Reviews from

in the past

An incredibly solid Picross game, one of the best actually, with a huge amount of levels and a really great difficulty curve. Will definitely come back to this and finish more levels but had to stop for a while when I realized I was nowhere near done. Also surprisingly good music. Definitely pick it up however you can if you like single-player puzzle games.

In what's starting to look like a very old and persistent trend with Nintendo Picross games, many of the puzzles in this game commit the cardinal sin of forcing players to do guesswork. I ran into this problem in the DS games and I'm disappointed to find they've been making this mistake for (seemingly) years. Sure the rewind feature on Switch mitigates the time penalty basically completely, but I guess I just expected tighter logic from a "deduction game".

Also, put a podcast or your music on while playing because there's only one good song in the whole game. The rest range from middling to annoying.

Lovely little picross package here, only problem is that some of the levels can have difficulty spikes and i found myself guessing on at least a few later stages. this is really perfect for nso though.

never played a picross game that would make you mark down which rows/columns you finished manually. they really lived like that back then huh.

Surprisingly good way to play Picross with online multiplayer

this is my first picross but this shit is addicting

This game is the sleeper hit of the SNES Online games on the Nintendo Switch. Super Mario World has been released countless times. I've played it on the Super Nintendo, the Wii, the 3ds, the SNES Mini, and the Switch. Everyone knows about it. More people should know about and play Mario's Super Picross. This game makes me want to scream in delight at its sounds, puzzles, and art. Seriously, Picross is good, and this is a good Picross!

This is 4 stars instead of 5 because most of the pictures were unrelated to Mario, which is bad because there's so much good Mario art in this game!

This game became my first real foray into Picross after a streamer I followed got really into it (Many years ago I tried playing Pokemon Picross on the 3DS but couldn't really understand it). The music is pleasing, the art is fun, and picross is a really fun game to play!

My one complaint is that the time limit on the Mario levels add a large and frankly unneeded amount of stress to this otherwise relaxing game. It can get especially annoying in the later levels, where the picross grids are absolutely massive.

Picross. Good. Excellent presentation and some surprisingly good music.

I can't decide if I really love this game or hate it with a burning passion.

I've stayed up late too many times for that One More Puzzle hit. Got far enough that I was stumped at how to begin.

wait i own a sfc in person now i could actually buy this oh my gah

this is potentially one of the best games on the nintendo switch library

i cannot imagine my life before picross anymore.

A title jammed packed with puzzle challenges, yet can be unfair with the ridiculous amount of trial & error guessing on harder difficulties.

big mario big mario big big mario now turning into small small mario small mario mayoi snail

A ver, a mí me gustan mucho los picross, pero éste no tiene literalmente nada de Mario. Más allá de que aparecen personajes conocidos en el fondo de los menús y de que están Mario y Wario presentándote los modos de juego, los paneles no tienen ni una sola alusión a la saga.

Played this in 2014, it was my first Picross game ever. Puzzles were at a decent difficulty level for a beginner! The Wario puzzles were probably the best part of the game since it didn't really tell you if you were right or wrong until you finish the puzzle. Features from this game will go on to feature in some of the better Picross games of the future.

My second full play through on the Switch SNES app. A belter of a game and I really hope we keep getting more gems like this on there.

guys, it's Mario Picross, it's awesome

It's Mario, it's Picross. What else is there to say?

There's a few technical aspects that I wish were better, but it's a picross game on Super Famicom. Not sure what you'd expect.

so awesome and poggers bro

wario picross kinda sucks sometimes because its really hard to deduce stuff

I played this as a joke but now I think I'm addicted

I picked this game up to play a few easy puzzles and then never touch it again. I cleared all of them in that group. So I decided, why not tackle the next, that was a decent time. Next thing I knew I had put 7 hours into the game in two days. I love Mario Picross.