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in the past

A great expansion that improves an already great game, bringing back interesting monsters.

World breathed a level of QOL that the series desperately needed going forward, but it has some missteps. The endgame is tired and boring, the weapon aesthetics are so absurdly uninspired to the point of making upgrading weapons feel almost tedious, and there is WAY too much CC at the hunters disposal.

Still, I think there's a lot of things to keep in iceborne, and at the end of the day, it is probably the most polished title overall. So I hope monster hunter stays away from handhelds from now on.

if paolumu let me bite into her tumor i would

This is the equivalent of a G/Ultimate release of previous Monster Hunters. New snow area is massive and full of little details and secrets. Newer monster are cool but are completely overshadowed by the over abundance of returning monsters. The claw is really cool but way too broken and can easily be abused. Guiding-lands is good but the levels going down if another area goes up kinda blows. Overall really good.

If you hated the FOMO in World. It's back in more full force here with for a while (until Raging Brachydios and even then arguably until Fatalis) some of the best gear of the game being only available in a limited time event that would come around bi-monthly.

The Clutch Claw absolutely destroys any fun of this game. It's poorly implemented into so many weapons feeling more intrusive and like a slowing down of the combo than an extension of it. The fact monsters aggression has been turned up too from World only makes it more infuriating when you latch onto a monster (something that is mandatory as hitzones were turned to absolute dogshit and Weakness Exploit was made practically useless without Tenderizing) to soften their hide only for it to do some fuckhead attack that drains all your health in one hit. Speaking of one hit moves. FUCK NOVAS. Whoever is the motherfucker obsessed with every Elder Dragon having some insane nova attack needs to fuck off.

Slinger burst is cool since it actually feels like an extension of your combos and in the case of Great Sword actually allows you to move faster to the True Charged Slash. It should have been all alongside with the wall bang that the clutch claw was used for instead of the shitty tenderizing mechanic.

Endgame is a bit better than World's with the Guiding Lands; an area of constantly spawning monsters for you to fight to level up sections based on all the different biomes you traveled through in the game. Cool idea with a very mixed execution. Originally it took ages to level up areas and if you leveled one up it would make others go down. It was gradually fixed through updates adding more QOL changes (more areas to split points apart to level them up, being able to level some down that you don't go to as much, being able to make monsters fuck off) that made the grind more bearable.

Seeing old Monsters return and reworked so well was a huge joy as well, love World's take on Glavenus and Yian Garuga. Easily the best fights in the game that aren't post launch monsters.

Post launch DLC monsters in this game were definitely a step up from World as well. My personal highlights being Raging Brachydios (with its baller new theme, easily one of the best in the whole franchise) and the absolute motherfucker supreme herald of destruction that was Fatalis. The most brutal and violent battle in the whole game (that wasn't dumb nonsense like Behemoth and Extremoth) that makes you feel like an absolute huge dick motherfucker when you finally take him down. Especially if you decide to go solo from the start like my dumbass did. One of the best fights in the game and a fantastic rework of arguably the most polarizing battle in the series.

Now despite that breadth of positivity let me just say that while Iceborne may not be the worst Monster Hunter game, not even the most frustrating one, but when a game has so many annoying mechanics that it becomes almost as unfun as Monster Hunter 1 at times there's a fucking problem. Weapon designs still suck in this one btw. Or at least did for a while. Insulting that Stiggy Zinogre got shitty slap on designs.

Hope a lot of the cool monsters introduced and returning monsters that were fully reworked in this and World make it to Rise so they're in a game without shitty mechanics that ruin any potential fun they could have been.

game yang bener2 bisa tahan grinding sampe ratusan jam walaupun mati2 terus hahaha worth banget buat mainbareng temen2

This is a Blood & Wine-tier expansion. A giant new area, new hub, new mechanics, new monsters, new questline, new weapons, tons of tweaks, the claw thing, it's sooooo much stuff and it's all great.

Monster Hunter world is now good

this make's the game a lot more fun because it gets harder

Not my favorite MH game, but a pretty great one. My biggest complaint is really just the live-servicey nature of the game, which really hurts it when fights are so drawn out by design. The game is in a much more playable state now that all event quests are available permanently. Loads and loads of content, even if some of that content is just arbitrarily grindy.

It's like World but colder and with more stuff to do.

Iceborne effectively adds a whole new games worth of content to an already expansive game, all of which is just as much fun as the source material.

Would be 5 stars if the handler wasn't in it.

A great amount of content, literally a whole extra game, unfortunately it's just as tedious as the base game. The monster are much harder and are nearly impossible without teamwork which is probably by design but isn't much good for solo players. A fun playthrough with friends thiugh, once.

Playing MHW with friends is SO fun, I can't imagine playing solo. And ALL that this expansion adds makes the experience much better. AND I LOVE SHARA ISHVALDA. And the little golden monkeys.

English/German below

That was a very fun and sometimes extremely strenuous ride. I liked the new world, as well as almost all new monsters (e.g. a tigrex could have been made much cooler by the moveset), but I didn't know any monsters from parts before.

