Reviews from

in the past

The story may be unfinished but the gameplay is so goddamn amazing that it's hard to be mad at it.

bundle maravilhoso inclui toda dlc e a demo do ground zero
versão definitiva pra se jogar.

Metal Gear fan here. This game is probably more enjoyable to newcomers than fans, but an overall good experience. There is a lot of freedom to complete the game however you see fit, but this is the least Metal Gear a Metal Gear game can get. (If we consider Ground Zeroes and TPP as the same game, that would make this the third game in the series chronologically.)

Pretty fun game but it has some real difficulty issues. I never could beat the metal gear at the end on xbox no matter how hard I tried. The researching and gunsmithing is pretty cool but the motherbase thing kind of feels like a mobile game. The sandbox is really good but the enemies are pretty braindead which leads to no interesting enemies to really test it on.

I started this game years before this on the Xbox One but it didn't make any sense to me so I just stopped because I wanted to play the other games first. It was a good decision. These games are a game/life changer for me. I can finally see what the big fuss is about. SNAAAAAKEEEE!!

Ill admit I haven't put heaps of hours into this one, but I tried a couple times and dropped it after a few hours both times. Something about it just turned me off. Ground Zeroes was pretty fun, but the main game was just eh.

lemme beat the other 4, this was like 15$ and worth it but mgs 2 made me want to eventually continue just gimme a bit

Um dos jogos da minha vida e o primeiro que fiz questão de platinar de tão bom que é, isso pq é incompleto, se esse jogo fosse completo, puta merda kkkkkk... não platinei o Ground Zeroes(ainda)

Best gameplay in the series, but the new structure along with fatigue playing the series back to back kicked in and I put it on the shelf. Will be back soon though because I did enjoy what I played.

The balls of Konami to explicitly call this "The Definitive Package" knowing they sold Ground Zeroes separately is astounding. If you want an excellent introduction to MGS5 that isn't the 1 hour crawling simulator in the hospital, this is the way to go. At the time of writing, I have yet to finish Phantom Pain, but based off of what I have already experienced, this is the first Metal Gear game where I have truly enjoyed the gameplay, enough so that I want to delve back in to the earlier games with a new set of eyes.

Excellent jeu avec d'excellente mécanique de stealth. L'histoire est intéressante, malgré le fait qu'il y aille certains moments moins intéressants et un manque de cutscene évidents.

The base mechanics are great but the game is way too long while not feeling complete. I miss linear levels

Eu sei que a narrativa é bem mid, mas falando do mundo e sua gameplay, é uma perfeição sem palavras.

look man the story is pretty bad but that gameplay man HOOOO BOY its good shit

It takes both Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain and puts them together into one experience if you haven't played these games get this one it's so much gameplay and content for you.

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This game is absolutely fantastic. I picked this up at a CEX for a stupid low price, like £8. It was some of the best money i've ever spent - I got hundreds of hours out of this game, some smiles on my Dad's face as he watched me play (he LOVES the original MGS, and he loves stealth / sniper games, so he enjoyed giving me commentary and advice where he could), and many tears toward the back end of the experience.

I want to note that I do not condone the trash practice of selling Ground Zeroes as a full priced game for an hour of content, however on this disc it is added for free, and it is a nice addition. Basically prologue DLC.

The gameplay is close to flawless. Everything feels as smooth as butter and Snake has a behind that looks the same way (he got them cheeks tho). The story really hits hard - unfortunately there are alot of replay missions toward the back end, and though the missions are fun so it's not a complete chore, it does come across as lazy which is unfortunate as it's basically the only thing stopping this being a 5/5.

Multiplayer is mid but it's not really part of the score at all as it's not the focus. The single player deserves the rating on its own.

Not ticked as mastered as I'm a few top ranks away from unlocking Raiden.



oh whoops I left caps lock on my bad imagine that

While the story is weak compared to the other games the gameplay is so easily replayable and enjoyable.

Since this is just the full version of V its is a more full experience but I really do wish the TPP part of the game took more from GZ in terms of atmosphere and gameplay considering the open world aspect and lack of major indoor military installations made the game feel a bit foreign. Lack of cutscenes also dragged the game down but still a solid mgs title and Ill take this over PW any fucking day.

The man who sold the world, sold the complete game to the Abyss and that left me with a Phantom Pain.

Ground Zeroes sets up a lot of narrative and themes that The Phantom Pain gleefully ignores, which makes me dislike them both. The thesis works a lot better in MGS2 than in MGSV. There's so much needless cruelty. Great gameplay, though.

One of my favorite games of all time

Finish ground zeroes and the prologue of phantom pain. So far shit going crazy, and I’m all for it. The stealth has become even better than before

I finished the game but the game is unfinished. But what is finished was top tier stealth gameplay.

Everytime i listen to "The man who sold the world" i get the urge to pick this game back up again, play a couple missions, get frustrated, and then shelf it again. What is wrong with me?