Reviews from

in the past

Difícil superar esse jogo. É o Tekken mais completo até hoje e isso inclui a versão Vanilla. Joguei no PSP pq é onde eu conseguia mas se eu pudesse eu jogaria no PS3

Used to play this game on my PSP all the time. More characters than vanilla T5 and it patched the overpowered combos/characters.

my uncle lent me this game when I was like 7 and i remember being like damn this shit is violent so cool

Première fois que je fais vraiment un jeu de combat à 100%. Ça ne m'avait pas rendu plus fort, mais ça m'a fait passer du bon temps (et rager un peu).

If you are a fighting game fan there is no way this isn't a perfect game for you

Very solid fighting game, good roster of characters and awesome soundtrack.

If we pretend tekken 1 doesn't exist, the odd numbered tekken games really are the most refined ones. The PS3 port of tekken dark resurrection probably has the most refined fighting, and biggest roster out of all the versions of tekken 5 out there. It's incredibly fun with friends. However, me being the lonely fighting gamer out there, I do wish it had the modes that were in vanilla tekken 5 as this version of the game is pretty much arcade and versus and that's it. Pretty darn jarring for a tekken game when the previous games usually have some wacky fun sidemodes to also sink your teeth into. If you have friends around to play this with, this game owns. If not, you might want to downgrade to vanilla.

tekken 5 but on crack and i love it because it's literally crack!

Este aqui deve ter sido o meu favorito no quesito fan service, de resto não teve quase inovação nenhuma, sem ser o gráfico etc.

As cutscenes são lindas e é tudo cheio de personalidade, acredito que tenha sido um período morno para a série.

This and 4 Got me into the wild world of fighting games and I can’t thank it enough for that

Lillie main 4 life 💚🌟

Asuka, you changed me for the better.

My introduction to the Tekken franchise. The gameplay is great even to this day and the cutscenes are all epic.

I loved playing this in my psp.

já imaginou melhorar o melhor tekken já lançado? a namco imaginou e realizou.

Comienzo de la decadencia de la saga.

Podia ser só um port mas mudaram muitas coisas, poderiam ter deixado os cenários e músicas originais e acrescentar os novos, deixar o fundo do menu igual ao do ps2 ou pelo menos ter a opção de mudar, os modos novos não tenho nada a favor nem contra, a gameplay é básicamente a mesma, gráficamente (joguei no psp, suponho que deu uma melhorada pro ps3) nada a comentar, gostaria que esse jogo fosse uma melhora grotesca do original. (achei legal o Dragunov e a Lili, antes que comentem)

i grew up with this specific tekken. i love the gameplay but there is nothing i love more than tekken bowling. it is so real. so raw. my first memory of tekken is tekken bowling. what i am and will become IS tekken bowling.

roger to his therapist be like: "she took the fucking kid and a damn lizard started fucking my wife"

Peak 3D Fighting Game. Not giving it 5 stars for not following Tekken 4 aesthetics.

steve fox literalmente eu