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in the past

Just as mediocre and the DLC doesn't really help other than making money less of an issue due to the weed business

Finally, base game and DLCs are done.

Base Game - 6 - Had great potential but main mission design was just awful.
Faster, Baby! - 5 - I can live with this. Short but you grow weed so... win?
Stones Unturned - 8 - I wish this was the main game.
Sign of the Times - 3 - Stay away from me

Overall Score: 6 - I had fun with this game, even with all these flaws. But can't recommend to everyone.

Now this is an interesting one!

There's a lot more to do in the open world of Mafia 3 than the previous instalments but unfortunately it is far more generic and full of far more open world game bloat as a consequence. Every area has you doing the same repetitive mission types - steal the car, kill the man, blow up the thing etc - until you've done enough damage to operations to access the sub-boss encounter. Best a couple of them and you'll unlock the area boss, which is usually where Mafia 3's best interactions lie, with cool, bespoke environments for the battles and they're full of action-packed set pieces. In the previous two games, you just moved from mission to mission and a much more linear approach here would've made for a much more enjoyable game. It's those endless
repetitive missions... they pad out a top drawer 10-12 hour game into something nearer to 30.

What keeps Mafia 3 compelling throughout is the narrative. Expanding on the ideas touched upon in the first two games, Mafia 3 is a really well-written and really brave look at a particular time period, not only capturing the atmosphere and vibe effortlessly but refusing to shy away from the gigantic shadow of racism that loomed (and to be fair, still looms) over parts of the USA. It tackles the subject head-on, with unflinching use of racist slurs and iconography throughout the game to leave you with a constant feeling of unease around many of the characters, even those who are supposedly on your side. It captures the tension, the disgust and the anger through a good story, a great script and some incredible performances.

There's a few slightly half-baked attempts at incorporating racism into in-game elements, such as police response time varying and certain areas being no-go zones but those are all found quite quickly to be a bit unimportant in the overall experience.

The game is still pretty buggy, despite this 'Definitive Edition' having a bunch of patches and extra content and there's a lot of time spent with Mafia 3 doing a lot of things I've binned many an open world game off for doing but the story told here of Lincoln Clay's one-man revenge mission against a backdrop of racism in a fictionalised New Orleans was interesting enough to keep me on board until the credits rolled.

A rare, genuinely well-written videogame.

História e narrativa muito boas, porém o gameplay é extremamente automático.

the story is cool but the documentary segments I felt like was just an excuse for them to tell the events that were about to unfold rather than show them through the gameplay. I would've liked it more if they combined all of those little cutscenes together and made it one actual documentary about Lincoln Clay that you unlocked post-game.

the gunplay is the best in the series. the gameplay loop for taking every district was very interesting but it lost it's luster after the second district I had taken over and it just got extremely repetitive.

the police in this game are a literal joke and were much more threatening in Mafia 2 as they had the ability to remember your outfit/physical appearance and license plate. getting every collectible was not worth it and there was no tommy inspired outfit.

Decent gangster story but I am always a fan 90s us its so intriguing and a world I would like to explore.

Fun at times, really good shooting and driving system but other than that just bland. Didn't like any of the characters, didn't like the lazy story telling of flashing back and forth. Just felt lost and everything was a chore

realmente é repetitivo, mas esse jogo tem muuuita coisa boa, n merece o hate

Jogado no Xbox series S

Talvez seja um potencial desperdiçado, os gráficos as vezes são bonitos, outras vezes é estranho, combate e dirigibilidade ok, repetitivo ao extremo certas partes, os destaques positivos é a história e personagens e a ambientação de new bordeaux é tbm destaque, tente experimentar pela história se quiser jogar um dia.

