Reviews from

in the past

Very disappointed that I didn't get killed while playing this game like the news promised I would.

Niantic is a greedy f'n company and has destroyed this game.

Fun when it came out, now it feels like your doing the same thing EVERY DAY!

seria melhor se não tivesse q sair de casa

ulan bizi sokaklara döktün be

eu acho que a niantic fez um pacto com o diabo mesmo pq não tem motivo pra esse jogo ser tao bom

i literally never caught anything ...

I mean its 2023 and I still keep playing it so I think it shows I like this game. Unfortunately though its not as fun if you are like me and don't really have people to play it with especially with how social this game is support to be. Regardless its a nice pick up and play game for Pokémon Fans such as myself!

Demorou um tempo pra lançar no Brasil, eu joguei por um bom tempo, estou nível 33 atualmente (se não me falha a memória), esse jogo era febre, foi divertido joga-lo.

Summer of 2016 was fucking crazy bro.

jogo viciante e bem divertido de se jogar, mas depois de um tempo cansa, fora a parte de sair de casa que é bem inovadora, mas impossibilita de uppar rápido no jogo caso não saia

Узнал свой город, но в итоге, чуть на мину не нарвался

i had to hack this game to enjoy it. played the shit out of it during covid

then they patched all the cheats

im sorry but this isn't as fun as like a whole pokemon game.

Bom eu joguei e jogo desde do lançamento, e como nos estamos no Brasil é basicamente dificil de jogar isso sem ser assaltado, mas você consegue, no começo não tinha quase nada, poucos ginasios e pokestops nas cidades, porem com o passar dos anos começou a ter mais e mais adição de conteudo e etc, porem se você for começar a jogar hoje é bem mais facil do que antigamente, porem você raramente conseguira fazer raids de 4 estrelas ou mais

played in 2016 and never really picked it up again but when i did play it it was my whole life

Was REALLY fun in 2016, I don't give a damn about it now though

Took the world over. I used to drive around in my car real slow trying to hatch eggs. What a dumb game that became addicting and fun. I think the best part about it was that everyone was playing it everywhere. It got a lot of people to come outside and interact.

I just don’t really get the point of this game

lo más cercano a lo que jamás estuvimos a la paz mundial en el mundo

Super addictive, but also has its downsides. For example in order to complete the pokedex youd probably need alot of luck or spend thousands of euros in flight travel in order to get regional pokemon like corsella. It also completely devalued any worth shinies had for them releasing one special event monthly for easy shiny hunting. The battles are also bad, its more about spamming attacks fast enough rather than tactic, in which i dont say there is none, but it doesnt even compare to the tactical abilities you need in the main line. On the good side it is great to maintain and find new friendship due to the ease of obtaining the game but also the social features like trading and raids. They update the game regularly and improve and introduce new features regularly. Though i might add that special pokemon like santa pikachu for example are locked in the game and there seems to be 0 communication to the pkmn home team to get them at least there, they also take their time to import pokemon that already released, like we still didnt got some from alola. You most likely already played it but id recommend it nonetheless to fans but more so to new people to the series, its a good entry point.

Playing this back in 2016 was such a good time.

I almost get assaulted while playing this game. Real world is scary