Reviews from

in the past

How did Zoe see the reality of her position and set out? It's a good question to answer, but the adventure itself lags far behind the first game.

I enjoyed the style, the mini-games, and the desire to expand the universe, but it felt a bit like it was made for the sake of it.

I think the story of this game was great, however compared to the incredible original it isnt as good. I still think that this game is great.

Por mais que não seja tão bom quanto o primeiro, a historia dele é bem legalzinha, ver onde a Zoe cresceu e como ela chegou aonde a encontramos ela no Road 96 foi legal. Definitivamente é um jogo para você jogar quando se não tem mais nada pra fazer

Achei muito ruim, nem cheguei no final.

An AMAZING pre-sequel for the best indie of my life!
Road 96: Mile 0 expands the universe and brings back the best characters from Road 96, showing their motives and dreams that drives them on the original game!
Kinda different from the first one, but an amazing game nonetheless!

Where road 96 dared to carve its own path, Mile 0 regresses and does nothing interesting feeling like an industry plant of a game. Depressingly linear with a fragile illusion of choices mattering, a bad skateboarding mini-game, terrible pacing and uninteresting characters. At least its still a Road 96 title and Zoes voice actor is way better than the original but Kaito doesn't belong in this game. Just make a prequel to R96 not a mashup you are not Nintendo you cant make smash bros. The ending I got actually flowed well into Road 96 and the last hour-ish is actually pretty good but otherwise an all around disappointing game.

major step down. and the writing is so cartoonish that it feels tone deaf tbh. just stick w the og

Eu adorei Road 96 da @Digixart e essa prequel, apesar de bem curtinha não fica devendo nada pro jogo original.

O tipo de narrativa que consegue tratar de temas sérios e ainda trazer aquele quentinho pro coração.

Uma grata surpresa.

Прекрасна гра про руйнування радянщини (як на мене, там прямі вказівки на це все, що в першій, що в другій частині), весела, захоплива, має круту музику.
Довга, трошки іноді логіка кульгає

The first level is really fun, but it doesn't have much to offer after that.

Definitely not as good as the original, but the ending is better. Music is still as good as ever and the visual in the rides are fantastic.

I honestly really enjoyed the mechanics in this game... The skating parts can be a bit buggy / hard but I still had fun. I enjoyed the switch between playing as Zoe and Kaito. Really extends on why Zoe thinks the way she thinks, and how her mindset comes from a privileged, entitled background.

Me ha gustado un pelín menos que el título anterior, pero aún así, me parece que ha mejorado en muchos aspectos, tanto gráfica como inmersivamente. Además, le ha dado un soplo de aire fresco con los niveles de patinaje que, no sé por qué, me han recordado un poco al juego Sayonara Wild Hearts.

Gotta say I was pretty disappointed with this. The gameplay is super basic and linear, the player choice is very superficial (I played through it twice doing the opposite thing the 2nd time and the game was mostly the same until very late), and I really missed the road trip element from the original.

The skating mini-game has some cool music and art design, though still fundamentally feels a bit mobile game-y to me. It's about 3 hours long for a single playthrough. Overall it just feels kinda tossed-off and low-effort.

Weaker than its predecessor but still a good game if you enjoyed the original one

My autistic ass is sad that it's not super similar to the first game as if that isn't a good thing

This review contains spoilers

Em uma fria e solitária madrugada chuvosa, eu zerei Road 96 Mile Zero. Um jogo que comprei na esperança de ser uma expansão do primeiro jogo, e que a primeira vista acabou me decepcionando, porém, ao dar uma segunda chance para o jogo, acabei me apaixonando pela história de Kaito e Zoe, dois extremos de uma mesma moeda. O jogo é curto e simples, porém não deixa a desejar nos quesitos gráficos e ambientação, sem contar com as ações dentro do jogo que são simplesmente expecionais, como por exemplo na luta entre Kaito e Zoe (que venho a acontecer no final que peguei). Recomendo a experiência para qualquer um, se considerarmos claro, que esta pessoa jogou o primeiro jogo.
Nota: 8,7/10

Take everything I liked about Road 96 and throw most of it out. Randomized elements? Suspense that has a purpose? Ability to die? Moral quandries? Gone. All of it. The only moral choice here is "Is Zoe an idiot who's in denial about how corrupt her government is or not?"