L'ambientació és bastant peculiar, els anys 60 als Estats Units no és un escenari comú als videojocs, menys encara des de la perspectiva de la màfia. El joc tenia potencial per tractar temes madurs i bastant polítics, però gairebé no s'explota; tret d'uns pocs moments i d'una missió en què et peles a uns desgraciats del KKK. El joc no sap si vol ser un GTA o un Màfia clàssic: el guió sembla dissenyat per combinar-se amb una narrativa linial, però l'èmfasi a les missions i activitats secundàries l'allunyen d'aquesta estructura linial. El resultat és ni una cosa ni l'altra, una barreja a mitges que no acaba de funcionar gaire bé.

A més, l'únic que fas és fotre hosties (i conduir), les missions es basen a arribar a un lloc, matar tothom i tocar el dos. En fi, és com l'Skyrim però sense dracs parlants ni homes-gat.

Bit of a let down this mafia was. First one to go open world and it wasn’t great, very repetitive and the mission choices were poor and the same. Lincoln Clay was a good protagonist but it was a poor game in the mafia series. Nice to see Vito again tho.

Can be a buggy mess but I was happy to see Vito’s story continued

I just love the gameplay. I know, it's repetetative, but it works for me.

The game has solid ideas and a great ending, but it is ruined by the -very- repetitive gameplay unfortunately.

Also the PC version is bad...
Too many times have I had the mouse click on my second monitor despite being in fullscreen mode.
And there is no "Windowed Fullscreen" mode as well, which is a shame imo.

This is a generic film but with a lot of potential, the engine, the fighting, the shooting even the side characters have a lot of qualities, the city is amazing, the cars, the radio.

But the main character doesn't make any sense, it's so out of the place, this doesn't not look like any of the first 2 games, this looks like a Die Hard game or a generic Steven Seagal vengeance flick and when they try to implement Mafia things into it, it feels odd because it's ridiculous.

The beautiful thing about the first two games is that you are always reminded that you are a nobody, to be someone would be impossible because you are not made, you are not part of a family, you have no money, you work and do everything that someone asks, you can be someone, but you would never be the top guy.

While the two games have different lessons, the first is about family and redemption and the second is about friendship and loyalty, this one is about killing and only killing, the thing is, killing is nothing and soulless without feeling.

There's an incredible foundation here and even then they needed a much, a much better screenplay to pull this off.

Cue up your own classic rock playlist in a background app and cruise around doing side missions to get the most out of this game. The one Manson-family-inspired expansion is actually pretty fun and worth getting. To play your own way through Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

great shooting mechanics, great graphics, insanely cool environment, and good car handling and physics ruined by a shitty story and repetitive and boring missions with a side of pozzed "muh racizm" sjw pandering

plot is fine could do betterr. gameplay can be infuriting and repititve and oh well. not bad but not grreat either.

really solid game just the racket missions are very repetitive

Знаете спустя годы я все таки понял эту игру и зачем она есть, и после марафона всех частей на платину я полностью осознал что вся серия это серая посредственность, 3 часть получилось больше похожая на переосмысление The Godfather II и его механик, плохо ли это или хорошо решать вам, но от игры можно получить удовольствие это не так плохо как общее первое впечатления в 2016.

Красивая графика. Игра не понравилась. От слова совсем. Если сравнивать с предыдущими частями, то эта и рядом не стоит. Едешь оч далеко ради одного диалога, либо просто убиваешь пачками типов. Не интересно. Часов 10 наиграла и дропнула.

its an alright game, but it definitely doesnt feel like a mafia game like the others in the franchise. i think theres too much action as opposed to storytelling and taking out the rackets in each district gets old and repetitive pretty easily.

This game is interesting. It has a ton of visual bugs, it gets pretty repetitive along the way, specially the underboss missions to increase income, I could only do about 3 of those before I ran out of pacience.

However, despite all that, this is the best game in the series I think. Best story for sure, best gameplay, even if it's not as focused as 1 or as engaging as 2.

Definitely worth a play

This review contains spoilers

I played on hard difficulty with simulation driving. I completed the main story, all the races, and the Faster, Baby! DLC.

