Reviews from

in the past

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La historia si está muy buena y está Fubuki aaa. Las locaciones al fin son variadas y buenas, las tecnicas están mucho mas balanceadas y la evolución de las técnicas es una muy buena adición, muy adictiva. la mayoria de partidos son muy faciles. pero el partido contra Genesis y los emperadores oscuro son bien dificiles.

Nem lembro se joguei o Blizzard ou o Firestorm, mas vai esse mesmo

Le plus grand jeu de la Nintendo DS. INAZUMA Eleven a su s’imposer comme une énorme licence de qualité du JV et cet opus n’y est pas pour rien !

If you have a gf that knows about Inazuma Eleven just know that she's not your gf anymore, she's Axel Blaze's

De lejos el mejor juego de Inazuma, que barbaridad

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where were you when kazemaru got run over by 5 alien child soldiers?

Love this game to death, my first proper JRPG that isn't Pokemon.

2 juegón de la trilogía original y posiblemente el mejor, sea por los bloqueos, tiros encadenados, no lo se, pero la mejor plantilla de IE. PD: Byron todavía no me ha hecho un hijo.

très complet dommage pour le non-succès cela dit

Mark Evans possède des traits autistique.

lo dejé a medias hace año y pico a ver si lo reinicio que me entero 0 de la historia si no nsq de aliens y furbo

buen juego, pero el cap 8 me hartó el ir del punto a al punto b por como 10 veces,

Continuación de Inazuma Eleven. Jugablemente bastante parecido, con una historia más loca aún si cabe xD Muy entretenido y satisfactorio

Brilliant sequel to the first game, polishing the gameplay by adding more characters, special moves and new mechanics such as long shots which add more depth to the gameplay.
The recruitment system has also been improved and is the best it has ever been in the series, allowing you to use a variety of characters in every playthrough.
The post game is also improved, having more extra competition routes with custom teams to keep you engaged.
The characters and dialogue once again are charming with a larger focus on the story.
There are some negatives however, for instance there could be argued that there is a surplus of forced losses for the sake of story.
Overall though, this is a great improvement on the already excellent gameplay of the first game which I would be happy to come back to regularly.


hola somos los aliens y vamos a destruir la tierra si queréis pelear que sea con futbol uwu

One of the best games in the series. Character and narrative in this one are some of the best and definitely the most complex storytelling. The plot twist is a real wig snatch and I would die for my football sons. If you like the series play the games. Also Fubuki>Gouenji

best inazuma eleven season, best game in the series, the team customization was great

Really fun played in on drastic emulator on Android when I was young

muy buen avance respecto al 2 y king redux es el padtre de todos

Un jeu où il y a Xene, c'est au minimum du 4 étoiles. Vive ceux qu'avaient Tempête de feu


One of the best games for the Nintendo DS.
Inazuma Eleven 2 fixes everything the first game didn't do well and does it in a such a way where it makes this sequel the best title of the franchise.

The story for this is my favorite, it's extremely interesting and I will forever remember how fun the final "battle" was, I will honestly pay to forget about this game and play it all over again, such an amazing experience.
And, to add to it, the replayablity for this is crazy, genuenly feels like it never ends.

Eu já tinha amado o primeiro, aqui eu só afirmo o meu amor pela franquia. Absolutamente tudo foi melhorado, a base é igual, mas adicionando e melhorando mecânicas, a historia e personagens estão mais divertidos do que nunca, fora as musicas maravilhosas

nostalgie + trop de contenu + inazuma purée on était heureux a cette époque, ca regardait des soluces en 3g dans la voiture en rentrant des cours