Reviews from

in the past

epic game I love tapping the screen

i will never get back those 100 dollars i wasted on anime jpgs
great game

Muito bom, infinitamente melhor que o All Star em quesito gameplay, All Star só é bom pq tem cards bonitos e muito card da Aqours, mas só isso mesmo

I abandoned it three times, which means I tried it again twice, Main Dia Kurasawa, but apart from that, this kind of game is destined to live as retired, it's like any other gatcha, eventually I have to say "no more", but the rhythm game model is excellent, and I've jammed to more than one song.

I enjoy the characters and stories, though the gameplay can get repetitive. But the game can be quite generous with rare items, and i've built up a sizable collection of idols in 3+ years without spending a single penny (then again I'm not the kind of person to spend money on any FTP game sooooooooooo).

i can't believe i've been playing this game since, what. 2015? and i have never touched the anime. if im honest I dont think i've ever spent or will spend as much hours as i have in this game for anything else

Esse jogo além de ter músicas ótimas me ajudou bastante a aperfeiçoar o reflexo

Ansiedad es lo que me daba este juego.
Constantemente jugando para conseguir LPs SIN PARAR.

RIP. Fun game... gonna miss it...

por causa desse jogo eu sou procurada em 58 países E tudo começou quando a klab decidiu apagar minha conta que tava no rank 115... ai depois disso foi só ÓDIO E ESTELIONATO

i don't understand it but uhh funny circles and girls pretty :]

Had a lot of fun with this for over a year and it's a solid rhythm game, but felt like moving on from it in the end

I used to play this game almost every day until I got a new phone that was too big for my baby hands to reach the middle of the screen with my thumbs.

havent actively played in a long time and every time i come back i curse klab for adding so much unnecessary garbage but considering how many urs i have f2p and the fact that i was an active player for two years or so probably means something

god where did it all go wrong

i feel like i'm one of the few people that plays this for the actual gameplay rather than the gacha but look if it means i get to listen to love live music i'll take it

(the gacha system is very unforgiving so i'm glad)

my first exposure to idol franchises, i will always have a soft spot for this game <3

anyways stan chika takami

When I met my partner, they introduced me to Love Live, a series I now absolutely love. And, of course, I absolutely love them, and to that end:

forever going to mean a lot to me. excited for sif2 <3

Thank you for the 7+ years SIF. You will always have the biggest place in my heart..