Reviews from

in the past

something happened in that dev room for this to take half a decade of development. im convinced this thing is cursed


interesting concept but surprisingly pretty fun. It also helps with your sleep. win win

lucario is the best pokemon ever and nobody else comes even remotely close. fuck you

Lowest possible score for actively making my life worse. Manufactured discontent disguised as a wellness app.

I do really like when pokemon get act like real animals, and not just buckets of numbers. The sleep animations are cute and creative! But wow, does that not make up for how intrusive and unenjoyable this app is.

First, I'm not interested in logging into my sleep tracker three times a day minimum. Sorry Snorlax, cook your own meals.

Second, they way overshot how bad this feels without the premium sub. I think they specifically tuned the catching math to upset me personally. Basic pokemon need 5 points, the free biscuit gives 3, a pokeball biscuit gives 1, and an expensive limited quantity great biscuit gives 3. But it seems like most pokemon get full after two feedings. So your choices are to catch nothing, use the more expensive biscuit, or shell out $9.99/month for premium, which makes the free one worth 4 points. Wheee, so fun. Love to play a pokemon game that makes catching pokemon unpleasant.

Tried this once and my phone turned into a thermonuclear bomb overnight

I saw someone on twitter a few months ago say something like Waking up and having to do laggy boring tasks is not a good way to start the day
and putting them off for later just gives me the dread all day of having to do it
Novel idea. Dont love the execution

Too many updates, why does it need internet to work?!

Cool tool not really a game in the traditional sense but cool regardless

So far, i haven't had a bad experience with Pokemon Sleep. I've had a bad habit of going on my phone in bed, but Pokemon Sleep changed that for me & made it easier for me to stay away from my phone in bed & I give it credit for that

i have never had issues with my phone's battery while playing this and it's relatively old so i have no idea what other people are complaining about but also after so long waiting for it, i found it a little underwhelming in terms of visuals and features? particularly the music you can put on while you're sleeping, it's just a shitty loop that eventually turns off after ~20 minutes. i feel like it could easily be more relaxing when you have it open

i would recommend getting and playing it with some friends because that's the biggest reason it appeals to me; my boyfriend and i have each other added on pokemon sleep which makes me more than a little happy

The first Pokémon title that I'll complete the dex in

It's a cute idea but in practice it just doesn't work. For an app that's all about tracking sleep it bloats itself with lots of mobile game junk. Lots of items, bonuses, currencies and things I quite honestly skipped through. For context I have a unique sleep schedule. I take hour long naps alongside my full night's sleep. The app is intended to work by having you place your phone face down and charging next to you in bed. It's supposed to use the phone's hardware to track how you sleep which it generally does however unlike a proper sleep tracker the game is VERY picky on what it counts. For one of the sessions the game recorded barely 5 hours. (I was asleep for longer but as a somewhat restless sleeper it seemed as though the app counted that movement as me being awake) Going back to me taking naps however that's what I really wanted to use this for. Log an hour and have some fun. However the app requires a 90 minute minimum sleep session and it is very specific about it. I'm not sure how it determines the 90 minutes but I've left this thing running for much longer than that and it still claims I haven't met the minimum. At this point I'm left to ignore the intention and just leave it on my nightstand. Sucks all the fun out of "attracting Pokemon with sleep styles similar to your own" when now all my future sessions will just have me perfectly asleep like a rock for exactly an hour and a half. At this point I think I'm better served just falling asleep to the music of classic Pokemon than continue with this app.

Destruye la batería de mi teléfono ☠️

Se complica mucho para lo que es.

It is not bad, but I used for for a week and a half and got bored. It doesn't have enough interesting elements to keep me playing, but is quite good for keeping you on a good sleep schedule.

eu achei bonitinho mas não gostei mt não...

vivo solo y me la descargue y escuche voces murmurando en las grabaciones de cuando duermo

una mierda la app

el único problema es que tu móvil explota y duermes como el culo

Had the opportunity to get the pokeball plus thing while I was in Japan, yet I didn't seize it. The Folly of man. If I get one, I might get back into it. For now, I'm gonna think about my already declining phone battery's health

Played it while slept over on it. Best game.

Jokes aside I wish I could enjoy it better since it gives battery issues to my phone and I don't like the idea of keeping it always charged because of this game AT ALL.

Essa porcaria trava mais que cyberpunk em celeron. A ideia tinha tudo pra ser legal, mas optimização não é o foco da BIG N