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Froguelike is very simple and clear Vampire Survivors Clone. the games trades weapons/spells and monsters for tongues and bugs. The loop is fun and engaging enough, but doesn't offer nearly enough variety in weapons and enemies. I think the game only offers 6 total tongue weapon types, and then a standard array of buff tongues, such as attack speed, cooldown, damage, etc. Like its inspiration, the game is fun though, the screen gets full and the movement gets hectic. Hopeful for it to be able to build into something that can stand on its own.

NOTE: Game is in early access.

This is frog-themed Vampire Survivors essentially, which is a game formula I'm fine with, but just find kinda boring, so that's why the rating is a little low. Froguelike is a silly game with frogs. It's zany with some cute frog-themed ideas to play off the similar Vampire Survivors mechanics. While Froguelike is definitely more challenging, which I personally like, it unfortunately is noticeably less pretty graphically.

Normally, I wouldn't compare two games made by different people so intensely, but they're so similar to one another it's hard to not constantly think about Vampire Survivors while playing it. It's still super charming & cute looking and is a fun game to play, don't get me wrong. My love for froggies is what pushed me to want to try it out, and I'm very satisfied at the cute little frog elements spread throughout the whole thing ^^

Froguelike is definitely something I see myself playing a bunch when I'm looking to waste a little time on my computer (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b


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Ao comprar um jogo de acesso antecipado, você investe em uma promessa com potencial. Para mim, Froguelike tem muito potencial! O tema de sapos é bem-vindo em meio a tantos jogos parecidos, e a estrutura dos capítulos pode ser muito interessante, especialmente se eles começarem a usá-la para contar histórias diferentes dependendo do que você escolher. Mas, por enquanto, só posso recomendá-lo se você for um fã do gênero (ou um fã de sapos em geral). Espero voltar a este lago no futuro e estar animado para comer insetos novamente.