There were some changes to the weapons in terms of gameplay, each weapon got a new move that can be really nice. The clamp claw for wounding the monsters was also cleverly integrated.

The story itself sucks, but not that important, the cut scenes, especially for presenting the monsters, are very strong.

All in all a successful expansion. 4/5 slingshot ammunition.


Das war ein sehr spaßiger und teilweise mega anstrengender Ritt. Die neue Welt hat mir gefallen, sowie fast alle neuen Monster (ein tigrex z.b. hätte viel cooler vom moveset gemacht werden können), kannte aber auch keine Monster aus Teilen zuvor.

Vom Gameplay gab es einige Änderungen bei den Waffen, jede Waffe hat einen neuen Move bekommen, der richtig nice sein kann. Auch die Klammerklaue zum verwunden der Monster war clever integriert.

Die Story selbst ist halt beschissen, aber nicht so wichtig, dafür sind die Cutscenes, vor allem zum Präsentieren der Monster, ganz stark.

Alles in allem eine gelungene Erweiterung. 4/5 Schleudermunition.

que guapo te decoras la casa y todo chaval

Iceborne, and MHW as a whole, are a real mixed bag of good and bad, but the bad features end up being eclipsed by the immense amount of positive quality of life that World brings to the MH franchise. The adaptation and continuation of all of the QoL features that World introduced into the upcoming MH Rise is a testament to the success of World in making Monster Hunter a more accessible and comfortable franchise.

Ojalá vivir de verdad en la casa de Seliana.

Basically the same as base World. Just better.

This review contains spoilers

In my opinion, this is the best game that's been released in the past 25-30 years. So lets start off with the negatives.

The story is fairly basic. The general gist of it is that there's a big monster called Zorah Magdaros and you have to stop it from destroying the hunter settlements by leading it from some area known as the Everstream. I had to look this up, because even though I've played this game for roughly 750 hours the story is forgettable. It's deeper than the stories of other Monster Hunter games save for Monster Hunter 4, but the other games have the plots with the same amount of nuance as that of an NES game.

The other major negative is that there is a mechanic known as the Clutch Claw that was introduced in the Iceborne expansion. It is extremely finnicky and does not feel good to use at all - it was only put in the game to try and balance an overpowered skill and while it did the job, it makes the experience worse overall. I will explain this further when I talk about the gameplay.

Now for the positives. Firstly, the graphics are pretty decent, the monsters look detailed, the different stages look absolutely massive and has a sense of scale unrivaled by the rest of the series - from the labyrinthine Ancient Forest to the beautiful Hoarfrost Reach - graphically it's good, not the best, but good.

The star of the show, however, is the gameplay. Shocking, I know.

The first thing I should say is that, in my opinion, Monster Hunter has the best core gameplay (especially World and Iceborne) out of every single game I've played. The combat is so nuanced and complex (from the skill system, to the huge variety of weapons and weapon types), yet satisfying.

Simply put, the main loop of the game is that you go out on quests, fight monsters (the vast majority of whom are boss battles), you then use their parts that you gain after winning - you then make armour and weapons out of those parts, then you go and fighting bigger and badder monsters. These monsters are super fun to fight, they can be difficult starting out, but learning their movesets, as well as your weapons, is key to mastering this game, and mastering this game is the best feeling in the world. I know I'm being overly dramatic here, but that's how much I love this game.

The skill system adds a whole other level of depth to the game, as it allows for a wide variety of playstyles (not even taking the weapons into account), as you have damage focused skills such as Weakness Exploit (the OP skill that the Clutch Claw was introduced to nerf), and Attack Boost, as well as defensive and support skills. If you can wrap your head around all this, then you can spend literal thousands of hours sinking your teeth into making different builds and doing everything there is to do.

This game is god tier. Game of the year every year.

This game is fantastic. It took me a while to adjust to the new world but it's a lot of fun. I'm just not a fan of the RNG endgame grind. 11/10 monster roster though and hoo boy Fatalis.

Yup. Its good once you're in the hunt with friends. Getting everyone to watch the cutscene seperately to finally join together is frustrating though.

Got one-shotted by dragons a couple of times. The Shara Ishvalda PTSD is real. And I still haven't even done Alatreon or Fatalis so I might go bald. One of the best games I've ever played in my life, 10/10

I am VERY TEMPTED to give this to 4.5 because the solo Fatalis fight was one of the most intense things ever along with the Raging Brachydios final phase. It basically redeems most of World's issues BUT:
-Clutch claw is terrible
-The endgame grind is absolutely terrible and the whole TUs are badly managed
-I don't want to see that deco system ever again in my life
-I just don't get this game's AI thank god they went back to the older one for Rise
-Tempered monsters still suck

THAT BEING SAID: this expansion is awesome, there are a lot of fun fights and way better treatment of subspecies who instead of just doing the gimmick but MORE (did someone say black diablos?) they have a whole identity of their own and the fight are pretty different from the og ones (blackveil vaal hazak is one of the worst things ever). I'm really not fond of base world but I highly suggest you getting your hands on the expansion, it is WAY better