Reviews from

in the past

Still the best SRPG of all time, and still the best Final Fantasy.

Played it as a kid and couldn't understand the balance of battle difficulty well enough to complete it. Will definitely do it as an adult.

the story is night incoherent which prevents it from getting a higher score

FFT tem um sistema robusto de jobs, história com forte apelo político recheada de intriga, diálogos rebuscados, e um roteiro...Final Fantasy (geralmente se estraga no final com algum tipo de megalomania ou transfiguração envolvendo formas monstruosas de vilões).

O elenco também é fortemente cativante, entregando um pacote completo com gameplay viciante, mundo rico e enredo marcante.

This game is my favorite game. It’s the best game.

The story beats with Delita hit different after you listen to Somebody to Love.

Anyone else get their ass handed to them by the late game non-story Chocobo filled maps?

The number of hours I've wasted on this game as a child...

joguei mais o de psp, esse aqui eu ficava mais olhando meu tio jogar e rindo que tinha uma mina chamada teta

Los personajes, el mundo y el entramado político con un writting exquisito en los diálogos y escenas hace de Final Fantasy Tactics una de las mejores experiencias dentro de la saga.

Es complejo, apasionante y sus protagonistas están repletos de matices con muchas sorpresas a cada paso de la historia. So Good...

completed through emulation. Was really enjoyable.

i haven't finished this obviously fantastic game yet but i only blame myself or god

I really liked this game don't get me wrong but playing the shitty iPhone 4 mobile port really ruined the experience in many key moments. Despite that certain segments of the game still evoke a extremely cool sense of scale. I just wish my first experience with this game was on better hardware and the localization was a little better.

I know I should give this game another chance, but there's just something about it that didn't grip me. I'll have to test the waters again someday.

This is the absolute peak of the tactics RPG, provided you're willing to put up with a stiff difficulty curve that demands your full attention and care.

Too bad the story is bad. It's fun

O jogo é incrível, mas na época quase não joguei por achar o jogo muito difícil.

Na minha memória maravilhoso, não sei se continua assim até hoje...

A really well done strategy game. The pretty graphics really complement the incredibly deep battle system and heavy story. There are a large amount of classes but at the same time not enough where you are overwhelmed with options. A really well made game overall and a true shame SE never really made another on of this caliber.

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mixed feelings about this one. it's very beautiful, map verticality adds both immense visual appeal and an extra tactical layer, the mechanics are cool to explore and exploit in a similar way as ff5's are, and i do think delita's entire tragic trajectory all the way until the final cutscenes is an extremely well-crafted story...

but the original translation blows chunks, characters besides ramza and delita kind of rotate in and out making it very clear that they're not really the ones that matter, and the ancient evil that the church is keeping under wraps is just not really well integrated with the political intrigue, so these two plots (and whatever's going on with mustadio and his optional dungeon) end up fighting for screentime. in the end, neither of them feels like it really mattered.

i do think the final impression of "none of this really mattered" is a strength in a story about the grand machinations of nobles and priests, and that it's to some degree what we're expected to take away from this; a somber and bitter counterpoint to delita's ambition to rise from his humble origins to the highest positions in the land.

it's certainly not unintentional either that most of the events and characters responsible for the direction the plot takes are just constantly offscreen, somewhere in the lofty halls of power, in a parallel to the true history of ivalice being something that's buried and out of reach that ramza only stumbles onto by chance.

the game is full of these conspicuous little chance encounters and crossings of paths -- especially important is ramza running into orlan or orran or whatever the astrologian kid's name is. a friend of mine feels that the point being made is about fate or inevitability; i don't necessarily think so, but it's definitely a theme.

however, living in the future year 2022, and with the benefit of future sight into further ivalice games, it's clear that some of this stuff is just bungled. there's a limit to how much of the story you can have happen offscreen before i completely stop caring about it; and ramza, outside of his family business with his brothers, is less of a character than a leaf in the wind. alma and ovelia just get george rr martined, each in her own way, and while it's clearly meant to compound the tragedy, there's a lot to say about the suffering of women being a cheap medieval fantasy cheat code for gravitas -- and in the end, i do think it's delita who we're meant to think of as the tragic antihero, not ovelia (i feel vindicated in this reading by, of all things, the ivalice raids in ff14, where ovelia doesn't even survive as a footnote).

i do think it's a hugely better story on the whole than ff12, anyway.

I actually really don't like the latter half of this story ;__; immmmmmaculate vibes on this game tho

Smart game, for masochistic people. Not at all, but damn bro.

My #1 game of all time. The story is superb and the various twists and turns made an impression on my 9 year old brain, who wasn't used to such a thing. The tactical nature was a fun addition to the franchise, and the job system adds a lot of replayability. Add the music and some well written characters and it all comes together for me

This is just one of those games man

Oh, yeah, since I also tried the original one to see the differences...and, no, friends would still recommend WotL for absolutely better reason.
Here's the thing: the camera doesn't get any better either way. I really can't stand it.

Still plays better than Persona 1.