Reviews from

in the past

Beating this co-op was a hell of a night. Lots of Dr. Pepper.

Aged a little poorly but its a fucking banger so who cares

For a 2006 game, Gears of Wars still offers some magnificent and extremely well done graphics and awesome gameplay but their was no storyline and the dialogue was bad

hasnt aged great but still very fun and holds up

A couple of missions were kinda fun, but not enough to motivate me to play more.

This game is a total gem especially compared to the later releases. There is a sense of force and impact with everything that you do, and you basically play as football players with chainsaw guns fighting underground mutants. What's not to love? Totally properly introduced the cover-based 3rd person shooter to the world and one of the few games I've spent multiple nights playing until the morning. Maybe I have rose-colored goggles but this game is just awesome start to finish.

Played this with my brother too

É o melhor da série pra mim. Aqui realmente é ação e tiroteio toda hora, com os melhores cenários e ambientação da serie.

Gritty and chunky. Like oatmeal with hunks of beef.

esse é um jogo do 360 q envelheceu +ou-

Brothers to the end baby...

bölüm tasarımları çok iyi amq.

One of my favourite shooters and I greatly appreciate how this basically started cover-based shooters

While when it firts released it was certainly impressive the game now is incredibly basic and the story dosen't have anything engaging to say or show to the player

Call me crazy but the darker horror atmosphere of Gears 1 is still my favourite in the series. After this it inched closer in vibe to a Michael Bay summer blockbuster.

so strange to realize that big "boomer energy" game pushed cover game mechanic for future generations of action games

Zerei faz mt tempo, mas era mt bom, principalmente o co-op.

Hoje eu afirmaria sem titubear que jogar videogames é jogar "Gears of War" – como posso ter ignorado o game ao longo dos mais de cinco anos que estive ao lado do meu Xbox 360!? Comecei a campanha no Series S, via retrocompatibilidade, e simplesmente não consegui parar. A dinâmica de atirar e avançar é muito boa. Até parece que não vamos chegar em nenhum lugar com isso – apesar do prazer de estourar vários Locust no caminho –, mas felizmente surgem novos estímulos e ferramentas durante o gameplay. Tudo de uma maneira didática e orgânica. Já estou com o segundo baixado. Deus abençoe o Game Pass.

Esp: El comienzo de esta saga es muy bueno, un shooter enfocado en la acción y el enfrentamiento a locust. Es interesante ver a nuestro pelotón a través de distintos puntos de la ciudad en ruinas combatiendo abominaciones locust, tiene un modo historia sólido y buenos momentos.

Eng: The beginning of this saga is very good, a shooter focused on action and confrontation with locust. It's interesting to see our squad through different parts of the ruined city fighting locust abominations, it has a solid story mode and good times.

Gostei bastante, e nada dele ficou datado. Gamer Tag (nome no xbox): xTiuJow557

Respectably solid in nearly every way but narrative. It's kind of crazy to go back and see this weird, melancholy beast of a game with its aesthetics of crumbling opulence and political undertones of a dangerous fascistic empire that the literal earth wants to overturn after so many years and games that have cribbed from it wholesale. I still think the storytelling is too sparse for its own good, but the mechanical foundations are hard to deny in how airtight and well-oiled they all are. I should really get around to the remake and see if that shores up my issues with this game, because there really is a skeleton of something I could love in here beneath the frustrating elements.

While everyone else with an Xbox was hyping Halo to death, I was knee deep in grub blood tryna fight my way through Locust and save the world from a gurgling war. For me Gears of War was Xbox's biggest flagship game. For years when I thought of Xbox, I thought of Gears of War (and Fable). This was THE Xbox experience and I highly recommend it.

Simple and precise tools, placed where they're needed, in a volume as to suggest the simultaneous existence of Truth and Self, while remaining so clearly constructed that it's hard not to draw from the confidence that lays everything out in such fashions.

Rating: 6.9/10 - Average

The game has a lot of undercooked ideas and feels pretty rough at times (mainly when trying to move the character around). I do like some of what it does with the chainsaw and hammer of dawn but a lot of things here could have used more polish.

Story 4 | Gameplay 4.8 | Audio 4 | Visual 3 | Details 3 | Entertainment 5

Total 4