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in the past

It's alright. Nothing new really. Just shooting hordes.

I mean, it's kinda bullying cus its not finished but like. It's just L4D2 with less charm. It does some things a tiny bit better, like large open areas w infinite hordes actually providing much needed tension, but mostly its just eh.

The game is a pretty good Left 4 Dead copy but not as good as Left 4 Dead itself. The hectic FPS is definitely fun with friends but it doesn't have lasting power. After the first few plays you probably won't touch it again. 6 hours in and I pretty much had my fill of it.

Killing Floor 2 but boring

Não tinha muitas expectativas com o game, até mesmo por ainda estar em fase "Prévia". A gameplay é igual a de qualquer outro game de horda, ou seja, não é ruim mas também não inova. A única coisa que eu particularmente gostei foi a ambientação, pois gosto desse "futuro anos 80". Talvez tendo alguns amigos, a experiência seja mais interessante.

A stylish romp in space… with a ship full of enemies.

Once again we end on a Horde shooter. This time, it’s space aliens… Wasn’t that what we talked about at the end of the last Game Pass video. This is a Game Preview or Early Access, same meaning, of a space shooter where you shoot a lot of enemies, it’s also one I recommend playing with other people you know because the three times I played, everyone else dropped out before the end of the fourth area, and there’s no way to matchmake back into a group at that point.

The game is also decently hard, and I’m not sure if the AI isn’t good enough or the game is just brutal, but if you get two or three of the special monsters, you’re going to be struggling a lot. The guns don’t stand out as well, and there are only, I believe, 3 or 4 of them. The levels also don’t change and while the horde will be slightly different, it’s all the same game before a couple of hours are up. There are good designs and aesthetics at least.

Pick this up if you have a firm group that you want to play this. I wouldn’t play this with matchmaking especially how once players drop they’re gone forever. At the same time, this game makes me think Aliens: Fireteam Elite wasn’t that bad, and I definitely would recommend Back 4 Blood over this, but if you’re bored of those two titles, give this a shot.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games:

Aesthetically pleasing but kind of rough in its current state.


Dieser 4-Spieler-Co-Op-Horden-Shooter ist letzten Donnerstag in die Early-Access- bzw. Game-Preview-Phase gestartet und wird das aller Voraussicht nach ca. 1 Jahr bleiben. Das Besondere hierbei ist nicht nur die abgefahrene Prämisse, der Look und das Design, sondern auch dass hier der ehemalige Valve-Co-Writer Chet Faliszek federführend ist. Dieser hat zuvor an den Storys zu beiden LEFT 4 DEADs und PORTALs mitgeschrieben und kehrt mit seinem eigenen, knapp 20-köpfigen Studio zu diesen Wurzeln zurück. Obwohl das Spiel noch reichlich unrund läuft (trotz DLSS-Unterstützung wankt die Framerate von hohen 70 bis 140 Bildern pro Sekunde) und überhaupt nicht frei von Fehlern ist, hatte ich in den bisherigen 3½ Stunden eine wahnsinnig gute Zeit. Während des Spielens merkt man, dass ein Fundament da ist, einen glorreichen geistigen Nachfolger zu schaffen, weil der Ex-Arbeitgeber zu doof ist, um bis Drei zu zählen. 😉

Derzeit gibt es drei Episoden, die durchschnittlich 1 Stunde dauern. Diese könnte man auch schneller durchziehen, aber das Spiel belohnt die Erkundung der Maps mit verschiedenen Ausrüstungsgegenständen wie Granaten, die eine Blase erschaffen, in der für mehrere Sekunden eine Zeitlupe aktiv ist oder alle Gegner ist eine Art Schwarzes Loch zieht, nur um kurz darauf in alle Richtungen zu zerbersten. Daneben gibt's Stationen an denen man seine Waffen oder den Charakter verbessern kann.

Einen Versus-Modus wie in LEFT 4 DEAD gibt's noch nicht, wollen sich die Entwickler aber anschauen, wenn das Spiel fertig ist. Bis dahin wollen sie erstmal ein Spiel schaffen, in dem man gerne mit bestenfalls drei Freunden abhängt und keine schwitzigen Duelle fördern möchte, die mit kostenlosen russischen Beleidigungen angereichert sind.

Crossplay zwischen den Stores (Steam und Epic) und der Konsole (momentan nur Xbox) wird unterstützt. Und außerdem ist THE ANACRUSIS aktuell sowohl bei der Xbox als auch am PC im Gamepass verfügbar.

all my homies use the blaster

Score: 24/100

Horrible graphics, gunplay that feels awful to control, no story setup whatsoever and really annoying characters make the anacrusis an awful experience. Hope the devs improve the game but I highly doubt I will ever come back to this game.

i was hoping the aliens wouldn’t feel like zombies but they’re basically just zombies. they’re zombies, you guys.

𝟔/𝟏𝟎 (𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞)
New another version of the left 4 dead and again not very successful, at least for now.
The game is now very alpha, and I’m not taking about huge ping, the main disadvantage here is that it’s boring to shoot here, just boring, there is no impact from shooting, from hits too, only shooting from a pistol is more or less normal, but the animation of his reloading is a real buzz, but you will practically not use the pistol.
Also, although conceptually interesting, but very little detailed locations. The color contrast in the game is very grey, even on the surface. The campaign is only 3 hours, the 3rd chapter of which is a reskin of the first. The animations for the Special Infected are just terrible and lopsided so far.
Even apart from all this, there are significant disadvantages:
1. The terribly dark soundtrack of the game, starting with the music of the menu, it drives you straight into some kind of depression, if you don’t turn it off, then it’s sickening to play, although in the middle there was some attempt at a cheerful soundtrack like Deathloop.
2. There is no plot and it is unlikely to appear. But this was also the main disadvantage of the original left 4 dead game. There is practically no lore in the game, although there seems to be a whole space station here.

So does this mod give us left 4 dead`s fans anything?
Well, in general, the idea of ​​replacing zombies with aliens always appealed to me, but the boss designs here are very bad, but they came up with a new blind boss, which is cool. The spitting critters are copied from Deed Space and they are not so good. And, in general, we could shoot aliens earlier in the Earthfall game, and there they are even cooler. There are cool grenades, indeed, at least some kind of innovation. There is an interesting mechanics of a portable flask, when it heats up in your hands and you have to throw it to a friend in his still cold hands, this is really really cool mechanics that adds co-op, but it's all one little thing. MORE THINGS ARE NEEDED LIKE THIS!!
In general, this is still an ordinary mod for redesigning the left 4 dead in a different setting, even the recent Back 4 Blood was a little better, not very good either, but for me it became the most successful copy of the left 4 dead. Will this game be able to become a really good spiritual successor of Left 4 dead, which we all have been waiting for so long?, well.. at least by 7.3/10, I don’t even know.. I think there are still chances, but small. p.s. Please bring back the ability to run!!)

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It’s no left 4 dead but it’s not terrible