Reviews from

in the past

This is Rockstar's magnum opus. Gave me intense brainrot and made me cry for hours, 10/10

Cried a bit at the story. I love it to pieces but suffers from the usual rockstar gameplay faults. A very well made game with some very obvious flaws.

Online is fun for a bit, but gets old after a while with the lack of content and abundance of hackers.

yeehaw cowboy =]:^)

you can fish 𓆛𓆛𓆛

Probably the most authentic feeling sandbox I have ever played. The characters are compelling and the narrative invokes complex emotions. You are really not sure how you are supposed to feel, because each character is in a different bracket of grey morality. I agree that it can be a bit dry at points, but it is still an amazing game and well worth trudging through. It is also visually and technically a masterpiece.

arthur morgan my beloved 🥺💔

Quel jeu ! Tout simplement le meilleur Rockstar Games pour moi !

ainda estou jogando, mas nem se compara com qualquer outro jogo que já joguei. simplesmente revolucionou a história dos jogos com suas novas mecânicas, o jogo é incrivel.

la nieve del principio me quemó el pc. Testículos

Single Player is just a 5-star, simple as that. Graphics are a 10/10, Story is a 10/10, Gameplay is a 10/10, just one of the best games you can ever play period.

tüm hayvan derilerini toplarken tüm rockstar ekibiyle akraba olduk

I love my horsey and my horsey loves me.

uma das melhores execuções de narrativa através de mecânica que eu já vi

This game and other games really ?

Red Dead Redemption 2 is Rockstars masterpiece. The most realistic game I've ever played. The story is one of the best you'll ever play through in a video game, the action is intense and fun, and the game is incredibly immersive. This was THE beat game of 2018 and I absolutely recommend giving it a play through or two.

What stands out the most to me with RDR2 is the amount of polish that went into it. It's incredibly detailed in terms of the mechanics, missions, and just the general interactions you have with NPCs and the world. The story and voice acting is topnotch, although I'm in the camp that feels that Dutch did get a little repetitive at times. There's also something that is so satisfying about the freedom you have to explore and decide how you want to interact with the people and places you discover. And the landscapes are drop-dead gorgeous.

The review would be to long to this game. By that fact, I will resume in one word...


odeio esse jogo com todas as minhas forças (mentira, estou apenas depressivo

Dutch!!!!! I gave you everything I had dUTch

Estou no segundo capitulo, pouco mais de 20 horas, até agora esta incrivel

Nothing more relaxing than just ignoring the story and riding off into the wilderness to just completely destroy the local fauna

Astounding world and encounters that never repeated in the near 100 hours I put into it. Memorable characters, an impactful story, and satisfying gunplay. This game is a benchmark for games as a storytelling medium. I tend to dislike Rockstar's game design, such as how buttons are always changing the actions they perform, so you can never truly feel like you've learned how to play the game. You are taught in the early game that pressing triangle is to pick up an object - like your hat on the floor. Later, you see some other object on the ground you wanna pick up? Well you have to press square to pick up that object, fuck you.

Nunca nadie va a superar a Arthur Morgan

que porra é essa esse jogo é muito detalhado, eu nem sei oque fazer até me perco às vezes

I didn't even know he was sick.