Reviews from

in the past

Much better than the Genesis version

Actually a lot of fun. Controls tight

Gostava demais desse jogo. É bem curto e fácil.

tight, fun platforming with art and tunes that really make you FEEL like you're aladdin

Thanks Mikami-sama, another smash hit!


This was rad when I was kid but replaying it as a teen and adult never hit the same.

It used to be considered short and easy by then, it also used to be unfairly compared to the Genesis games that looked and moved better, but overall I feel like the superior video game, the one that is meant to be played, is this one. The other one? A fantastic attraction that probably sold lots of consoles based on its looks, but not a great game to play.

Insanely difficult but gorgeous for the time.

I haven't played the Genesis version so I can't comment on which one is better (it's this one though). But as an action platformer this game just feels so good to play. the feel on the jumps and the bounces and the swinging is all perfect. stands up with the best of them. A diamond in the rough if you will, ho ho ho.

Super tight & compact experience I can easily see myself playing through every now and then whenever I just want to go through a fun platformer. It has such a nice flow in its gameplay and getting good at it feels really satisfying.

Also hot DAMN does the movies music sound amazing in this sound chip. That friend like me remix is gonna be playing in my head for days

A parte do tapete voador era osso para passar com minha capacidade cognitiva de criança retardada.

Maybe it's because I'm so nostalgic for 90s Disney or maybe it's because of that gorgeous soundtrack, but Aladdin (1993) is a force to be reckoned with in the 2d platforming world. For a 1993 game, it's surprisingly challenging, and even though I caught myself in frustration multiple times, every level completion becomes that more satisfying after beating it. Didn't even think I was gonna finish it tonight but damn, I'm glad I did. (The carpet scene with Jasmine that serves as an interlude is the most beautiful moment of the game)

Fun game that feels great. The pixelart is amazing in this game. It's really short though, and the escape on the magic carpet level is pretty unfair!

The game could be a little harder, but it is still very good.

Mejor que el de Sega empieza otra guerra sin sentido 30 años después

Another fun platformer from Capcom. Always felt this was more of an introduction to platformers for people new to the genre because Mega Man X was already a thing and definitely tougher than Aladdin.

Aside from one stage that wasn't in the movie and was just added in, the game is still relatively short. There isn't really a reason to replay this game but Aladdin deserves at least one playthrough for everyone.

Enjoyment: 3.5/4
Gameplay: 2/2
Replayability: 0.5/2
Graphics: 1/1
Sound: 1/1
Total: 8/10

Fun and very exciting soundtrack to add to it! The carpet riding levels always got me as a kid.

Completed with all 70 gems and 6 golden scarabs collected. Inspired by the recent film release, I thought that I'd give this classic 2D platformer a try - and while it feels a bit clunky in some respects, this SNES game holds up impressively well. It's certainly somewhat slower-paced than many modern platformers, for the most part (flying carpet level excepted), but the core platforming gameplay is rock solid, while still managing to have some satisfyingly well-hidden secrets to track down (red gems, rewarding a 'better' end sequence when enough are collected). Alongside that, technically, Disney's Aladdin is very impressive, with highly detained, expressive animation and graphics, as well as a decent rendition of classic songs (or very similar variations). I hear that the Genesis/Mega Drive game is generally more highly-regarded, but don't regret spending time with this release.

an classic, enjoyable platforming with all of Aladdin's movement abilities, fantastic visuals courtesy of Capcom's pixel-art artists at the time and great music.

it's a bit short but nonetheless an great time, if you like the movie or platformers in general this is an good game, I will try out the Genesis version later on since it is drastically different from the Capcom game.

7 - Ripping off of Assassin’s Creed at every turn

You finish the game in an hour but it's a lot of fun.