Reviews from

in the past

one of my favorite mk games

basicamente é uma versão bacana do mortal kombat 3 com modo agressor que é uma mecanica nova do jogo que o player fica em modo rage tambem tem personagens de mk1 e 2 pra jogar é basicamente a melhor versão do mk 3 se for jogar recomendo a de ps1 ela tem loading mas tem muito mais conteudo que a versão de n64 já a versão de n64 a unica coisa boa e não ter loading ai vai do jogador alias a versão do n64 não tem os personagens de mk1 e mk2 e o continue e limitado tem 4 continues enquanto o de ps1 é infinito.

Es bastante bueno... Para un Mortal Kombat.

A really weird version of MK3. For every cool thing they did they changed something for the worse or made it different from the other other versions. Adding more characters is cool but I'd rather play UMK3.

first game I played on Playstation

the good mk armageddon. i really lijked having all the characters, even if half were the color swap ninjas i loved them very much

A versão definitiva de MK 3
e pra mim um ÓTIMO JOGO
O que esse jogo abriu de variedade pra franquia, não está escrito
Todas as finalizações criadas, todos os personagens criados, e outra coisa todos são personagens FODAS
não é random criado aqui
Além disso. Ele dá outros tipo de gameplays como há em dupla
E dá a possibilidade pra jogar com os chefes
Enfim um ótimo jogo

Goro is op asf and I love him for that

I think Mortal Kombat has good gameplay and mechanics, but the gore fest fetishism I've always found to be obnoxious.

One of the last times I cared about Mortal Kombat for its existence as a fighting game was MKT. I was still living where all of my gamer friends did and we played a lot of fighting and racing games. I relished playing all of the characters on all of the maps at the time right on the couch next to my buds. A few years later I had moved away and the draw to fighting games in general had waned so I would only go back to Mortal Kombat with any real excitement for one other release (Deception) and it was only for one mode: Konquest.

Noob Saibot's fart cloud.

Shao Kahn is the worst thing ever.

I love the Mortal Kombat trilogy but I have a certain nostalgia for this particular era. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 was my first game and this is like that game on steroids. This has almost every character at the time, the combat is great, and the graphics look cool. If I had one complaint it's that this game can be insanely difficult and the "difficulty modes" in the options do not affect all AI enemies. So even on "very easy" mode the game will still get difficult eventually. That aside, this is a great Mortal Kombat game and may be one of my favorite fighting games.

One of the best and most iconic gaming franchises of all-time.

Si spammeas kerekesekiten con raiden ganas siempre.

My first fighting game, have a soft spot with this one as my Dad and I would play this a ton when I was super young. We could never beat Motaro sadly.

This featured every MK character from every installment up to the point and you could play as all of them. Very cool!

Classico e bom , uma das minhas franquias favoritas

This game has the best character roster in the series (aside from Armageddon I guess) and has the same gameplay from MK3 which is a positive. What makes me not like this game as much though is the impossibly difficult AI in the game. Just pick Rain though and you can cheese your way to victory lol.

(My Top 5) UMK3 was one of the best fighting games of all time. So naturally adding more characters to an already stacked game, makes it even more fun. My Favorite MK to this day.

I have absolutely no skill when it comes to fighting games. I have a terrible memory for special moves and I never know when to block or attack, so I’m not going to be a good judge for games like this. Mortal Kombat Trilogy is essentially Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 with some characters and stages from Mortal Kombat 2 and 3 added, although the aggression bar that makes you slightly more powerful is new.

I know a game isn’t for me when the character select screen is too difficult. Quite a few characters are just reskins of other characters, and there are no character names whatsoever on the character select screen. I tried to choose Sub Zero, pretty much the only Mortal Kombat character I know, but ended up with someone called Rain. Oh, and there’s a timer in the background so it will select whoever you are on when it tuns out.

I did manage to pull off one special move, and there are lots of fancy effects as punches and kicks are made. According to N64 magazine, though, it just simply isn’t as nice looking as the PlayStation version of the game. The N64 version also lacks a bunch of charaters.

