Reviews from

in the past

Can't go wrong with Mario and Luigi RPGs

Pretty darn good and the writing was still top notch but I think I got stuck on it somewhere and never technically finished it. Sorry Bowser.

Very good! Shame Alphadream's dead now.

it is good childhood game awesome game and cool + awesome its fun play it if you havent
also has neat soundtrack

A great childhood game. So much about it is great with the gameplay loop, the visuals, the characterization of Bowser, and the very interesting gimmick lets just say. I loved playing as Bowser so much.

I don't have a vore fetish I swear this game is just pure kino

Bowser's Inside Story remains as one of my favorite Nintendo RPGs and the best entry in this series thanks to its excellent visuals, refined gameplay, and catchy score. The quirky writing and gameplay variety also doesn't get any better than this. By far, this remains as the most unique and well-executed iteration of the Mario and Luigi franchise.

It was really fun, great music, humor and characters. Some of the battles were so unique in how they utilize both DS screens.

But damn the boss fights dragged on too long, + many touch screen minigames that felt bad to play.

Bowser overworld > Mario & Luigi overworld
Mario & Luigi combat > Bowser combat
Wish the gimmicky Bowser boss sections weren't there and I got to roam in top down space with the Bros. more.

[ Story: 10/10 | Gameplay: 10/10 | OST: 10/10 ]

I'm biased because this game already has a lot of sentimental value to me, but this is genuinely one of the best experiences I've had with gaming. Wacky, fun, and memorable; this holds a soft spot in my heart. Thank you Alphadream.

Not a huge fan of the Mario & Luigi RPG's but this was the only one that really hooked me. Can't explain why, it just has a certain charm to it that just clicks with me. It's fun.

This was one of the games that got me into rpgs, the gameplay is amazing and it does a phenomenal job at being goofy at times but also serious at times (this was one of the only mario games I've ever played that I actually gave a shit about the story)

My favorite in the series, and one of my favorite DS games. I love how everything looks, I still think the writing is funny, and the gameplay is creative and engaging. I have some really good memories playing this game when it came out, and I still think it's worth playing today. A personal favorite.

The best of M&L. There are some parts that drag, but it's well written and it has some really cool, creative moments.

Best Mario game because it has a good ost and fun gameplay and a good cast of characters

the most fetishy mario rpg is also the best one, huh

The other best game about vore you'll ever play.

This is, without a doubt, the best DS game ever made.

Took me FOREVER to beat when I was younger, but was so satisfying. I just love everything about it too, it's got humor, interesting combat and game mechanics. This game kicks ass.

didn't particularly care for it, not my style of rpg. i get the appeal tho!

These games are great. This is the last great one. Bowser is an awesome dude and makes every game better.

AlphaDream realmente hizo un juego con todos los fetiches, fue un 10/10, y cayó en bancarrota

I love when Mario RPGs can get weird with their stories. This game slaps and spending half the game playing as Bowser is awesome.

incroyaaable, ce n'est pas un jeu auquel j'ai joué enfant, donc je n'ai pas de lunettes de nostalgie et en toute objectivité c'est un super jeu, il me tarde de faire les autres Mario rpg. Les musiques sont trop cool, Bowser est trop goofy j'adore le jouer et j'ai trouvé qu'il utilise vraiment l'entièreté des capacité de la DS, le fait de la tourner et tout, c'était super !!