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in the past

They added a bunch of cool fanservice which is neat but... I liked the original ending more? There's a bunch of cool moments but they end up being nothing more than twitter clips because the whole thing doesn't flow together very well. The extra playable characters don't really have a purpose- they have a bunch of cool upgrades but no tangible reward for getting them. Leveling the other characters revolves around finding a random koco in the open world rather than actually demonstrating any sort of skillful play, and there's no reason to play as them again past their very brief platforming sections. There's no reason to really explore the open world at ALL in this chapter.
The boss rush is cool, but why was there no way to replay the bosses before this point...? Why is it so BRUTAL, even on easy mode? Just having to fight all of them with a level 1 sonic would have been hard enough, but doing it all in a row with perfect parry, a mechanic that didn't even EXIST before this point, is way too much. Not to mention that 400 rings is BARELY enough to get through all 3 bosses, ESPECIALLY the second boss. It was genuinely a fun challenge to overcome though, and was my favorite part of the DLC.

why is the true final boss so obtuse though? why is the ONLY hint on how to actually hit it locked behind 100%ing the entire final chapter, in an era where you can just look things up I'm you get frustrated? It doesn't feel like a clever solution, either, it just feels like you're exploiting the wonky combat system. I 100% completed the base game when it came out, but I think it's going to be a long time before I play it again after this.

It's alright. New characters are fun but I honestly prefer the final boss of the original game and the Koco trials were a bit annoying. Cyberspace stages are generally very good though

most characters played like shit (especially knuckles), the difficulty was increased heavily for no reason whatsoever, every single new character starts with their own skill tree plus all 4 stats at lvl 1 (causing you to have to either wait for the meteor showers for stat upgrades or search the map to max each of their stats), and the story didn't interest me much up to the boss rush trial (which was my last straw because i couldn't be bothered to relearn how every mechanic works just to beat something that wasn't enjoyable to me.) i may eventually revisit this but as of rn i highly doubt i will honestly.

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This is... a mixed bag.

On one hand, the simple pleasure of just traveling this landscape with these new characters is just inherently fun to me. Amy and Tails are pretty fun to platform with. And the final boss (At least on Easy) is genuinely great!

On the other hand, like the base game, the combat is an absolute joke, especially with the new characters. Knuckles, while still fun in his own way, is HEAVILY scuffed. Sonic's towers are some of the most frustrating platforming sections in the series, and OH MY GOD, that boss rush is one of the tedious things I've played in awhile. It practically RUINED the Wyvern boss for me.

Overall, this update was a mixed bag, but I am glad I played it at least once.

(OUTDATED) Top tier music, amazing cyberspace stages, weird control decisions with the new characters. Perfect parry is too much in a final trial (remember that every difficulty has different timing), and you can't apply it later in a normal game, very disappointing. Last boss maybe is a good spectacle, but it's too confusing for the first time (Please use RB/R1 in a fight). Loved challenges on the island, new bosses were a cool surprise, but where are the normal enemies? New characters can't fight them, so they feel underused. That's a shame, because fighting with Knuckles is the first thing i wanted to try, and it's on bosses that have too much health. I love fighting with Tails, it's like 3D Mega Man with a charged shot. But come on, he breaks the game with the Cyclone. It's too much, but in the long run it doesn't matter. Just don't overuse it. Amy is fine with her triple jump. Why does knuckles have to stop for a second to glide and stomp? and his gliding is like steering a boat. HMM codes and mods helps in that way. I saw that the patch is coming soon and we will see what is changed, but meh, I don't count on much. Anyway, you can improve it greatly for yourself using codes in HMM or checking online how to beat trials (the second one, ugh!) and bosses. I still enjoyed it, and it's better on replay when you know what to do.

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This Review is going to be a review of all 3 updates and how they affected the game

Update 1:
A good start. I love that it gave an option to replay the Boss fights since as said in my review of the base game those are some of the biggest highlights in the entire series. I also liked the cyberspace challenge I think the simple goal of s ranking every stage made gave a good flow and being able to unlock the power boost made revisiting the stages more fun then before. I also love how speed running is actively encouraged. Oh and the Jukebox was a nice little addition.

Update 2:
The cosmetic stuff was fine I don't use it. However the new koco were a blast to collect as well as having a reward of permanetly increasing the boost gauge. There was a great quality of life improvement of being able to decrease deceleration which gives a horizontal jump much more distance. Then there's the spindash... while the process to unlock it can be a bit tedious it completely changes how you can play and can pretty much allow you to fly across island and is one of the most satisfying things I've ever done in any video game.