There are a few multiplayer modes where you can select multiple characters, but there’s not a lot to choose from. In singleplayer, you can fight through four difficulties, each having more fights to get through.

Even setting things to “very easy”, I struggled to get the hang of this game. There’s no practice mode or move lists (that I could find in the confusing menu), other than using player 2 to stand there and do nothing.

Based on the comments from N64 magazine, there’s not much reason for anyone to play this version of the game. I did cheat my way though one of the campaigns to see different levels. I got to play a space invader clone at the end, which I enjoyed more than the main game.

pica mas as telas de loading são irritantes demais

In SOME ways, this is, IMO, the best MK3-ish experience you're going to get. The graphics are pretty much arcade perfect, and there's NO annoying load times or loading limitations (such as with Shang Tsung on PS1). The game plays great, with the exception of MK3's obnoxious AI of course. And it has a nice array of characters.

The only reason I don't give it a 4 (besides the obnoxious AI, which the developers REALLY could have taken the time to mellow out on easier settings), is that the sound sucks. Early on, Playstation fanboys of course, used this as a reason why N64 sucked, because the PS1 (and Saturn) versions of MKT had great CD sound/music. But the thing is, while N64 DIDN'T have CD sound, the hardware wasn't the reason MKT had terrible sound. There are many 64 games that prove the system could do great sound when developers actually TRIED, such as Shadow of the Empire, Star Fox 64, Goldeneye, Tetrisphere, Beetle Adventure Racing, NBA Hangtime, Top Gear Overdrive, etc. The devs were just rushed/lazy with the sound aspect of this game, plain and simple. For an N64 game to literally sound like the SNES Ultimate MK3 is unacceptable.

Outside of sound, I would say that this version of the game stacks up against the PS1 version pretty well. In fact I'd say it has more pros than cons, version Playstation. The PS1 game TECHNICALLY has "more characters", in that you can play MK1/2 versions of characters like Kano, Raiden, Goro, etc. But honestly, while being able to play Goro and Kintaro in MKT on 64 would have been nice, the others are completely throwaway. The PS1 version also has a character called "Chameleon", which switches between the look/abilities of the various male ninjas, whereas the N64 version has "Kameleon", which switches between the three female ninjas. So which you think is better between the two, is a matter of taste. That character, again, is fairly throwaway.

All in all, I definitely think that MKT on N64 could/should have been better than it is. BUT, having said that, outside of the shitty sound, it IS about as good a version of MK3/Trilogy as you're going to get. And behind Killer Instinct Gold, it's probably the 2nd best fighter on the system. It really makes me wish Capcom and SNK had bothered porting some of their arcade fighters to N64, as it absolutely could have done them, and they could have been superior to the Playstation (IE NO load times, etc.). Alas.

Meu mk favorito de longe

É basicamente um compilado das 3 versões com alguns adicionais, o que eu joguei isso no PS é brincadeira, melhor que o terceiro game somente por ser mais completo porém toda a mecânica do mesmo esta presente apenas com umas leves polidas

É também o último da série com os gráficos e estética clássica

A lista de personagem nem se fala, da pra jogar com absolutamente todo mundo, até com os personagens do primeiro jogo, como também com uns novos e exclusivos dessa versão (tipo o johnny cage que não apareceu em nenhum MK3)

Belíssimo, muito divertido mesmo com a CPU roubando como sempre

A versão de 64 como sempre veio nerfada com menos personagens e conteúdo

E sinceramente o controle do 64 não foi feito pra jogo de luta sinto muito, salvam raras exceções que souberam se adaptar bem.

The second and final update to MK3. The first one added all the ninjas, and people adored it, so now they said: "Let's add everything we have, why not? They eat this shit up," and they sold the same game again but with all the missing characters (And some of the missing stages), and now the bosses are selectable.

This was my introduction to the franchise and it has a big place in my heart. To this day I play it and I'm not the only one. It still has a community that makes fanedits of the game (Mugens) adding new characters and shit.