Reviews from

in the past

The most recent peak (at the time of writing) this franchise has to offer. Visually Stunning, full of Heart and just fun to play.

This is what Ratchet and Clank felt like when i first played it in 2006. It's a modern spin on a classic and somehow is better than some of the first games in the franchise. PLEASE MAKE MORE RIVET STORY OMG

Liked it, but I don't think it was as impressive as Insomniac pitched. I think I miss the more crass R&C. Trophies weren't nearly as fun as they could have been, either. Still very worth playing!

one of the best R&C games to date, simple fun & a great story - and makes great use of the PS5's technology aswell, Insomniac are one of the best developers in business.

Insomniac's best game by far. The Rifts are so creative and all of the gameplay really feels like I'm in control of the adventure. We need more of this and less Marvel/Superhero stuff from them.

R&C continues to be a franchise deeply committed to bringing pure fun from start to finish, and the alt dimension characters are great additions to the cast. Plus, where else can you turn your enemies into perfectly trimmed topiary displays?