Reviews from

in the past

a really fun Max Payne type of game minus the slow motion, played this a lot on PS2 back when I was still a child and play it again via PC and it still great

I played the hell out of this game when I was still a kid, many years has passed and I decided to replay this game on PC just for nostalgia and I'm still having a blast going through it.

Bom, muitos métodos de tortura e execução

Full video review:

The executions in this game are top notch and elevate it beyond other third person shooters from this generation. Sure, it can be a bit generic outside of that and the story isn't anything to write home about, but it's the best Punisher game I'm familiar with. Highly recommend!

Younger me's stress relief, one of the best third person gore shooters with a fantastic setting.

Típico jogo que meu tio gosta por ser de MACHO

Really fun Max Payne clone that is also a perfect encapsulation of the punisher character.

Phenomenal adaptation of the character and challenging to boot.

A neat Max Payne-esque third-person shooter known for its gory and brutal violence for the time, as Frank Castle shows no mercy on the scumsucking criminal slobs you'll be slaughtering throughout, and there's some memorable and unlikely Marvel cameos too!

Muito bom, classico q marcou minha infãncia e continua bom até hoje

Ya ben bu oyunu güzel sandım

Los que compusieron la banda sonora de este juego incendiaron los instrumentos.

Badass third person shooter and feels just like it came out of a Garth Ennis comic book (he is involved with the game after all). Nice selection of guns and several ways to interrogate or execute enemies. Action gets more crazy as the game progresses. The only flaw of this game besides some minor glitches is that the boss fights could be better.

Legal mas extremamente repetitivo

This game was great back in the day.

The interrogation minigames were awful though, super glitchy.

You had to be there, everyone is sleeping on this game, it kicks major ass. Dual wielding shotguns, killing thugs by feeding them to piranhas, impaling them on broken windows, or cremating them in a funeral home's oven, and of course, hanging baddies upside down off fire escapes and shaking the change out of their pockets. This is honestly one of my favorite games and I've re-played it too many times to count. A damn shame it never got a sequel. The only good Punisher game as far as I can tell, which is strange since the character is so ripe for the medium.

A surprisingly good licensed TPS game with a lot of love for the original comic source material, aside from the terrible bosses it's a genuinely fun ride

Une petite gemme méconnu et bien que les graphique et les contrôle ait prit un sacré coup de vieux sa vaut toujours la peine de ce le faire même au jours d'aujourd'hui.

um dos melhores jogos de herói

I still remember throwing ppl into eel tanks and furnaces fun time.

A fabulous, cheesy, gory gem of a mid-2000s license game. The headlines for Punisher 2005 will obviously be about the grotesque interrogation scenes, but the minute-to-minute gameplay is also a joy in its simplicity.

While mechanically it's a fairly standard third person shooter, there's enough polish here to make you smile. Enemy AI is surprisingly good, as NPCs run around looking for cover or items to throw at you. They can fling crowbars at you, nail one of their buddies by accident, and will usually even have a little quip to acknowledge that.

Punisher is full of little moments like that, plus an assortment of ragdoll physics chuckles, that make for a game that's tone can be summed up as "giddy."

Lo entretenido al final es matar weones de formas crueles

It's fine. Great st the state but doesn't do enough to mix things up so it gets tiring to play after a while. Shelved for now

jogo estupido. estupidamente divertido

This game is so brutal! Run and gun never been so much fun!

Riscoperto dopo anni visto che non l'avevo mai finito ai tempi. Un bell'action dove puoi torturare mafiosi italo americani nei peggiori modi possibili.

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