Reviews from

in the past

was very fun I spent way too much time and money in it all for valve to stop updating/caring about it. Still a all time classic and masterpiece

meu jogo multiplayer favorito, pena que foi abandonado

The whole hero-based multiplayer shootout thing doesn't appeal to me in the slightest

The most fun you can have online! (in like 2015)

The best bad game ever. TF2 has a ton of strong points like superb fan support and fun classes to play as, yet it is also a broken and unbalanced mess that will drive you up the wall. TF2 has high mountains and deep pits in terms of enjoyment; when it is fun it is perhaps the most fun FPS in existence, but there will a ton of times where the game will leave you broken and upset. Don’t let the funny memes fool you, you need to have a lot of patience to get into this game.

valve is great at developing and terrible at maintaining

I can't tell what I hate more, this game or its annoying ass community

Dünyanın en iyi piçlik oyunu

The gold standard for team shooters

I have a few big gripes with this game but ultimately it's heaps of fun and a good laugh. Though it certainly has this haunting feeling of an abandoned game and is not in its prime anymore. A TF3 would be so good.

nothing comes close to the energy that tf2 has gained over the years. in no other game is the punchline always:
- invisible spy eats shit
- everyone killbinds on top of each other
- visible spy eats even bigger shit
and in no other game is it always funny like in tf2
very good

this has to be my favorite multiplayer game ever. team fortress 2 was valve's breakthrough game for me, the game that finally caused me to get a steam account. i have been playing this game for over 5 years and i likely won't stop any time soon.

oh, and of course, my favorite class is soldier and my favorite map is pl_goldrush.

A game I tried getting into but couldn’t. Always just preferred combat arms and then later csgo as my first person shooter games.

Ainda hei de conhecer alguém que seja mais esperto que uma bala.

Прикол, зашёл и вышел, а поиграть не поиграл, может выйдет Обнова и игру оптимизируют?

“I HAVE NO IEDAAA!!!”- Medic 2011

pros - funny backstabs
cons - you're french


Well, off to visit your mother!

A Blueprint of what a Multiplayer Game Should be. There is no other game out there like this which makes you that connected with complete strangers online. 5/5

El segundo mejor shooter que existe, personajes mapas y mecánicas totalmente únicas. Engineer >>>>>>

I'm sure this is a good shooter game and was fun in it's time but its impossible to learn nowadays because of how insanely good everyone is. Sfm youtube poop

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It’s good when you aren’t hounded by bots