Update 3:
This is the big one holy shit this was awesome. One of the criticisms of the base game was how weak the climax was. The Final Horizon delivered and then some with it's new story that completely revamps the endgame. It gave the ability to play as Amy, Knuckles, and Tails who are all really fun to platform with. I am bummed that their combat isn't nearly fleshed out as Sonic's though, but I guess that still gives an incentive to play as Sonic. Another thing that this new campaign did was ramp up the difficulty. I've seen some people complain about it but it honestly isn't even that bad. Though I'm disappointed they didn't change the aesthetic of Ouranos Island, the challenge made it much more memorable. The new mini bosses also ramped up the difficulty and I actually really enjoyed all of them because of how crazy they can get with the only one I didn't like being the new spider mini boss. They also remixed cyberspace stages to be really crazy with all new missions and challenges that encourage replayability Then there's the new final boss... I wasn't ready. The original final boss was so anticlimactic but WOW they went all out with THE END it brought out a legitimate challenge while raising the hype meter into orbit and is possibly the greatest final boss in any platformer ever.

Conclusion: It's honestly astounding how much work Sonic team put into this game in just one year. And it's all of free. Though it still has obvious flaws I can't help but love this whole game and the work that went into it.

I've never had such mixed feelings on a Sonic game. Honestly, I don't think it was for me, I'm not a big guy for games this hard. Some parts just felt bs (screw the final trial), but some was kinda fun. The new characters are ok, I wish you started with more of the basic abilities (like the cyloop). But hey, it was free. :/

While the difficulty may be a turn off to many fans and other players, the challenge was worth it in my opinion for a complete rework of the game's third act that works in the story and gameplay's favor.

Hoping this leads to a new era of Sonic

A great idea executed terribly. New characters do not control well, especially all of their aerial movements (Amy's jumps, Knuckles' glide, and Tails' flight). Pacing is all over the place, the characters taking on tasks and switching out seemingly at random. Even on the easiest setting the combat ramps up frustratingly hard. Beat the original on Hard but had to give up on the very first tower combat challenge.

Update: they fixed Amy, Knux and Tails :>

This is some of the most challenging gameplay this franchise has to offer. Tho, this time, its not held back by imprecise control schemes, bullshit camera or bad enemy placement. It is frustrating at times but its overall a welcome challenge from a series that often doesnt do it well.

The new 3 playable characters all play very fun too and have very fun challenges around the island.....but Knuckles was done kinda dirty here, he is the least interesting one, sadly.

Overall, this is a very solid end cap to Frontiers, all its setbacks are a consequence of frontiers itself, and probably not having the highest of budgets since its a free product.

É bem 8 ou 80, as partes boas são MUITO boas e as partes ruins são Muito ruins

I really like the new exploration stuff added, but the added difficulty just doesn't fit the game mechanics here. My main gripe here is the increased difficulty, specifically the perfect parry mechanic which just feels too awkward for how precisely you need to perform it. There were so many times where I would be baffled by how my parries didn't go through on the hard and normal difficulties, but on easy I found that the timing was way too generous and I just hate this mechanic because the game doesn't feel designed with it in mind. The new final boss is just annoying to figure out how to perform certain parts of it, like you have to hit its head then sidestep to hit the thing you actually need to hit which feels so random and jank that I hate it. You also have to quick cyloop at two specific points that you just need to figure out by trial and error which got annoying. The worst thing about the final boss though is the camera, it frequently just gets obscured in the forest blinding you while you need to make perfect parries so you just have to guess. Overall, it's a free update with a lot of content which is pretty awesome, but the difficulty being increased in such an awkward way and ruins many parts of the experience. I really want a nice challenge but this difficulty is just poorly balanced and not fun. But if you like Sonic Frontiers, I think this is worth playing after you beat the normal game.

Se tudo isso estivesse no jogo desde o começo seria um grande 10.

Edit (The Final Horizon Update): Now that the game is fully complete, I can say without a doubt, the game is so close to being the best sonic game in my opinion, unlike most sonic games, the recent update actually provides some challenge and was genuinely difficult, also the final boss music was another thing i loved about it, 9.5/10 now. Thanks SEGA!

This is the ending that the base game should've had from the beginning! The Final Horizon update making the last island a playground for now playable characters ever since Sonic 06, Amy, Knuckles, and Tails, was so much fun with crazy platforming challenges. I loved how they all controlled, minus Knuckles gliding since for some reason they made it so sluggish to move with. There were some points, especially with Sonic, where I felt the game was TOO hard though the 1(maybe 2) time it happens doesn't harm just how amazing that ending is. Sonic is truly back and I can't wait to see where they go from here for the next 3D game!

