Reviews from

in the past

Is alright but gets a bit stale towards the end

Surprisingly addicting. Lots of replay value for how little content there is

A really fun original concept on the Tetris/Match 3 vague styling type of game that unfortunately I think has been rendered moot with the improved version of essentially the same game from the same creator in Unidentified Falling Objects. It feels like here the progression is a lot faster than UFO but subsequently the penalties for dying are much more strict, at least in the early game. I also think the lack of customization options in the formatting/graphics are a little irritating since I would want to be able to fit things to my larger screen but it's not a dealbreaker. A killer concept & fun enough on it's own, but UFO took everything & massively built upon it so I'm not sure how often I'd be revisiting this one.

Somewhat scant on content, but that's more of a testament to how fun this game is because I want more of it. While that may be a bad value proposition for some, I have nothing but praise for how fun and tightly designed the core gameplay is. Very fun.

fun little puzzle platformer. a flash game wearing a compiled binary's skin.

I'd like it a little more if it weren't focused on the endless modes, those start feeling a bit samey after a while and get frustrating when you can only take one hit. The challenge stages and character variety are pretty good, though. I dropped it after the credits because legitimate 100% seems absurdly tedious.

very cool action puzzle game with very cool music, fun to play in co-op

Every couple of years I see this game in my library and feel compelled to give it another try. This is one of the first games I had in my Steam library, and it never fails to disappoint me every time I play it.

I think this is one of those things where the idea for the game sounds good until you think about what it would actually be like to play it. There are a lot of falling block puzzle games, why not twist that and make it so that you're not controlling the blocks by dropping them, but instead by managing them from inside the field, jumping and dodging them while trying to arrange fallen blocks? The truth is that trying to create combos in a falling blocks game isn't very fun when the only means you have to do it with is a gun that only shoots horizontally. Waiting for the game to eventually create a large enough cluster of blocks to then slowly shoot it in order to get the points for it is simply not fun, it's like someone's playing a really fun game and you're just kind of witnessing that person have fun instead of you. Cool music though.