Reviews from

in the past

Balance incarnate. I suck at it and can't appreciate it properly, so my big takeaway is usually just whining at how long every campaign mission takes.

It may not do anything particularly new, but it does real-time strategy better than any game before it.

This was one of the first computer games I remember playing. At the time, I wasn't able comprehend the story, really, nor how to play (hence my overreliance on cheats) but I do remember it being a fun experience at the time. Years later, I went back to it as friends from school wanted to play, and it became my first foray into competitive video games and eSports.

Might have rented it or played a very little tiny bit before returning. Not enough to properly judge but enough for me to not be motivated to continue.

With Brood war it also is a great must play title with incredible world building, characters and tight balance. If you're more into the hyper focused competitive gameplay of RTS games, you can't fault this game for much.

I swear I will beat the campaign one day. The first RTS that made me think that Age of Empires could possibly be flawed. I've since come around on that opinion, but I'm game to play a match of SC any day.

Uno de los más respetados y aclamados juegos de estrategia de todos los tiempos. Eso es lo que es StarCraft; un juego que se ha ganado su reputación a pulso, ofreciendo innovación y calidad, ganándose el aprecio por mérito propio y dejando bases para el futuro, como cualquier otro clásico de la industria. La incesante lucha entre los Terran, los Protoss y los Zerg, se cuenta en el campo de batalla, en donde solo el más fuerte, inteligente y recursivo sobrevive. Con una historia interesante que contar, unos personajes con la profundidad suficiente, una mecánica de juego que se adapta y un excelente concepto, StarCraft es una de las mejores franquicias que la industria ha tenido el honor de ver crecer.

The BEST Game of Strategy RTS, Ever!!
Melhor Game de Estratégia RTS de todos os Tempos!!

😳✌🏻🚬 need a lighter?

as crianças pc master race dos anos 90 eram poderosas demais (por mais que eu duvide que zeraram isso sem cheat). esse jogo me deixou triste com duas coisas: a primeira, que é um puta papo de véio, foi pensar na diferença abissal entre quem jogava isso na infância e quem jogava fortnite. a segunda, que é uma das maiores depressões modernas de quem joga videogame há pelo menos 15 anos, foi ver o que a blizzard uma vez foi. eu odeio o capitalismo.

pensando seriamente em fazer o sacrifício do tassadar porém na sede da activision.

Played this game for a bit but did not grab me. It is fine by itself, but if you want a more intriguing RTS game go for Age of Empires II.

Got obliterated by 15 tanks that appeared 5 minutes after beginning the mission. Good RTS for beginners


Ah, Starcraft, the rts that teached me that the best strategy is always to wall yourself off with guns, turrets and heavy artillery. It might be reason for my liking of monster girls to, thanks a lot Kerrigan.
Each faction is completely different from each other, all have their own gimmick and their own way to rush and win on the first 3 minutes.
Now, in my opinion, vanilla SC is the superior game, it has a good balance while being fun without the extra units, but if you like them, go right ahead.

terran theme 1 so good id name my never-existing-kids after it

probably good but I was terrible at it. if you play as the Terrans then when your infrastructure gets wiped out you can lift the whole base off the ground and fly it away to try and hide to maybe come in second to last. it doesn't work very well, and it's not fun exactly, but it is a little bit funny and look, we do what we must when our friends completely outclass us.

I played a gta map that had a porn sound file when you stand on the sex circle and i think my mom heard me playing it when i was like 7 years old but she never said anything

This was my first super addicting game. I played this so much online. The custom map mod games were awesome too. This game was perfectly balanced. It was very easy to sink tons of time into this.