Reviews from

in the past

As a casual who only dips into this when they add a funny new skin, Zero Build Mode finally brings the streamlined experience I always wanted from the game: a massive reduction in the number of quiet and confused moments that sat awkwardly among the insanity of an average match’s moment-to-moment survival. Stripping away the construction materials and mechanics (save for the tactile and tactical satisfaction of demolishing walls and floors) improves the pace of play so much, turning a battle for building materials into a more focused super-arena shooter that spans an entire island and at least three hundred multimedia franchises.

As the number of included IPs continues to balloon-bus exponentially, there’s really no reason I should be bored on the plains overlooking Tilted Towers, and Epic are happy to provide me with literally any excuse to avoid playing the game properly - it’s an overwrought joke at this point, but just standing around watching Goku hit the griddy is genuine unpretentious whole-hearted all-American entertainment, and I’m oddly proud of the devs for taking a shitty zombie wave-defense game all the way to this, cultural implications be damned. There’s just something about our programming as a species that makes us predisposed towards finding anime mascots doing club dance moves funny and we have to accept that and move on in enlightenment. Drop the vain expectation of good taste and come as you are to this cocaine-insane royal rumble where you can drive-by kamehameha Indiana Jones while he’s listening to Doja Cat on a jukebox shaped like Darth Vader’s head. It reminds me of Jedi Outcast roleplay servers in the early 2000s, where people would import the Dr. Dre and Doomguy skins from Quake III: Arena and challenge you to lightsaber duels in a map based off that Jim Carrey Grinch movie. If you like Smash Bros. or Multiversus or Gmod or Dante From The Devil May Cry Series, you’ve really got no excuses. It’s all the same thing.

These moments of maximal franchise expression do genuinely seem to lead to something bigger, sometimes, though… Today I did a random Duos with a guy dressed as the stonks meme and instead of gunning for glory we just drove a Major Lazer-themed speedboat along the coast while listening to an Eminem song about drug addiction and wanting to kill yourself (PEGI 12+). When the song was done, the radio faded out to a voice clip of Travis Scott telling us that he really believed we had what it takes to get that Victory Royale. Despite his pride, we died unceremoniously on a trampoline moments later. As our corpses bounced up and down with comic timing, the killcam revealed that Vegeta had been in a water tower with an AWP the whole time, watching the shore from a safe distance. What even is this? I genuinely do not believe there is another game out there that is offering these deeply stupid and satisfying emergent experiences.

they put the Super Monkey Ball in Fortnite

It's amazing how much better this is without building

Before Zero Build, I probably would have given this game a 3.

When I say Zero Build is the best thing to ever happen to this game, I’m not lying. Hopefully they’ll go back and actually care about Save the World next.


i caved and got the battle pass because of indiana jones darth vader is also cool
i don't play fortnite very often at all but the game seems to be getting better from a gameplay standpoint each season, i'm having a lot of fun with this. the new movement options (might have been last season? again i don't keep up with fortnite, really) are very much appreciated and add a lot more depth

They brought in Goku & Darth Vader during a filler season, straight power move

ok now that im level 100, my thoughts haven't changed much but i do really like AMIE and the Scientist. also, the sidearm pistol is legitimately really good might be my second favorite weapon. DMR my baby is still numero uno and i actually really like the auto smg and ripsaw launcher too. grapple glove is really satisfying to use when youre in like a forest or a lot of buildings.

MMMMMM 😋, Lil Whip 🍦 Lil Whip 🥶 Lil Whip 🍨,
MMMMMM 😋, take your pick
🎯 take a lick 👅, just like this
MMMMMM 😋,whip it up 🍨
Lil Whippin in your cup🥤
MMMMMM 😋, lil whippin 🍦
dripping 💦 flavor 🤤 that's
what's up 😎

i can play as darth vader and goku and wear an among us crewmate on my back thanks to this season, peak.

primeira season q eu to jogando esse jogo e que season lenta porra... unica coisa q ta pra rolar é o bagulho da arvore da realidade e só isso

o passe em termos de skin é bom, digo, a única skin questionável é o estalido.

e ainda falta 13 dia pra acabar.

Cool chapter. It got boring sometimes, but it had fun moments and incredible crossovers. The Darth Vader skin, Indiana Jones and Dragon Ball event were, without a doubt, the best things about this chapter. Didn't get to 100% complete the Battle Pass, but i had fun nonetheless.

The map is nice, the battle pass is bussin although it sucks Vader doesn't get bonus drip this time around :/

Ironically it seems despite the chill casual vibe this season has, it has some of the sweatiest players I've encountered so far

This was my first season. I joined really late I know. It was pretty damn fun, I loved the map and the loot pool. Evie is one of my fav characters to use. Long live the Rave Cave.

