Reviews from

in the past

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Do not be deceived. This game's ending will make you depressed for the next few days. It just sucks so bad that everything you work for meant nothing by the end.

oh, to be a melancholic tradwife betrothed to an emotionally unavailable man in a declining rural community.

Not a fault of the game but I just always get completely and utterly stuck in games of this genre and don't understand them even though I'd like to.

Definitely the HM I've spent the most time with, it feels like a step up from earlier games in the series, but not yet derivative of itself or too focused on weird gimmicks like later games. Not really a game to play to try and beat, but just to drop in on your farm every now and again and see how things are doing. A cozy game before that term was common.

I need to finish it but so far it's a 4.5 stars

A game I sometimes revisit just to unwind and relax. Don't try to binge through this one, it gets stale fast. however everything about Forget-me-not-valley, the weather system, the lightning system, some of it's deep farming aspects and sound design is just really stellar stuff. It's a very relaxing game.

one of the best of all time, nothing but happy memories and cant wait to play the remaster

Review in progress:
I spent a lot of time playing this game as a child. Looking back, it was rather disappointing. Playing Friends of Mineral Town and Stardew Valley after this made me realize that I grew up with the wrong farming game.

The balance is laughably bad. Once you get access to fruit trees, there's no point in even bothering with other revenue streams. You make such an absurd amount of money that taking care of animals and standard crops is no longer worth the trouble. There's almost nothing to spend your money on though, so you'll quickly find yourself at a point where there's no incentive to farm... in a farming game.

Stamina is effectively a nonissue in this game (it exists, but you can't pass out anymore) and there are no power berries (which increase said stamina). Power berries acted as a compelling goal for players to work toward and added structure to what can otherwise feel like an aimless game. Removing the threat that comes along with low stamina greatly reduces the challenge factor. Both of these changes make the gameplay feel more dull.

Festivals in A Wonderful Life are terrible. There are only four of them, and all you do is watch a cutscene. Other Harvest Moon games have larger variety of festivals and the festivals have actual gameplay. There's nothing here to break up the monotony inherent to farming games.

The atmosphere and writing in A Wonderful Life have always stuck with me. They are the strongest aspects of the game by far. There's an overwhelming sense of melancholy that pervades throughout Forgot Me Not Valley. Nearly every characters is struggling, and none of them truly get past their issues. It makes the villagers feel like real people.

Those villager interactions are what kept the game from being a complete slog. Unfortunately, it doesn't take long to burn through their dialogue and social events. I wanted to learn more about the characters, but there simply wasn't enough writing added for each one.

Becoming friends with everyone is a quick and easy process. It can easily be done within the first 20 days or so even without gifts. There's very little incentive to talk to villagers after this point, which is a shame. Most of them give you poor rewards or nothing at all. I'd consider getting more dialogue and events to be a sufficient reward, but that doesn't happen here.

Cooking is useless. Why would I cook food when stamina doesn't matter and gift giving is unnecessary? Fishing also ends up being unneeded because of those factors plus the aforementioned broken economy. Tool upgrades no longer require materials and can instead be purchased with money. This means that there's no reason to mine, either.

Life doesn't get any better than your first few weeks of playing this game back in the early 2000s.

Made us think "maybe we'll do alright after all" in a post 9/11 world.

Amazing for its time, outdated but the charm is still there. Muffy is #1

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Unfortunately, this was my very first farming sim game and I loved it terribly. Yep, this was it back in 2003 and its kind of unbelievable farming sims have evolved so much since then.

This game has tons of jank. But I love it. The balance of selling crops/produce is still really tilted. But I adored it. The dialogue gets repetitive but my heart still skipped a beat when I would accidentally trigger a cutscene.

Something you absolutely need to know though is that (spoilers) you do actually die at the "end" of the game. I was pretty shocked as a kid and I can see why it would disappoint most people, but also I dont know many other farming sim games where you get to have a kid that actually grows up! That was a big deal back then. I'm surprised I dont hear more of that in farming sims nowadays. I have to say its pretty ballsy to have your farming sim actually end. I loved it, to be honest.

Raising your child is probably the most interesting and fun part of the game. You can influence what they'll be interested in and it does impact the end of the game! (also its hilarious how even the "old" people that live in your town will even outlive you when you're old and grey. Galen....Romana.....Sebastian.... I don't know what you're eating to stay alive but KEEP EATING IT)

This game kind of sucks but it absolutely has charm. The music, even as limited in tracks as it is, is really memorable and catchy and... warm? Yeah. Nothing but happy memories with this game. I've played it many many times. I honestly can't really recommend it to others but I'll always love it.

I felt like I played this game wrong. I was not earning much and seemingly my horse succumbed into an eternal depression.

