Reviews from

in the past

Sly 2 makes Sly 1 look like a complete joke.

I had to use cheats to skip one of the chapters because my disk was scratched and the game would freeze and break whenever loading into the second contessa world so I have never actually played that one, but I am sure it is also a good level

I honestly don't like this game as much as the others in the trilogy, it feels very padded out by having you go against 3 of the games bosses twice and the act structure feels very samey as you keep playing.

The missions are so repetitiv, like "get 3 blahblah from 3 different places now that pose pretty much the same challenges." and the hub world level design is really bad on some levels in way that makes the game feel more linear than it should. Also Sly, Murray, and Bentleys relationship is kinda stale. The color palette can be a bit dull with many levels sporting pretty much the same colors and not enough color variation.

The first half of this game is the series peak. The presentation is slick, the atmosphere is enthralling, and Bentley's voice is 30% less annoying. The sneaky breaky is at its best here, and the other characters serve as a nice change of pace without clogging up the game by overstaying their welcome. A few dumb minigames and a meandering third act weigh the game down, but don't spoil the experience.

The best of the Sly games, i feel all the characters are at their best here, and the gameplay is just really fun. All characters have their own objectives/ playstyles while playing as them, it really mixes it up and serves for more than just Sly stealth sections.

Had the time of my life playing this game. I love you Sly Cooper and company.

Same as Sly 1. What I like about this game was how similar it is to Sly 3. Not as great though.

Man do I just not like what they did with this one. While the moment to moment gameplay is pretty good, things like the more open world nature and character switching are immense pacebreakers to a game that should be better than Sly 1 but is just good. Hoping Sly 3 is better whenever I get to it

I don't remember this one as well as the first, but I don't think I liked it as much as the first one. Still a good game though.

o melhor jogo da franquia para mim, é sensacional, maravilho, envolvente e incrivel

I am a simple man. You make racoon sequel bigger and better than first? 5 stars.

You know that game you first fell in love with as a kid and played it all the time?
That wasn't a metaphor, wait...

probably the weakest of the trilogy, but still enjoyable. Very repetitive.

One of the best ps2 games, some levels feel unfair but other then that nearly perfect.

Quite a different game from the first, but the more heist-focused feel leads to some immensely satisfying sequences.

One of my top 3 favorite games of all time, yup I love it that much. While the first game in the series was a fine game all its own this one was for many reasons a huge improvement over it. First off you don't just play as Sly this time around, you also get the option to control Bentley and Murray. The three gang members have so much chemistry and really feel like they've truly been best friends for their entire lives, what's also great is that each one controls very differently and provides a very unique experience as you go through the game. As Sly your main object is to be stealthy and pull off jobs that usually involve things like climbing and platforming, pick-pocketing, so on and so forth. Bentley being the brainy one of the gang as well as their demolitions expert does a lot of sabotaging and demolition jobs, as well as jobs that require more intellect and technological knowledge, like the hacking missions. Finally, Murray is the strong-man of the group and most of his jobs usually involve lots of heavy lifting, taking out multiple enemies, and sometimes just pure destruction. There's also plenty of vehicle missions that give the game plenty of variety in each level. Speaking of levels, each level is fairly "Open" to exploration although this wouldn't be considered an open world game, you can do each mission on your own time and do them in whatever order you want which is something I've always respected in games, boss fights also offer a nice bit of variety as well so there's plenty to like here.

Now as for the story, this picks up 2 years after the last game ended where Sly got revenge on the gang that took out his parents and learned the ways of a thief by reading the Thievious Raccoonus, this included his family's arch rival, a giant metallic Owl named Clockwork. Although Clockwork was defeated at the end of the last game, he has not been totally disposed of as his body parts must be found and destroyed as well so that he can never again return, the parts however have been stolen by another group known as "The Klaww gang" who each took their own pieces of Clockworks body in order to run their own criminal operations, without getting too much into the plot of the games I will say that the main villains are all fairly interesting on their own and that things don't always go to plan throughout the game, again not gonna spoil anything but there's a few parts that caught me completely off guard when I first experienced them growing up and to this day I think this game might have the best written story of any platforming series out there.

Best game out of the trilogy. Peak Sly honestly

Sly 2 is my favorite game of all time. I'll try a bit to explain why.

The characters are so much fun. Sly, Bentley and Murray are endlessly entertaining. "Band of thieves" is a perfect title as you really feel a sense of camaraderie.
The marketing behind this game pushed the idea that you, the player, were a member of the team; a sort of intangible omnipotent puppetmaster that guided the cooper gang. Given how much you come to love them, they really achieved this feeling of making the player feel like apart of the gang.

The pacing in this game is just godly. The game perfectly built tension and allowed for rest periods throughout the story. The episode and missions structure is perfect and the storytelling in this game is honestly slept on.

I could go on, covering things like the game's gorgeous aesthetics and colour choice that are beautiful to this day, but in short, Sly 2 is simply perfect to me. I replay it every other year and I fall in love all over again.

Adorable and terrificly creative action-adventure heisting game. Best part honestly is the characterization, particularly the trio's friendship. It's just nice to see guys be nice friends with each other.

cant remember much about the game besides me getting to the end and thinking "holy shit that was good"

funciona muito bem até a parte em que não funciona

There are not enough stars in the world to appropriately rate this game

Very fun game. The writing relies on broad caricatures of different ethnic groups, but at least most of them are European.