Reviews from

in the past

Average. Not as memorable as Sly 3. I Like the idea of playing with Sly's predecessors. HD furs look weird....

Probably controversial but this is my favorite Sly game. Love it's level design and mechanics.

This game to me personally is great, I love it for the most part. The gameplay is solid and it plays exactly how I wanted it to play, and the animation quality for the game is fantastic. My only downsides to this game is how they made Bentley’s sleep darts obsolete and pointless which was a bit sad and my only major complaint is how they changed Tennessee Kid Cooper’s cane to a single gun with a ridiculously long barrel so they could give him the same animations as sly which I personally think was stupid. It would have been so cool to see him with his dual pistols, which they even show in the cartoon cutscenes, and even use them in the actual game together. Besides that I love this game, it was a very nice return to the series. Yes there are things I would have liked to be different but I am happy with what I was given

great continuation of the original, where's 5?

The best sly game at balancing stealth and platforming but some of the story choices give me hemorrhoids

[ Story: 8/10 | Gameplay: 7/10 | OST: 6/10 ]

8 years after 3's release and we still never lost that classic Sly Cooper charm. Unfortunately it also suffers from being on PS3, and having horrid stupid dumb poopy ass shitty Sixaxis controls.

I played Sly 4 before playing any other Sly game, and I liked it quite a bit. I generally don't care for stealth in games, so it was a stretch thinking I might enjoy this - but I did. I appreciate the humour and the light collecting. It's a pleasant world to explore.

i had a great time here, i should replay it someday

I love Sly Cooper, even though the games themselves are not the strongest.

-Descripción: Assassin´s Creed para niños con controles mas dinámicos.
-Explicando las estrellas: Los problemas con el guion son demasiados pero al mismo tiempo lo que es el juego es demasiado satisfactorio y de forma no irónica fue mi primer Sly Cooper?! Intente jugar a los primeros pero no conectaron conmigo. =/

Probably my least favorite Sly game, but I enjoyed my time with it. It looked nice at least, and the composer from the originals came back. Writing was pretty bad though. It was made by a different developer too. Also ended on a cliffhanger, so uh, yeah.

The Sly series was one of the best on PS2. It was original, artsy, had slick controls, and clever humor that you could only find on Sony’s consoles. After Sly 3, the series went into limbo during most of the PS3’s lifecycle with no sign of a new game in sight. With Sucker Punch powering away at the Infamous series all fans lost hope. Thieves in Time was finally announced with much rejoicing, but once the game arrived everyone was scratching their heads. Why was this is a game almost identical to the previous three in every way shape and form?

If you’re familiar with the Sly games you know how this game plays out. 5 chapters of various different villains that the gang must take down. Each chapter starts with an intro from Bentley the turtle (the computer and tech wiz). After this Sly goes and takes pictures to gather recon for what to do next. As soon as I saw this in the first chapter I rolled my eyes. I knew I was in for another Sly game with the same gameplay we are now tired of. Sure it’s quality but I wanted evolution in the series. When I say nothing has changed I mean absolutely nothing. The same guard paths can be followed, pickpocketing, the same yellow flashlights, the same small confusing hubs with 30 clue bottles and a safe. You get the picture. However, the hubs aren’t as interesting to traverse and I completely bypassed collecting any extras as it felt like a chore.

That’s not to say every little thing is the same. The clever and witty humor turned into Saturday Morning Cartoon slapstick humor with jokes written by 8-year-olds. No longer do you find the darker humor that adults can relate to. I didn’t laugh or smile at a single joke or line of dialogue. This is especially sad since you go back in time to find 5 of Sly’s ancestors which opens a path for great dialog. Roichi is Sly’s Japanese Samurai ancestor, Tennessee Kid is his wild west ancestor, Bob is Sly’s very first ancestor from 10,000 B.C., Sir Gallenth is his medieval ancestor, and Salim is his Arabian Nights ancestor. These are actually interesting characters, but their personalities are limited by the poor writing. No longer is the banter between Sly, Bentley, and Murray something you look forward to at every cutscene.

I also miss the more clever gameplay segments, now we just get a ton of boring mini-games and quick time events. Hell, even the final boss is an easy quick time event fest. The most interesting part of the whole game are the bosses which are rather challenging and fun to fight. The only new addition to the entire series is the new costume abilities. These add a special set of skills Sly needs to get through some missions. Apart from this, you can expect the same controls even. It’s a crying shame for a series that is so dear to PlayStation fans.

With all of that said the game looks pretty damn good on Vita minus the occasional slowdown and the super long load times. Jumping from area to area was painful due to the 45 second or longer loading screens. Some gameplay segments were shorter than the actual load times. This really hurt the game as I set my Vita down to actually go do something while the game loaded. Long-term fans may either hate this game or love it. Newcomers will actually see it as a quality PlayStation title. As someone who has played the games since the very first one, I find it rather disappointing and almost a chore to play through.

Buenas zonas y misiones. No está al nivel de los originales, pero cumple con creces.

The fourth and final game in the Sly Cooper series. While the story is unfortunately a bit of a disappointment this time around and there are some minor technical issues, the gameplay is still just as good as ever with the series' excellent stealth-platforming mechanics we all know and love here and accounted for. The costumes also add a pretty unique twist to some of the missions, and the ability to play as Sly's ancestors is just way too cool. Wrap that up in gorgeous presentation and art direction thanks in part to the hardware leap, and you have a pretty solid game, narrative notwithstanding.

I hate what this game did to Bentley.

This game feels like fanfiction, and I do not mean that in the good way.

I know there are elements of this game that people are not as crazy about, but I think it's a fun 3D platformer that retains the spirit of the first three. I really wish we could've gotten the fifth game, though...or at least that planned DLC chapter. That cliffhanger made me want more.

What is it with this series fascination with dancing mini-games?

This game was surprisingly sweet, had a great time.

really good but optimized like shit

Este jogo não era para existir e trouxe um dos maiores cliffhangers da historia dos jogos, no entantanto ainda assim explora um conceito super interessante e traz alguns dos momentos mais memoraveis da série, pena que poderia ter sido muito melhor.