Reviews from

in the past

one of the best indie games i have ever played the graphics are good and the gameplay is great and the game is short it will take you 1 or 2 sittings to complete. it is a great game

An interesting take on difficulty and scoring wrapped in a captivating aesthetic. A lot longer than most games in the genre, but it has a lot of interesting ideas it fleshes out during that runtime; just don't expect to have it done in one sitting. My main complaint would be the hitbox not being very clear, leading to some hits feeling unfair. 100% completion was fun, it was always nice to go back into old levels with different loadouts and goals in mind.

Sin duda, un videojuego con gameplay e historia.

Um shmup muito divertido e diferenciado da maioria, pois aqui você não tem um jogo curto e difícil que vai do início ao fim direto, você possui diversas fases em alguns mundos ao completá-los existem alguns desafios.

Inicialmente é bem fácil (tem até auto-aim se quiser kkk), mas vai ficando difícil gradativamente atendendo todos os tipos de públicos. Recomendadíssimo para qualquer um!!!

Neverawake's tone, story and art style are so reminiscent of Deemo that I seriously had to do a double take at points. But it is a stylish, good looking game that falls into a huge bunch of pitfalls. It's so damn long for what it is, I don't get the point of having a shop other than to make the game more casual friendly, and hitboxes are super unclear. But more than that every part of the game that's not a boss feels like a complete waste of my time, and there's more than enough of them to make a proper shooter out of them.

Very dissapointing considering it's blatantly got a lot of talent and potential.

NeverAwake speaks to children in distress through the playful without demanding complicity with the underground cultures of the internet, since of course, what was once niche is now pop, but no one should ever need cultural knowledge or normative fit to find help or understanding. .

I am completely unaware of Neotro's personal life, but NeverAwake and Vritra could form the x-ray of the darkest psyche -as well as innocent- that can develop in childhood through a traumatic event.
And why a Shmup twin stick? Well, most people have come into contact with it at some point in their lives (maybe Space Invaders?) It's one of the purest video game formats; tremendously playful, immediate, satisfying. You smash your enemies and dodge their attacks, the perfect escapism for acting out a power fantasy. And fantasy of power is what Rem, the protagonist, has in her subconscious. No spoilers: NeverAwake articulates through the Shmup ecosystem a story of self-control and reconciliation far more evocative than countless RPGs and VNs aimed at teens.

The end of this game and its way of understanding the often intrusive ludic resources of video games reminds me greatly of Taro's most remembered works. Helping and being rescued is something more powerful than any conventional final boss.

Communicating effectively does not require elegance, subtlety or measure, only passion and creativity.