Reviews from

in the past

The gold standard for team shooters

I have a few big gripes with this game but ultimately it's heaps of fun and a good laugh. Though it certainly has this haunting feeling of an abandoned game and is not in its prime anymore. A TF3 would be so good.

this game is like fundamental to my existence on the internet

Magnificent game, endless replayability.
You shoot enemies good, you shoot self good, GOOD.

Game just doesnt work lmao

yeah it was funny but it kinda died out for me

after 750 hours i have never wanted to hurt myself more

nothing comes close to the energy that tf2 has gained over the years. in no other game is the punchline always:
- invisible spy eats shit
- everyone killbinds on top of each other
- visible spy eats even bigger shit
and in no other game is it always funny like in tf2
very good

For one of the most well known team based shooters, it has introduced some mechanics that many people hate in other games (ex lootboxes, cash shops, etc). despite this, it has becoming its own entity, transcending just gaming and having a massive economy.
though, it is genuinely one of the most fun shooters ive ever played (aside the other tf2) and continues to bring more fun every time i play it.

This game was my life throughout most of High School. I don't care if it's a shit show today, I have so many amazing memories with TF2 and still admire it from the sidelines today.

Miles needa come home so he n I can play this again, was so fucking fun

Ojalá Valve retome algún día esta joya

El segundo mejor shooter que existe, personajes mapas y mecánicas totalmente únicas. Engineer >>>>>>

I'm sure this is a good shooter game and was fun in it's time but its impossible to learn nowadays because of how insanely good everyone is. Sfm youtube poop

No denying this game is a quality hero-shooter before those where a thing. But will they ever make a 3rd one tho?

I loooooooove Demoman he's so cool

The Golden Age is long gone, but it's still some of the most fun you can have online.

best adhd fps ive played so far

I don't have a lot of time on this game, but from what I have played it feels fluid and satisfying, and has a unique style. Not really my cup of tea, but still solid.

The most fun in an online multiplayer game you will ever have.

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It’s good when you aren’t hounded by bots

this game was perfect until they hid away the server browser which most people still playing don't remember because they're too young

Genuinely I will never understand what makes 47 year old men love this game so much.

never got to play it since being a nintendo fan as a kid comes with consequences but i picked it up with a friend and had fun though there’s people who will spam bots into the server 24/7 or camp with snipers.. def impossible to play by yourself unless your really goated at the game

FODA, OK? Amava jogar essa bomba em meados de 2012/13.