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The most recent (and best) Haunted Cities collection by Kitty Horrorshow. Exclusion Zone isn't exactly scary, but it is strange and overwhelmingly dark in both look and tone. Grandmother's Garden is some sort of spiritual successor of, or alternate take on the first game from the first Haunted Cities volume, titled Grandmother. it's quite foreboding in its tone, never shaking the feeling that something bad is going to happen. Tenement is incredible, the overall look and sound of it is beautiful, and the writing imagines a really interesting dream-like world, with a bunch of inhabitants to talk to, though there is a lot more to it that what first meets the eye.

Lethargy Hill is one of the best games of the Haunted Cities collections. It involves walking around this dark red forest environment with a house threateningly looming over you in the distance, all the while a story appears to you on screen telling the story of the "woman" that lives there. It's really sad, painful, and scary to behold.

Kitty Horrorshow is one of the best to ever do it

Alright, I guess. If you like obnoxiously long paragraphs in the middle of your meanderings, then you can roll this game like newspaper and shove it in your ass.

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Exclusion Zone: The Archeology of Pain. You set off from a walled compound, out into what seems like an empty, foggy wasteland, making your way eventually to a long-abandoned, otherworldly shrine which crackles with radioactive contamination. You explore the site for clues, finding only glimpses of the outlines of what tragedy might have happened here long ago. There is a palpable anticipation as you confront this massive structure, its architrcture imposing on you and seemingly staring back into you.

Grandmother's Garden: A spiritual sequel/reworking of "grandmother" from the first Haunted Cities collection. After getting a key from Grandmother, who sits silently watching static on TV, you wander around Grandmother's Garden- a wooded farmstead teaming with viscera. Blood, bile, and phlegm are drawn from the well, to feed, feed, feed the parasitic trees. Get digging.

Tenement: The piece de resistance of the collection. You explore a neighborhood of tenement buildings suspended over a yawning void. This strange community is populated by digital ghosts with animal skulls for faces, each of which tells you a little story. This is the best of KittyHorrorshow's writing, in my opinion; the denizens of Tenement interweave the mundanity and horror of city living, describing hotels that eat you alive, or rooms pulsing with organs, all with a wistful, melancholy boredom. As you explore the town, the call of the abyss is inescapable, and eventually you will jump, only to find yourself in the sewers of Tenement, similarly haunted by storytellers. When you find a ladder up, you will return to the surface, but the town will be different- new denizens, a darker color to the sky, new films advertised on the theatre marquee (e.g. "The Theatre's Exposed, Beating Heart), alleys that are... not quite the same as before... You are trapped in a cycle of suicide and rebirth, locked in a lonely, decaying purgatory.

Lethargy Hill: There's no mistaking it this time- you are now in hell. You walk around under a blood red sky, never out of sight of the monstrous tick-like house on the hill. As you move, you are bombarded by unescapable text, recounting to you the story of an all-powerful hate-filled woman creating a family to make her miserable life even worse. This narrative, in turn, is interrupted by another voice, a metatextual screed against this world, this game itself. The apocalyptic world you wander is tearing itself apart, screaming, assaulting you the player. Brutal.

The game Tenement off of this 4 game collection is one of my favourite games and a huge creative inspiration. It's made up of a bunch of tiny stories in this strange world and and and I love it so <3

[The aesthetics & vision behind all of this is magical & something I find very special.]

"grandmother's garden" has some rly rly cool stuff in it ... love the still-frames with lines of prose

Holy fuck this is what im talkin about. This is exactly the kind of shit I want when I boot up a series of bite size, abstract horror experiences. "Tenement" alone makes this pack 4.5 stars, and the rest are just added bonus. Would highly recommend checking this out if you're into weird horror games. It's free, and will only take about 2 hours or so to get through all 4 games.