They had a year and couldn't fix the pop in. I also see people mentioning the dlc is tougher than the main game but I really think that's more a combo of bad level design and the new characters really not feeling any good to play. I'd keep playing but this game already took 30+ hours from me when I 100% the main game at the beginning of the year. I honestly don't think I would've even went that far with the main game without the mods making the gameplay feel better and I don't think I'll be waiting around for to get expanded into this content. I'm not exactly filled with hope but maybe Frontiers 2 will fill at least a bit less like an alpha build.
Oh, and I don't feel like I should have to say this but power to anyone who enjoyed this game and it's completely possible to dislike it without being influenced by a youtube review guy.

I'm a little mixed on this dlc. To get the positive stuff out of the way The subspace levels and story beats were pretty good. The final boss was so good too. The downside Is the new characters kinda feeling a little eh (specifically knuckles feeling so much worse compared to previous counter parts), The Difficulty spike going up to the extreme to the point where the towers and the trial near the end was a little too much. There's a reason why my friend group and I just called this DLC Kaizo Frontiers. The pop-in feels so much worse In the dlc compared to the game itself but overall It's okay.

O fan-service que frontiers precisava, não vo entrar em muitos detalhes sobre historia pq tira toda a graça, mas de resto, concertaram basicamente tudo, é isso. O sonic tem a melhor movimentação de todos os jogos 3D (até porque é uma mistura de todas hur-dur) mas agora com o spindash e o momentum bem definidos ta maravilhoso o controle do personagem, os personagens novos tão delicinha de jogar (menos o knuckles) e inclusive tão com arvores de habilidade bem mais interessantes que a do sonic, E MEU AMIGO como que eles conseguem lançar um album inteiro novo tão perfeito pra uma DLC gratuita ?!?
O jogo ainda não ta perfeito respeitando a proposta inicial e orçamento mas de novo, pra uma DLC GRATIS, ja fez bem mais do que devia.

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I was already prepared about how the towers was going to be, but the fact that no one told me anything about the cyberspace and so many people was talking about how great the final boss was made this be the most frustating experience I had with the game
The cyberspace was the best part, and even that just half of it was actually good. The car was literally the one that I had most fun and it was just because it is an ugly spam of cars that made me and my friend do jokes like "no way they did an stage based on São Paulo" and "if this was made by Kojima he would be trying to pass a message"
I'm really glad that apparently this is not canon. Although the only thing that would really change on the story if it was is that Sonic would have a new transformation, because even the ending is basically the same exact thing

PS: Since this was an extra mode, my opinion on the base game didn't changed. It could make it better, but not worse

I can't believe this final boss rush, actually unironically the worst. I had fun with the challenges it provided up to that point, where it just spits in your face and just becomes unfun.

Um 7/10 não pela qualidade da DLC, mas sim pela diversão que ela me propôs, além do mais não quero pegar pesado com uma DLC gratuita, entendo que tem problema de Level design, dificuldade desbalanceada, desafios retardados e o final boss com aquele lance bugado de trocar mira com o R1, porém mesmo assim me diverti muito com os personagens jogáveis e o taills é muito foda.

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A frustratingly uneven experience, with some great highs weighed down by disappointing lows. Amy, Knuckles, and Tails were good ideas that could have used some more time being tested, but as they stand I just found them generally unfun to play as most of the time, with Tails being the most redeeming of the bunch and Knuckles being unbearable to play as. The Sonic challenges up the towers were great fun, with a high degree of difficulty I really enjoyed. The boss gauntlet, while a great idea and generally fun to play through, could have had a few quality of life changes to make it truly enjoyable, such as removing the original Sonic segments, especially the Wyvern one. Final boss was not great in my opinion, once again I can see the idea of something good but implementation that just feels too unfinished to really enjoy.

(i bought the game on pc again because of mods) i loved it! though it's easily the buggiest and less polished part of the game, the pop-in is even more apparent here than the base game, characters are either overleveled af or they're underleveled, the towers difficulty are inconsistent and so are the trials, the final trial on hard mode before the patch was stupidly difficult (mostly the 2nd boss fight), and the final boss doesn't give you an indication on what to do which can make you get stuck for a while. but besides all of that, i loved the update! the characters are fun, the new ending is much better narratively, and the final boss fight itself was really climactic and awesome. don't got much to say except for playing it on normal difficulty

very flawed and kinda annoying sometimes but still rlly fun + amazing final boss