Reviews from

in the past

dont play this on hard if you value your hands

What do you get when you cross Touhou, Inti Creates, and old japanese message board memes that I've never seen before in my life? Complete fucking nonsense, that's what.

The game plays like a mix of Mega Man Zero 3 and Touhou 17.5 (which came out like a decade after this), and that's the simplest way I can put it. You can shoot, dash (which allows you to "graze" bullets, by the way), and do all sorts of kicks and special skills. Thanks to the crazy amount of mobility and attacks at your disposal, levels focus less on traditional platforming and more on using your repertoire to mow down enemies as fast (and I mean as fast) as possible.

To further encourage this playstyle (or, I suspect it would be more accurate to say that the game was built around it), there is also a sort of "chaining" mechanic that feeds into a greater scoring and ranking system, which, again, is very reminiscent of Mega Man Zero. As I mentioned before, scoring essentially revolves around blazing through levels while constantly hitting enemies hard and fast with all you've got. While actually successfully pulling this off obviously requires extensive knowledge of the game, far more than one playthrough would give, getting even a little taste of a massive combo is nonetheless exhilarating.

But beyond all that, the execution is messy as FUCK. Enemies pop in from out of nowhere and bullets fly everywhere, while you frantically dash around and mash attacks with barely an inkling of what you're doing, as you rush to find the next enemy to extend your chain, despite the fact that you know your ass is getting another D rank anyway. You'll fail attacks and run into enemies like an idiot so many times that the invincibility window will become very dear to you. Attempts to understand what's going on and formulate some sort of strategy will prove futile, and you'll instead opt to operate on pure instinct. Bosses are generally a lot more tame at least, with identifiable and reactable patterns and openings, but even then they can get incomprehensible, like with the duo boss rematches near the end. Much of this constitutes what a lesser being might call "poor game design", but I don't give a shit. This lunacy put me in the zone, and as far as I'm concerned, that makes it GOOD.

The nature of the japanese message board memes only adds to the insanity too. One minute I'm being besieged by five ketchup(?) bottles and some soy sauce, a walking squid, and a Flandre spider, and in the next, I'm fighting for my life against what appears to be Nue combined with a Magneton. Come, large tampura Iku Nagae, we shall do battle. Oh, now I'm fighting a big fat Yuyuko yukkuri in a Space Harrier-clone. It is what it is!

Look, the game is a joke, a great joke, a joke that only a specific type of person could laugh at, and a joke that even fewer could actually get. Basically, what I'm trying to say here is, it's kino.

Exciting! Fast! Armies of suddenly appearing enemies! Deep fried Iku Nagae! I have no clue what's going on. Really fun MMX/Z style game that may be rough first time around, but opens up as you get familiar with the mechanics and moveset. You can do it, Takorin!

This game is complete and utter fucking nonsense. Its just chaos from front to fucking back. Despite that it's one of the best Touhou platformer fangames out there. Immaculately smooth and satisfying controls, legit gorgeous spritework for what is effectively a game based on old japanese messageboard shitposts that none of us will ever understand due to the memes being a decade displaced from now, but them still being funny due to the sheer absurdity/hilarity of the sprites themselves. Or the incredible soundtrack and pretty well designed levels and enemy encounters. Everything about this goofy ass game that probably shouldn't click melds together perfectly into a genuinely really good 2D action game. This is one of the best Mega Man X / Mega Man Zero games out there.