Reviews from

in the past

this really was the closest we came to world peace huh

Fun excuse to go out and exercise. I've made a handful of memories playing this game and have had plenty of fun experiences during events or just regularly playing the game. It's the closest thing to being able to go out and actually catch Pokémon if they actually existed. I'd give it a higher rating, but Niantic is pretty bad at managing this game and make plenty of greedy, questionable decisions.

if you need a game to tell you to go outside you got bigger problems

Ah yes the summer of 2016. The closest we will ever be to world peace.

Dependendo do quão perto tu estivesse de um shopping, de lojas, de praças abertas ou de Pokéstops teu desempenho no jogo, a tua chance de pegar Pokémons melhores era totalmente afetada, e isso estraga a única ideia boa que o jogo tinha em mente

Remember the hype for this before it came out?

Every Pokémon fan that I knew was asking me how stoked I was for PoGo. I told them all that I wasn't interested, and they were always surprised. They all bought in HARD to the trailers, but there was NO way the game was gonna end up like that. They had these grand imagined ideas of Pokemon in the real world fighting each other, and trading with people all over the world.

Then the game came out. None of those aforementioned mega fans that I knew seem to be playing anymore, but a bunch of my coworkers in their 40s and 50s can't get enough of it!

The phenomenon surrounding this when it first came out was pretty neat and I'm all for a game that helps people to be fit, but as a game it's just way too predatory and money hungry to be actually fun

Stealing kids phones who chose Team Instinct.

this isn't even a video game because you have to go outside

This game was very fun for a time, but you experience depends on where you live and how much freedom you have to go out and wander/drive around. I stopped playing because I don't go outside enough and the game forces you to walk around to find stuff and hatch eggs. If you don't live or work near a pokestop or gym, it definitely will have a negative effect on your experience with the game

A good idea for a mobile game that I come back to often but ultimately theres not a whole lot to it

2016 was the hardest year of my life. Pokémon Go was the ONLY thing I had to keep me happy, and for that I will cherish it forever.
I've decided that this game doesn't really deserve a number score, as the worth it has to me, it's worth to the world, and it's overall quality, are all vastly different and impossible to generalize.
The last thought I have is Pokémon GO TO THE POLLS.

The one time I played this I accidentally cut open the crotch of my pants on the top of a fence after getting lost and wandering into a restricted area

got mugged while palying once

A fun experience especially in its early days. the game can get boring after awhile, and one of its biggest problems is if you live in a rural area you'll basically get no Pokemon. it is very cool though that you can transfer your Pokemon to Pokemon home

i may have sold my locational data for 5 years but at least i got some fake animal friends out of it

when i wake up im grabbing my phone

caught a koffing smoking a cigarette by a dumpster one time on my way home from a nicole dollangager show & it was the highlight of my year. i don't have unlimited data on my cellphone so i've long since uninstalled but i miss the way that felt & i'll always remember it. it was so silly!!!
must've been 2 years ago now, a woman who rode the bus with me to & sometimes from my old job came by when i was waiting for the ride home & we talked shit about how the bus driver's are shitty to people and their walkers, and then about the discord she was in & a meetup she was going to at city hall with the friends she made from pokemon go & she invited me along.
i didn't join the discord and i didn't go but maybe i should have. that's what games like these are for

I play Pokémon GO everyday (until I got bored after a few weeks and stopped)

Y'all remember those blissful first few months after this game released that felt like maybe world peace was attainable after all? Yeah...

Pokemon Go was a phenomena that was genuinely fun to be a part of. It was wild to hear the local news talking about Pokemon, or to be standing in a queue at a fast food joint and have a woman in her 60s turn around and ask if I saw the Butterfree nearby. I have fond memories of going out with my friends to go Pokemon hunting - sometimes it was at a park, often times it was at Disneyland. I know Pokemon Go is barely a game, but it's a cool experience.

pokemon GO was basically reverse covid if you think about it

I went to a funeral for my dead grandfather, while I was there I caught a Gengar.
I think my phone is hunted now.

It's biggest achievement was being able to make Pokemon fans go outside.

I stepped on some dog shit while playing and still play it.

i fell down some stairs one time while i was playing this back when it was popular, i just rolled down until i hit the bottom with a thud

Whatever bad things happen to whoever came up with the starters catch rates, they deserve it.

Still fully convinced that pokemon go to the polls lost Hilary the election

lembro que minha mmãe não deixava eu jogaer esse jogo achando que os kra estava espiando nos estão tenho memorias ruins