Reviews from

in the past

there's a lot of cool level ideas on display and it's a shame how unfun they are to play. you might have a decent time just ignoring 100% but all the extra paths are just completely obtuse on how to get through, I don't think it's "your fault for dying" as some say. it's just bad level design

Sou muito fã de Crash Bandicoot, especialmente o primeiro, mas infelizmente este jogo não atendeu minhas expectativas. A dificuldade é digna de um Kaizo e seu level design é em muitos momentos difícil da forma apelativa e não muito divertido. Teve suas partes boas e eu gostei das mecânicas de gameplay e direção artística, mas eu esperava um "Crash porém indie"...

Se que en la epoca moderna de super accesibilidad muchos estaran contentos de obras dificiles, pero dificil es una manera muy vaga de describir algo.

El contexto de la persona es algo importante, alguien que nacio en los 70, persivira a los juegos post 2000 como facilorros, uno de los 2000 persivira a los de los 80 como toscos, y arcaicos, etc, dependiendo tambien de que tipo de juegos se haya criado o acosumbrado.

Pero claro, esto es un early acces, y hay cosas que chirrian, el salto lo siento demasiado corto, entiendo el querer buscar saltos precisos, pero aveces hace que el ritmo y fluides del juego, entre los colores, la velocidad de los objetos, el pocicionamiento, y las hitbox, como molesto (almenos el juego tiene chek point y son niveles cortos, no como cierto juego 2D de la psx que me conosco o la mayoria de juegos 2d pre 90) lo cual da la sensacion no del todo satisfactoria, sintiendo que muero mas por culpa del juego y no por habilidad (mas que nada en ciertos niveles, ya que hay niveles exigentes grandiosos, pero hay como 5 niveles donde me queria cortar las pelotas, y me molestaron tanto que realmente me replantearon si seguir, ya que me estaba agotando.

Lo perdono de momento porque es Early Acces, y es superable con su tiempito, pero tiene cosas que pulir.

i get it why this game needs to be hard but it is unnecesarily difficult to progress. I'm halfway through the game and I could finish it if I wanted, but I don't want to waste any more time. Fun game but suffers from difficulty level.

Pleasantly surprised by this one. Obviously, this is a game that'd mostly only appeal to people who grew up with the original Crash Bandicoot on PS1, without that charm, it'd be just as clunky as that first Crash game is by nowadays' standards but if that clunk makes you feel good then this game will too. I consider that "clunk" to be somewhat similar to what one could call an "acquired taste" that you were exposed to at a young age. For me, this kind of simple, corridor platforming feels really good but it's not hard to understand why it's seen as primitive. Crash 2 and 3 aged far better than Crash 1 but this game nails the feeling of Crash 1 and it's the only other game I've played that has achieved that distinct tactile experience. Bad_Vertex picked the perfect combination of sound effects, controls and animations to hit that particular spot.

In all honesty, I could give this game a lower rating because it relies primarily on feeling like Crash 1 and few other things but at the end of the day, on top of an interesting and funky art-style, the game achieves what it sets out to achieve, arguably flawlessly.