Reviews from

in the past

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Evento Gen Hoshino: Bom, deu para conseguir um XP, a música era legal, parecia um Jazz porém achei um pouco longo. As paisagens que criaram para o evento eram espetaculares
Evento Dragon Ball: Responsável por uma das maiores vindas de novos players para o jogo, o evento foi simplesmente espetacular. As skins do Vegeta, Goku, Bills e Bulma ficaram bonitas, mas se tivesse a opção de tirar aquele efeito de skin de anime, ficariam melhores ainda. As missões para ganhar as recompensas de graça eram decentes e equilibradas, e as recompensas foram muito boas (ATÉ O SHEN LONG VEIO). Os itens no começo estavam bem roubados, o Kamehameha era bem difícil de counterar, mas depois o pessoal aprendeu a lidar melhor com ele. A nuvem era perfeita.

weapon selection sucks but i like the island i like the story quests (even vader shit) and i like riding animals. DMR is the best weapon in the game, please never nerf it.
squads is insanely fun

Im not even gonna lie i got the battle pass for darth vader and evie

Who knew adding Dragon Ball would make me like this game?

never thought id actually enjoy a fortnite. no build is fun and i like hitting the griddy whilst running around as goku.

thoroughly enjoyed the indiana jones quests

better than last season but the guns were a little shit battle pass was okay

stoopid fortnite 1 star cause it wont go away from my nr most playd switch game :(

Ok Now botw is my most played game forknife is coo

I genuinely can’t remember anything from this season other then the battle pass

I became the one thing I swore to destroy...


no build takes an okay battle royale into one of the most addictive shooters ive played in a long time tbh

This has been my personal favorite season of all time. Everything from the pass, loot pool, map changes, events, and new mechanics were all done fantastically. Some minor gripes do hold it back from being perfect, but it’s really close.

For a newer season, this one delivered! I honestly didn't expect this season to be this good but now that I've finished it I have some things to say...

What did I like? For starters, I really enjoyed the new map changes! It felt so refreshing to visit the Reality Tree, Rave Cave, new Greasy Grove, the new BIOME (although it's ruined now in season 4 caz it's brown)! All stuff that makes a season great.

We got the grapple glove! After everyone asking for the Spider-Man mythic back they finally gave us the next best thing, the Grapple Glove.

Speaking of mythics, the Darth Vadar boss fight was introduced and wasn't bad exactly, but think of boss fights like Stark Industries, The Agency, Dr. Doom, Shark and it will instantly put it to shame.

He was kinda annoying to find and there was no vault, chests, or much mats surrounding the area so after you killed him (if you managed to do so) then you just had a lightsaber (now throwable) which was really good, but you'd then hope not to be third-partied by someone who had just looted up an actual POI with good loot, meanwhile you have 100 mats, a grey ar, no shotgun, and a green pistol to defend yourself, great.

The battle pass was really good and I loved how the season was a vibe season, literally it was called Vibin'

Other additions like the baller were really great although other additions like the charge smg and two-shot shotgun cluttered the loot pool and I would literally rather pickaxe someone then use these guns (although the two-shot did receive a hearty buff later on)

And DRAGON BALL! This collab was one of (if not) the BEST collabs in Fortnite History with the kamekameha and Nimbus cloud making for a deadly combo!

Overall this was my favourite season of Chapter 3 by far! It just felt so fresh and exciting and I wish I'd made the most of it!

Some cool new weapons in this season (maybe just newly unvaulted for me), including the Hammer Assault Rifle and the DMR.
Charge SMG was fun but unreliable.

Loss of blimps (and jetpacks) was a bummer, but the giant tree and new mushroom biome was pretty cool. Some memorable firefights and sniper parties in the tree.
Tilted Towers (Tilty Towee) was a highlight for sure. The last blimp plus the option for sniping, building shenanigans, street-cover fighting, and fun assaults and retreats into the surrounding areas made it awesome and memorable.

Personal loot trees seemed cool at first, but I think they are a bad mechanic for a game like this. Since they are basically in a static spot, you are heavily incentivized to drop in the same place every game and check the same locations for loot, which has some appeal from an optimization standpoint, but is a destructive pattern.

I had fun with this season, but the trees putting my team on repeat definitely brought it down for me.

A game has never made me feel more old.

darth vader boss?? indiana jones temple on the map???? dragon ball collab??!?!??

it was peak??
no, lol. this season barely had anything in it besides those things, shitty ass summer event and dry all around. chapter 3 gameplay was still good and the lootpool was too but if it weren't for that this season would be one of the worst

One of the worst. That’s it. Playing this game when it’s good means nothing because it will always get this bad again.