Reviews from

in the past

the best intro to roguelites. if you want to try out the genre this is the game to do it with

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is an exceptional roguelike with never-ending replay value.

Every Binding of Isaac run is unique. In each run you try to fight your way through randomly generated floors of enemies and bosses by shooting them with Isaac's tears while picking up random items and power-ups along the way. These hundreds of different items and their countless unique synergies make sure that every run feels fresh and new. Even after 1000+ hours of playtime (PC & PS4) there are still plenty of item interactions I have yet to experience. Power-ups can range from simple damage upgrades to items that transform your tears into bombs or other deadly weapons. Once you possess the latter and manage to pick up other synergizing items such as "Pyromaniac" which causes explosions to heal you and "Mr. Mega" that increases your bomb radius in true Bomberman-esque fashion you suddenly got an extremely powerful run going capable of defeating bosses you never dared to dream of defeating.

Most of the items you need to unlock by advancing in the game, completing certain challenges or uncovering secrets (which there are plenty of). If you are a fellow achievement hunter then the myriad unlockables are what makes this game truly addictive. Most of them you will unlock automatically as you play the game, but some are locked behind harrowing challenges that truly test your skill and mettle. Even though the game is challenging, I believe that with enough dedication any player is capable of beating it, so do not be discouraged if you do not even reach the boss of the first floor on your initial attempts. Because the game does not hold your hand, you have to be daring and experiment. There are no item descriptions for example, which means that there will be moments in which you have to decide whether to pick up a new shiny item that could either propel you towards victory or sabotage your entire run.

Even though the gameplay feels a bit slow and dated especially compared to newer roguelikes such as Enter the Gungeon or Hades, it still serves its purpose. Being able to shoot in only four directions is limiting and might seem too basic. However, this same simplicity allows the game to be easy to pick up and understand. The game relies more on interesting item synergies rather than on flashy gameplay with dodge rolls and combos. The slow pace can easily cause a single run to take up 50 minutes once you unlocked all of the floors especially if you have a run that does not pop off. Fortunately, it is possible to quit and save at any point in a run, so you do not have to commit an hour of your time at once and you can immediately pick up where you left off.

In its presentation The Binding of Isaac is quite unique. The way in which grotesque monsters and mature religious undertones are blended with a cutesy aesthetic is iconic. The music is equally great. The game does have a story, albeit conveyed in a fragmented way through various cryptic vignettes that are unique to each playable character. It will go over most players’ heads but there is enough there to theorize and read up on.

The game does feature 2-player local co-op (4-player with Afterbirth DLC), but sadly is leaves a lot to be desired. Unfortunately, co-op players can only join in as random babies with limited options. For example, they have less health and damage than Isaac and cannot pick up items or pickups. Mods to make the co-op experience more interesting do exist but do tend to require the Afterbirth+ DLC.

Ultimately, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth will provide you with absurd replay value and is the ideal game to either mindlessly grind for weeks on end or simply pick up for half an hour while you are on break.

+ Unprecedented variety and replay value due to item synergies and randomly generated runs
+ Countless of secrets and unlockables
+ Addictive gameplay loop with rewarding meta-progression
+ Iconic aesthetic
+ Great soundtrack
+ Easy to pick up but hard to master

- The gameplay is not as action-packed or flashy as other games in the genre
- Flawed local co-op

I am so bad at this game. Shit rocks though

It's good. One of the best roguelikes. The music by Ridiculon is so good. Really engaging gamplay. Most runs can be drastically different. Every DLCs add and change a lot of stuff. With Repentance coming soon, this 2014 has changed a lot since then.

um ótimo roguelike
pena que o criador cagou tudo com as dlcs

I found myself going back to this game several times and had a pretty good time with it, but I'd never have the patience to fully complete it

Dünyanın en kötü oyunu

perfect roguelike. keeps you motivated to try again and again with its fair difficulty and rewarding exploration. it was a blast to keep getting better and better at every run by understanding the enemies' movement and patterns. thought the items could be more explained, but i suppose it's part of the experience for you to also learn how they work and what they do

the gold standard roguelite. 1 point deduction for just how incredibly tedious a lot of the unlocks are but i still did most of it 3 times anyway

Clearly a deeply influential game, with very strong mechanics but with a few issues that keep it from greatness. Still surprises me every time I boot this up that the shooting is 4-way instead of true twinstick. Hit boxes always feel a little off, and the aesthetic—while interesting and thematic—will never not be off putting. Despite its flaws, it’s still a game that can pull you and get you into that “one more run” mentality.

i wish i knew how many hours i have spent on this game. always come back to it

perdon por las expansiones bebe no te merecemos

I played 737 hours of this game in a single year. It's both a blessing and a curse

i'm not good enough to enjoy this fully but it's really fun

I was so into this game from like, freshman - junior year

dogma?!!?!? more like dogmaballs

little trolling.pgn

Considered to be THE rogue-lite for a reason, every run in Rebirth devolves into a non-euclidean eyesore that wipes everything with ease, and it's a one of a kind experience. The sheer amount of unlockables this game has is also perfect for my adhd brain.

Great. Can;t imagine that I'll return to it any time soon, but who knows. Maybe this review will be that nefarious catalyst.

Regardless of what you feel about it, this game is THE roguelike of all time. To this day, no game has quite measured up to just how many items and synergies there are in Binding of Isaac, making it the most replayable game in its genre. Truly a timeless classic.

Um jogo muito importante para formação do gênero um dos percursores do rogue like( como eu gosto de jogar ouvindo alguma coisa etc, rogue like geralmente é o gênero que eu faço isso não podia deixar de jogar Isaac, não imaginaria o quão frustrante séria jogar sua versão base, sem dlc , sem mods etc, simplesmente nunca falhei tanto na minha vida como aqui, foi uma jornada muito e muito mais longa do que eu imaginava, a sorte era minha inimiga sempre e o que deixava mais frustrante ainda que não estava tendo diversidade de itens, sempre vinha os mesmo apesar de ter diversos itens o jogo para min sempre vinha os mesmo e não tão bons, raros casos que vinha um item . Que meu objetivo se tornou apenas termina eu não queria nem saber de mais nada do jogo só queria termina vencer o boss final pelo menos uma vez, é finalmente esse dia chegou, mas apesar da ideia de que eu ia vencer e ia larga o game , após derrotar estranhamento veio uma sensação , mó vontade de tentar novamente.


I like it but i don't care for spending 500+ hours just to play the game with every item. at that point, I'd be burned out. good game though

I suck at this game, I recognise it's good but it's not really for me. Instead, I nominate this review in honour of my friend who got Dead God after 500 hours

almost 900 hours and I'm still going.

Es el tipico juego que te echas una partida casual y de repente te das cuenta y te has echado 56 partidas, algunos objetos son una mierda pero cuando vas to chetao es lo mejor del mundo :)