It was a good farming experience overall. There was enough things to do to keep you busy. Some events were quite slow at times, but that's the rural farming life for you.

If there was a true ending to this game, I never got to the end of it.

I had a day where I lost an entire afternoon because I was playing this game and watching The Right Opinion. Simpler times

I love the game's (slightly) gritty tone, and how realistic some of the mechanics are, such as you having to impregnate your cow before it produce milk. The idea of a farming sim going on until your character literally dies of old age is fascinating. But the characters are extremely shallow and there's not much to actually do. By the start of Year 3 I got to the point where I achieved everything notable...and there's 10 years total to go through.

The devs knew they screwed up because later re-releases reduced the amount of in-game years to 6 & added more unlockables. I might play one of those rereleases but not anytime soon. If you're reading this, get the 2023 remake. Yes, it's uglier but it's worth the trade-off.

This game traumatized child me, too young to understand the mechanics I alienated my crush, got my animals dead and my Farmer got depression.

and im not joking.

ill come back for the remake maybe

Es un lindo juego de granjas, pero tiene varios defectos que lo hacen innecesariamente complicado, como la jugabilidad en sí o el poco tiempo que tienes en tu día a día, ya que el tiempo pasa demasiado rápido. Si no te vas a dormir a las 10 de la noche y te levantas a las 5 de la mañana, es muy difícil que te dé el día para hacerlo todo. También cuesta mucho empezar a hacer dinero, y el poco espacio que tienes para cultivar lo hace mucho más complicado, porque además las verduras tardan mucho en crecer.

Enjoyed this more than most Harvest Moons, but I don't remember why

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este é o melhor jogo de simulação de fazenda + novel (famoso harvest-like) de todos, os personagens são muito gostáveis e bem escritos, fazendo você se apegar por eles, as personagens casáveis são 3 ao invés de 5 como de costume, se não contar a Lumina que é casável no special edition, mais a quantidade menor favorece muito o jogo pois todas as 3 são muito legais, fica até difícil escolher qual voce ira se casar, isso é extremamente difícil de fazer em jogos desse genero, como por exemplo o friends of mineral town ou até mesmo stardew valley tem um numero maior de casáveis, mais elas/eles brincam mais com estereótipos e cada um ser muito diferente um dos outros, o que tira esse peso de decisão pois voce vai acabar escolhendo uma pessoa com o estereótipo que mais te agrada, isso é um defeito? claro que não, mais é isso que o a wonderful life tem de charme,
além disso o sistema de fazenda dele é mais simples que jogos harvest-Like mais modernos, sendo focado em plantações, nos animais, na pesca e nada mais avançado que isso, e essa simplicidade que me agrada desse titulo, ele é mais rotineiro e mais gratificante por isso, quando eu abro esse titulo pra uma jogatina rápida, eu não tenho que ficar caçando em cavernas pra achar itens específicos no stardew ou cozinhar num sistema que é impossível de jogar sem um guia como no mineral town, aqui é mais simples e sem contar que como voce não tem muitas responsabilidades como nos 2 jogos citados, voce tem bem mais tempo pra andar na cidade e conversar com os personagens
por fim, vou falar no meu sistema favorito, o jogo envelhece com o tempo, meu amigo ou amiga, isso é algo maravilhoso, pois os jogos harvest-like eles não tem um fim definitivo, o que é muito bom, tenho que admitir, mais como um jogador que gosta de uma boa historia, é meio ruim pois os personagens nunca envelhecem, nunca amadurecem nem nada, aqui eles entregam o que eu queria nesse tipo de jogo, personagens mais velhos falecem em algum momento, crianças cressem e viram adultos, voce consegue ver o seu filho conquistando as coisas e o jogo acaba com você falecendo de velhice, claro, isso é um pouco mórbido e bem triste, mais... esse jogo traz essa metáfora pra voce jogador, que tudo nessa vida terá algum fim um dia, que voce não verá mais uma pessoa amada, que o seu filho vai se auto-sustentar um dia, que os seus animais não são eternos e por aí vai, então aproveite cada segundo com as suas pessoas amadas, comendo a sua comida favorita, assistindo aquela serie/filme/anime favorito, ou até mesmo jogando harvest moon a wonderful life!

I will always love this game for being such a big part of my childhood but fully playing through it for the first time this year really put a spotlight on a lot of the game's flaws unfortunately! Simply not enough to do and far too many days to get through to progress the game and even try to appreciate the unique aging mechanic of the story.

I grew up around a farm area and this game plays out how I dreamt farm life to be haha, spent many summers as a youth playing this with my siblings and it felt touching to see our characters age as we did and live out their wonderful lives. I consider this the best HM in terms of story and very deep levels of depth in the farming game aspect.

murda dat like button if u married the homely farmer’s daughter