Reviews from

in the past

Pokemon without any singular thing that makes Pokemon Pokemon. Pokemon.

my opinion of this fluctuates between "really good and kinda flewed" and "pretty good but super flawed", it always skews more towards the latter with every update

Have played alot but it's really about just catching pokemon and having a giant pokedex than actual strategic battles.

I have a hard time with this one, because Pokemon GO is a social game more than anything else as far as I'm concerned. I spent a lot of time playing this with my sister and because of that, it was fun. On my own, it just wasn't very enjoyable, and it strongly depends on where you live. I lived on a Pokestop in my last place and now I live without any anywhere nearby. I am very glad that Pokemon will be able to be transferred into Pokemon Sword and Shield though, seeing as how I have a ton of shinies in this game.

My parents got way too addicted to this game

eu jogo isso até hoje e não sei o por que

The only gacha game I put any time into and only because of the walking around and how popular it was. Sadly it took them way too long to add new Pokemon and new features so got old too quickly.

Jogo lixo, piro combate que eu já vi, empresa que não preza pelos jogadores e desbalanceado. Só joguei por causa do hype.

Fun for commuting but the gameplay loop gets old quick

Very disappointed that I didn't get killed while playing this game like the news promised I would.

ulan bizi sokaklara döktün be

lo más cercano a lo que jamás estuvimos a la paz mundial en el mundo

its neat for what it is but i never really can stick with it for too long before it wares thin

Bruh reviews are wrong this game slaps

How innocent we were when this came out.

Unico gioco che ho sul mio telefono e che uso abbastanza attivamente. Rimane frustrante anche se migliore delle prime versioni - quattro anni sono serviti molto a raffinare e rendere meno macchinoso questo inferno. Mezza stella in più perché posso giocare da seduto al bar grazie alla sincronizzazione.

It’s not good by any means, but it’s kept me very busy at work

No pude jugar mucho porque se me acababan los giggas en la playa

Didn't play too much of it, but it's an ingenious idea that was executed near perfectly. Even if you didn't like it you have to admit that.

Fun when it came out, now it feels like your doing the same thing EVERY DAY!

infelizmente sair na rua nao e uma realidade do brasileiro,contudo ainda assim e um otimo jogo

El juego es bastante bueno desde el principio, y lo actualizan bastante a menudo metiendo eventos y demás. Lo único malo es que buscan dinero para todo y no es nada barato.