if such trivial symbolic obstacles can even be referred to as such, and looking at the various events that occur, over and over again, as the game constantly reminds them that they are supposed to be scared.

Red Candle Games offer nothing new, save for the Chinese familial setting, borrowing from the likes of P.T., Layers of Fear, and even their own prior release, Detention, which itself works essentially as a (mostly wonderful) riff on Silent Hill. What begins with an intriguing setup, regarding a family's stability coming undone, serving up a portrait of enduring patriarchal anxieties, gradually becomes a pretty insufferable excursion into backwards game design; a game so full of itself it seems to forget the player is even there.

What Remains of Edith Finch works so well because its skits function as subconscious pools, where identity is represented through genre and creativity. Devotion gets so boring and bored it starts flinging ideas at a wall, hoping everything just sticks without cohesion. And by the time a storybook transforms into a two-dimensional sidescroller, it's difficult to keep engaged with the preposterousness, especially as its ludicrous finale wraps up with a silly musical number, and a whole load of questions are swept under the rug for the sake of "ambiguity."

For as incredible a series the original Silent Hill trilogy remains, and as innovative P.T. is as a modern successor, recent imitators like Devotion prove that the influence is too often a vapid attempt at replication. The cultural significance of Devotion -- as a Chinese release, and a notably banned product -- is about the only unique and interesting aspect of this otherwise dull, Lifeless title (it's worth noting how the game follows successful people instead of working class). Another example to demonstrate how jumpscares and surrealistic moments simply cannot make up for a lack of engaging design.

A spooky, contained, uniquely Taiwanese story. I felt that some of the story beats near the end could've been clearer, and there was once or twice where I felt directionless. But this is definitely worth a play.

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pooh incident
great game though

Adorei jogar de novo esse jogo, incrível como uma excelente história pode mudar a minha percepção de terror e me cativar pela narrativa mais do que me deixar com medo

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i threw up and cried again

such a devastatingly beautiful ending for one of the most tragic stories ive come upon
and the way the story is weaved and how it shows the player all these puzzle pieces to put together through the years of this family's lives is so amazing

the environment, the art design, the little bits and bobs and letters and belongings of the family, it does such a good job putting you in their home, in this era, in this country
i love the many little files as well, the screenplay excerpts and the ones about cigu guanyin and the snake

not to mention the absolutely amazing live action parts with the commercials and the singing contest, along with all of the cutscenes through mei shin's eyes and the part where mentor heuh guides you through the underworld

every section is just fucking amazing. everyone knows and loves the beautiful storybook section but it is so so good. a small moment of respite from the grimy dimly lit claustrophobic home, with all of its bright watercolors and cute and happy resolutions

i do think some jumpscares and especially the chase sequence are a bit much, but theyre easily overlooked

the soundtrack and vocal songs are incredible, and lady of the pier is an excellent song between mei shin and li fang and showing their differences and the crushing pressure on mei shin from what her family expects of her

devotion by no party for cao dong is especially fantastic to me
i never fail to cry while it plays out with the scene of mei shin running, it could be seen as a little out of place but i think it wraps it up perfectly and gorgeously
the lyrics are so fitting and i think reading them gets me the most

i cant emphasize how much this story just hits me. it hurts so fucking much, its so real. mei shin's anxiety is portrayed so well, along with her family completely misunderstanding it. and the way the father falls deep into religion, into this occult worship, emptying his pockets and doing prayers and rituals and unintentionally killing his own daughter at the behest of a false mentor because he wants her to be better, he knows she can achieve stardom
the mother, who helps as much as she can and goes back to work, promising to take her family somewhere better but it was just a little too late
both just making it worse on mei shin

it is just utterly and completely devastating, and being able to figure those things out for yourself as you play through is so special.

this game is so excellent and i will always be sad at the fact that a small, almost insignificantly placed political easter egg made people unable to play this special game for quite some time. but its getting out there more and more thanks to red candle making it available on their own site, and im glad to have experienced it

Great emotional story, atmosphere, sound design, really enjoy red candles efforts so far.

Cheap scares are aplenty at the start, and it's no different from the many P.T. clones on the market with how limited the interactions you can perform. Despite this, there's very few games, or pieces of media, that does domestic horror as well as this.

Highly recommend it for the fantastic final hour, or to piss off Xi Jinping. Runs about 2-3 hours, so it's best to wait for a sale if you're feeling frugal.

thank god my friend had this on his computer,anyway that was a good horror experience

Literally my favorite game of all time, a beautiful experience.

I don't agree that it is a high enough game to achieve a 4.0 rating average. I think it was an average experience.

Devotion is quite a ways off from what I expected it to be. Since I like to go in blind to most games beyond their short description, especially if it’s a horror or narrative heavy game, this often means that I have little expectations beyond what it says on the tin. For Devotion that means all I knew was that it would be a 1980s Taiwan horror game, presumedly about… Devotion. And call it stereotyping but I was very much anticipating a by-the-books but by no mean unwelcome ghost game. It goes a bit deeper than that though.