The new forest is cool and I really like the chill aesthetic that's all over the map. Some locations also change eras in some matches which is interested. It feels like a good 25% of the map is new. The later updates changed a few area which is a bit refreshing.

Battle Pass:
On average the skins look a lot better than last seasons and Darth Vader is cool. I don't really care much for the bonus rewards this time tho. The DBZ event pass is a great extra.

The new Naruto skins and the Dragon Ball crossover are great. Some of my favorite skins in the games, the weapons they come with are fun, and cool emotes.

I’m addicted to Fortnite, how did this possibly happen? real talk though no build mode - gun game, bunch of friends. It’s a good time.

Darth Vader makes this my first 5/5 for Chapter 3. Well played, Epic Games

You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you put Amogus in Fortnite.

they put goku in this shit come on now

i can play as ninja wearing an among us backpack and kamehameha a team of darth vader, master chief, batman and el chapulin, killing them all instantly and then take a selfie before getting rapid sniped by a team of ricks and mortys
can you honestly tell me this game doesn't rock

Beat my wenor to blender/sfm rule34 animation of fortnite models

No-build is fun

It's really interesting reflecting on this season nearly 2 years later. This was Donald Mustard's final season as the 'loremaster' of the game, and you can tell because everything made afterwards seems to have nothing to do with what was being built up to. I know Fortnite and narrative might not cross a lot of people's minds, but I really appreciated the purpose it gave to each map change and new gameplay element. My friend filled me in on what I missed from Chapter 1 Season 5 - Chapter 2 Season 6, and Chapter 3 Season 2 felt really story focused with the war between the factions and all the tanks and blimps and stuff. During the end event where Slone was seemingly killed, and Jonesy+Dwayne Johnson went off to fight the true villain from the EU, it really felt like a huge milestone in the story had been met and that we were nearing a conclusion or 2nd arc. Immediately after that, this season felt like a filler episode of sorts, as nothing happened for months. Turns out that those story threads would never get resolved in any meaningful way. Furthermore, this season teased the future in terms of collabs and reception: Darth Vader, Dragonball items, and the beginning of people not hating on the game anymore. Looking back this really was the turning point where the story was ditched for insane collabs.


Tiraram a smg de combate pra colocar essa desgraçeira de smg de carga, que é uma das piores armas que já tive a oportunidade de experimentar num jogo de tiro, trouxeram de volta o rifle de assalto de combate que ninguém pediu, em resumo as armas dessa season estão uma negação

Esse evento de festa na praia não sei o que poderia ser bem mais trabalhado, as skins do evento são legais (não todas) mas não convencem

Árvore da realidade é total meme, só vai ter graça no final da season quando o mapa ja estiver todo enraízado (e porque vai acabar essa porra)

Que por falar em mapa, jesus amado eu não aguento mais o mapa dessa porra, estamos na metade da season e eu já tenho vontade de pular no mar e morrer afogado pra não ter que cair nesse mapa, que inclusive 4 meses de season é exagero até demais pra tão pouco conteúdo plmds

O passe não fede nem cheira, o mais legal com ctz é o indiana jones, que por sinal tem uma área no mapa só dele que é legal nas primeiras 2 vezes que você pega a relíquia e corre de uma pedra uauuu, dps da vigésima vez tu repensa mto bem se vale realmente a pena ficar procurando a ordem das pedras pra pegar dois baús raros escondidos

O darth vader não tem muito o que comentar, os baús onde ele pode cair poderiam ter coisas mais interessantes além da arma do storm troopers

O resto das coisas skins armas pipipipopopo do passes são legais, mas como disse, não convencem

E a epic foi tão preguiçosa, que os estilos extras pós level 100 são os personagens pintado de prata, azul e dourado

pqpkkkkk pra q que eu vou querer a adira pintada de prata mlk

Mal posso esperar pra essa tortura acabar, vou pegar meu level 200 e não encostar nesse game até isso ter fim.

Evie r34, Indiana Jones quests, and Goku. Very cool!

The season gets a bad rep a lot I think. The only thing that lets it down is the lack of content and the length. apart from that the battle pass was good and there was a decent lootpool. Map wasn't to bad either

people hate on this season too much this was fun as fuck

It was fine, it was a little too sweaty starting out, and most of the stuff they added was neat but after a handful of times, I'd never use it besides times my friends wanted to try it. (mostly the Baller).

The new crossover stuff was neat, The DBZ stuff was neat but I felt like it overstayed its welcome, especially the DBZ weapons.

Honestly the best part of this season was that It's the season I got most of my friends into the game, which is when I was finally able to have some of the most fun I've ever had playing a multiplayer game.

The season itself was alright but it was elevated to peak status when the Dragon Ball event happened, so it’s a 10/10