So much just felt badly done compared to how well put together the original game was. I'd say I regret playing this, but I feel like I had to play it to both learn firsthand how bad this is, and appreciate the original much more.

not as good as the original but still very good

i though it would be like the og road 96 but sadly no

not as good as the original but it's not trying to be. it does exactly what it sets out to do and it does it decently well.

Wasn't as invested in this compared to the original and while it is weaker, I liked what it was going

Road 96 e um dos meus indies favoritos disparado, senão o melhor, a forma que aquele jogo me imergiu naquele mundo e inigualável, uma puta experiência. Pra agora fazerem um prequel tenebrosa, com uma historia curtissima e mal desenrolada, o Kaito e um personagem que pra mim achei muito sem sal, sem graça, e sinceramente sem ele na trama não faria diferença alguma. Os minigames de "subway surfers" achei uma merda, e ainda tucharam conquista de rank nessa merda, eu não vou perder meu tempo. A direção de arte e boa mas graficamente e uma bosta em comparação ao primeiro jogo, um papelão mal feito com expressões facias duras ou quase inexistentes, gameplay dura em alguns momentos ate sofrivel. Eu senti mais vontade de rejogar o outro jogo que essa merda, Enfim, pior jogo que eu joguei esse ano. Passe longe desse jogo, ou apenas fique com primeiro game que e uma obra prima dos indies.

Road 96: Mile 0 no es un juego necesario, ya que no aporta demasiado a lo que se ve en Road 96.

Me ha gustado volver a ver a Zoe y estoy bastante contenta con el final que me ha tocado. No es el mejor, pero el momento de la sonrisa demuestra lealtad.

Un juego normalito

Not quite as good as the original game, but expanding upon Zoe's backstory and how she got to where we meet here in Road 96 and was interesting and Kaito's story and family dynamics/perspective was done well.

Road 96: Mile 0 is actually a pretty fun expansion on the first game. We got plenty of backstory that wasn't in the original game, and I think it definitely enhances the Road 96 experience with a nice tale. However, there are some pretty glaring flaws, both to do with the story and otherwise.

The runner minigames are very silly, but it's clear they had a vision for them so I'm willing to discount their silliness despite everything, and it is short break from the constant exposition. However, some of the hitboxes in the runner sections are pretty inaccurate so you have to give everything a wide berth and that's not always possible. Sometimes you have to keep going until you figure out where the hitbox really is through trial and error. Frustrating.

And while I mentioned how much I did enjoy the plot, I had to overlook some things. For starters, the moral choice system undermined the story. What's the point on including one if the character you're controlling will contradict your actions during the cutscenes? I would've preferred it if they just railroaded me a bit more, so they could tell the story they wanted to tell instead of giving me the freedom to contradict the plot. My other real gripe is that the climax is very goofy and sucked all of the emotional tension out of the moment.

Otherwise, I enjoyed this. You may miss the road trip vibes of the original if you were a fan, but I think the fun exposition will make up for it. And Colton. I actually ended up liking that little ratbag in the end and I hate myself for it.

De todos os jogos que eu joguei esse ano esse com certeza não é um dos melhores, não acho que é nem mediano.
Esse é o primeiro jogo que eu faço a review enquanto jogo pois estou achando muito mal feito, pelo amor de Deus onde que foi a animação e arte dos personagens ? O que era simples mas visualmente bonito, se tornou em contorno de papelão aqui, os personagens super travados e feios. A musica é a mesma do primeiro com alguns adendos e não é ruim.
Não vou nem falar que toda gameplay do primeiro jogo é inexistente aqui, pois você joga só com 2 personagens até onde eu fui.
Sem contar as partes que são uma copia de sayonara wild hearts, jogo que eu nem joguei direito mas a gameplay é super parecida mas pior e mais simples. Meu deus eu não aguento mais jogar essas partes, meu desgosto pelo jogo aumenta cada vez que eu passo por elas.
Não aguentei mais, vi video no youtube mesmo sobre o final. Como que a gente sai de um jogo indie legal com uma gameplay até repetitiva, mas com um estilo divertido mesmo tendo seus problemas para esse jogo daqui ? Sem palavras, como um dos meus joguinhos favoritos indie de 2021 teve uma sequencia como essa aqui.

It was meh and very different from the original, doesn't have the same heart.

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