Similar to Transference, this is more a game about family than the underlying creep and dread of a boogeyman stalking you. Information you learn about yourself, your daughter, and your wife is told primarily through artistic vignettes, souvenirs, and notes, told over the snapshot duration of many years. Luckily unlike Transference, I think this game did a great job in not only defying my expectations, but in making me happy that it did. It did the unthinkable, it made me care to learn more about it’s titular family. As the name suggests, the game is a tale about how desperate devotion on the part of the player character, the father, can lead a man down a dark path to save his family. It’s a sad ballad that I could dissect set piece by set piece, but for the sake of brevity and the small possibility that I can get someone else to play this game, I won’t elaborate on any more spoilers here. I’ll just add as a last note on the story front that the passage of time is portrayed fantastically in the design and wear of the apartment complex your family lives in as you explore your past, creating a wonderful narrative and aesthetic harmony.

While I said this wasn’t a traditional haunted house, don’t think that means there won’t be any scares or legitimately horrific events. In a surprise twist this game has some of the best toe-curling body horror I’ve seen, realism be damned. And before you think this is just another PT walking simulator clone with a little fluff added on, I’m glad to say there’s some super creative gameplay segments beyond walking nondescript room to nondescript room that kept me properly engaged. Some are cute, some are ethereal, and some are quite unnerving, either by nature of the story or with the help of some masterly crafted ambience. It even has a half-decent chase sequence, with the caveat that it would have been vastly improved if our player character moved faster than a light jog. Regardless, it was short and gave the player some visceral, horror-fueled urgency that the rest of the game doesn’t quite touch on.

It’s weird how in many ways I find Devotion to be similar to Layers of Fear - another walking simulator where you uncover the dark pieces of your past - and yet I enjoyed it so much more. I think the depth of story, a clear creative throughline, and genuinely well-crafted sections beyond JUST notes made it so much more intriguing throughout, even if it wasn’t what I was initially hoping for. Devotion also has this remarkable, almost claylike look to everything that weirdly takes me back to games of the PS3 era. I’m not sure why, but I love it. Inscryption is kind of similar, it has an indescribably fuzzy art style to it that makes it oddly endearing. Whatever it is, keep ‘em coming I say.

Finally a decent horror game that isn't silent hill. This was a pleasant short experience, I think an average playthrough should be 5 hours long at best, meaning, the game doesn't drag on for too long and gets to the point quick while at the same time tackling many themes regarding the hardships faced in life by an average human being. Overall, the atmosphere was great and the presentation was awesome.

I am glad I got to play this horror masterpiece.

First person domestic horror game about a Taiwanese family from 1980-1987 that has you exploring their increasingly disturbing apartment as both the father and daughter while you piece together what happened to their seemingly happy life. Extremely well made environments and scenes that tell a story focused around traditional societal expectations of family and children, effects of ignoring and stigma towards mental health, and the effects of cults and their appeal to vulnerable people.


This is PT meets Gone Home. It's like PT in how you repeatedly go through the same apartment over and over again with little or big changes each time. The apartment even changes while you're still in it sometimes. It's like Gone Home in that you are working to uncover what happened to this family through flyers, tv broadcasts, discarded notes, rejected script pages, diary entries, etc.

The player is the father of this family of three with a mother and daughter. He is also a struggling screenwriter. Early on, it is revealed that the daughter has a severe illness preventing her from attending school, and the mother used to be a famous singer before giving that up to start a family. This is my big issue with the game, and it's the same issue I have with Gone Home: the story isn't strong enough to support the game. I have no reason to care about this family or to want to dig any deeper. I was bored through most of my playthrough. It isn't scary and the puzzles are pretty simple.

The game does manage to end strong. There are twists on what I thought the story was about, and the game breaks from its PT-structure to go to a new, more interesting location. The ending is surprisingly dark. It's still too little too late, but it didn't improve my opinion of the game.

Red Candle on a streak.

still so beautiful and made me cry again the second time. heartbreaking story presented so well, and all of the live action additions are excellent worldbuilding

vim esperando muito medo e saí chorando, jogo foda com uma narrativa impecável e muito bem contada. a maneira com que o ambiente é inserido e já conta trechos da história é fantástica e a maneira com que o terror é trabalhado aqui é uma delicinha, mas seu ponto alto realmente é a narrrativa. sério, joguem.

An odd horror game. I understood the story, but I was also confused at the same time... hard to explain. Nice atmosphere though.

I was scared, and then I was sad, and then I was scared AGAIN, and then I was sorta happy, and then SCARED, and then finally I was sad again. Excellent experience.

Made me feel feelings, which is arguably scarier than horror

Not only one of the best horror experiences I have ever had, one of the best stories I've ever experienced. Deeply sad yet grounded, it used the psychological horror medium to it's fullest.

I sought this game out because of the controversy of it being taken down and some people saying it was pretty good.

It was a lot more than pretty good. It leaned into the psychological horror genre so well and told an absolutely depressing story of one family in one house and ended on a note I definitely wasn’t expecting. Worth seeking out.

A compact and extremely compelling tale about the lengths one will go to protect their family, Devotion is easily one of the best horror titles I’ve played in years. The scares are genuine and unsettling, and the immaculate sense of dread that is constructed over its three-hour runtime is top-shelf stuff.

Full Review:

Amazing walking simulator that told a story and the puzzles were fun. Did cry. 10/10 for me

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POV of a failed screenwriter who forces his successful singer wife to quit her career so she can become a full time housewife instead + was easily manipulated into a cult to follow some jank ritual to save his daughter

-very spooky, well written + super sad ending :(
-one or two jumpscares got me but it was more of a slow burn kind of game
-got banned from steam b/c of winnie the pooh mention comparison of chinese communist Xi lol
- i literally wanted the father to fail + to be killed by his wife idc, he fckd up his whole family