Reviews from

in the past

"water make dirt go away make ape brain happy"

one of the most relaxing, fun, and zen like games i've ever had the pleasure of playing. this game is a steal for 20 dollars, and it gets updated like every 2 months with hours more of content. the team behind this game seem like great dudes, and i'm happy to have spent money on this experience. i have 70 hours in this game, and at least 80% of that is my first time through the levels. there is already an insane amount of content here you can NOT go wrong with this game. get it now!

also a VERY fun pastime, it's just mindless fun! i love zoning out to this game <3 that half star bc the itty bitty crevasses hurt my heart ;-;

This game is a combination of satisfying, annoying and monotonous. Good as a filler game to play in between doing things or to play while you figure out what you're actually wanting to play next. Would never play this game too seriously but it's fun for what it is.

no gameplay clean your room instead

Listened to a few of the Expanse novels while I power washed.
Great Sci-fi and characters, would recommend!

Powerwash simulator is definitely a game thats hard to properly reccomend and harder to rate. I think it's definitely one of those "look at it and you will know immediately if you would vibe with it or not" type of games. The whole game involves you and hopefully one friend powerwashing various dirt-coated things until they are clean once again. That's pretty much it. It is exactly what it says on the tin. If you find something like that boring and braindead, then you should probably steer clear. If you find it satisfying and theraputic, then you should def give it a try. It makes a good "VC game" where you don't have to put much thought into what you are doing and have something for your hands to do while chatting with friends about things. I do wish the main campaign could be played with more than 2 players maximum though. All in all, I enjoyed my time with this but it's definitely not something for everyone.

brainless fun, put on a vid or some music and chill

It's exactly what it sounds like. One of the most simple yet relaxing and engaging games I've played. With upgraded washers that maximize effort, I round l only found myself growing tired of some large levels that felt very similar and basic.

This game is immensely relaxing if you really like seeing dirt come off surfaces. However, it can get quite annoying in later levels where you just cannot find the last specks of dust in a massive area. I know there are ways to spot out the bits that are still dirty, but even with those you sometimes are just wiping over the same surface over and over and it just isn't getting clean, and then the game kinda ends up counter intuitive as its not as relaxing as it is stressful.

The good moments outweigh that, though it is notable to mention.

So much fun, relaxing and a better experience playing with friends

Not accurate to the source material. Why don't they have me haggle an old women for five dollars for cleaning her house?

Chua Chua Barulho de Água Limpando Limpando* Eba se passou 3 dias e eu limpei uma casa... Mas é muito satisfatório

makes me sleepy in a good way
i got the game when it was still in early access and then restarted it once it got the full release which i kinda regret because i hated doing the ferris wheel stage

на удивление затягивающая фигня. Оптимизация только сосёт. Особо рассказывать нечего, ты моешь штуки, это успокаивает. Любителям уборки понравится.

Roger Ebert would have gave this game five stars

This game hypnothised me.
It's not a basic simulator like we used to see a lot imo. I think it actually has great feedback and even level-design, splitting the surface to clean into a lot of smaller items, each having their own "health".
Also has a fun story, being a pretext to clean even more stupider stuff. DLCs are very fun in that regard too

Pretty much exactly what you'd expect: a relaxing simulation of part-time house-cleaning, with just enough engagement to keep you coming back.

como se não bastasse lavar minha casa na vida real, ainda inventaram um jogo pra isso

Sim é divertido e talvez não vale a pena pelo preço, mas pelo gamepass vale super a pena.

Love a nice chill out and vibe game that inexplicably has both a Final Fantasy level and a Spongebob level