This game is really bad. Going in, the main thing I heard about the game was that the missions are repetitive and man, that is a fucking understatement. Essentially, our goal is to kill the big bad mobster, but to do that we have to take care of each of his underbosses, and to get at each of them we have to take care of the people under them and so on, until it gets to we have to do a series of EXTREMELY repetitive tasks in order to get at the lowest level boss. Every task is basically go up to a place and there's bad guys there. There is essentially no variation on this. This shit reminded me of Assassin's Creed 1. The main story missions feel like throwaway filler side quests in an open world game. And then I checked out one of the side quests and it was even more side-quest-y (go find me 3 of this kind of car). Once you've done enough shitty filler missions, you go fight through a bunch of guys to kill whatever boss and then repeat the whole process. After the prologue, there's only a few levels that feel like any thought at all was put into them. And at its core, it's just a mediocre third person shooter. The shooting felt frustrating more often than it felt fun.

The story really fits the gameplay in that it is also terrible. We start with an interesting prologue that sets up our protagonist's motivation for revenge, and we end with enacting said revenge, having become the biggest mob boss in town, and then getting to choose if we stay and replace what we destroyed, or leave and put all this behind us. That's all good, but for the middle 18 hours there's basically nothing. Like Assassin's Creed 1, it's just a loop of "we gotta kill this guy but first we gotta do all these tasks", and after you go through that a few times you get a BIG GUY to kill but none of these people are characters that matter, they're just levels. And Marcano, the big bad boss, doesn't really seem to care or fight back at any point. We don't get any interaction with him since the prologue. The game fails to make me care about any of the characters or any of the plot. Even in an emotional scene where I've had to kill one of my underbosses because they turned against me because I didn't give them any districts, I do not care. Way too much of this game is people talking about shit I couldn't care less about.

Our protagonist, Lincoln Clay, is not interesting. Most of his loved ones got killed by Marcano and so he's getting revenge by killing Marcano (which requires killing a LOT of other people first). And that's basically it. Lincoln's never remorseful about all the people he's killing on his quest. He never grapples with whether he's worse than his enemies. And I don't really care about him. He's a pretty bad guy.

Every time I play a game like this it baffles me how a developer could possibly think this is good. At least AC1 was the first in the series. They improved that shit right away. This is Mafia THREE and so much of it feels like a shitty first draft. Like ya okay he works his way through dismantling Marcano's organization racket by racket. That's a good idea, but we can't just be doing the same shit over and over. Let's go back to the writer's room and try to come up with some interesting things to happen in the game please.

Now for some positives. The game looks pretty good, but there's a lot of pop-in to the point that it's consistently distracting. The radio is nothing but bangers. The simulation driving is great, and the races are fun, so much so that I did them all, and I rarely do optional content when I dislike a game this much. I accidentally did the Faster, Baby! DLC story (the DLC missions are presented as main story missions) and that was good. It was right after a major milestone in the game, so I was hopeful that only the first part of the game was garbage and the rest of the game would be good like that mission. Oh how wrong I was.
Overall this game is incredibly disappointing. There's a fair amount of potential in it. I could imagine a game where the way you take down the mob, choosing which rackets to take down and which underbosses to give them to, and the mob striking back at you in different ways depending on your decisions is all very interesting and strategic, but that isn't this game. This game is bad.

Although I did spend around 32 hours in this (completing most dlc too), I probably won't return to this.

Stealth is fun, combat fun, very repetitive but eventually learned to embrace it. The story is great, however the middle part of the game is so fucking shit aswell as the DLCs. Several graphic glitches, poor facial animations etc. When the games looks good it looks really good, but not always the case.

Even though I have plenty of issues with this game, I somehow still found it so fun? I'm actually surprised myself at why I kept playing even though the game didn't offer new mechanics. I just like stealth I guess, which this games does pretty good. Guns are very awesome too and I liked the wheel of perks from the different factions.

Solid okay game, wouldn't recommend it though as I acknowledge that most people will not be able to find the fun I found in this.

It's actually better than i expected