Reviews from

in the past

Has a greater focus on career and progression rather than house building and roleplaying, though the variety of customisation is still quite good. Probably the closest The Sims comes to a 'story mode'.

mio sims prefe insieme a uno pazzo per psp

You had babies by kissing. Finally a game that is accurate to real life.

not as good as the Urbz but close

its goofy as fuck and kinda charming, but a huge pain in the ASS

My favourite The Sims game, and it's not even nostalgia because I replayed it recently and loved it. It has structure like an RPG rather than a sandbox game.

A much better console Sims game than the first one or the Urbz.

Fiquei viciado, joguei por 23 horas seguidas, esse é muito bom.

awesome i would have loved this when i was ten but i dont have the patience to play gamecube games

a minha porta de entrada pra minha série de joojs favorita de todos.

My introduction to The Sims. Good old days.

I loved this as a teenager and picked it up again out of curiosity (and as the completion screen would always crash when I got to the end). The voice acting and ideas are so funny and top notch but its pretty flawed, tasks take too long to complete and it gets frustrating (these days)!

Fantastic nostalgia hit but when you really deep dive, there's a few issues.

I used to play this game a lot and I still will occasionally play it. But back in the day, I'd play with cheats. As I got older though, I liked to try play without and get a "clean win." But with that, came the realization that this game isn't as forgiving as the others.

Getting the skills isn't too difficult, in fact nothing is really difficult. It's more the timing, like going to work, trying to be happy and make friends while you're couch surfing up to Malcolm's mansion. Sometimes when you get promoted, you come home from work, but your starting time is only two hours away, so you go to work and waste some time because you don't meet the prerequisites for another promotion and find yourself waiting about.

Great nostalgia hit with some really memorable Sims, places and music. It oozes charm, but the gameplay certainly is dated. I might finish it with cheats.

Una verdadera revolución, puesto que fue el primer Sims que pudimos salir de nuestra casa e ir a otro lugar. Es cierto que en este juego era todo lineal y no podías elegir donde ir, pero aun así, ver al Sims salir y coger la moto era toda una novedad.

I played SO much of this game growing up. Having a list of objectives helps keep someone invested and helps them understand what they may need to do to make progress, which could be considered antithetical to a simulation game like this. I personally think that isn't the case and that Bustin Out benefits from the objective system. Even so, you also have the more open experience as an option, so the game has something for everyone.

cutesy & fun but controlling sims is incredibly boring. i wish you could go to all the jobs with them, sitting in front of your console while your singular sim is sleeping or at work is very boring. less lag than the urbz on ps2 though!

The papergirl whistle is stuck in my head ‘till this day.

It’s a zaniest version of the sims. You get rewards by completely tasks (which take a little bit) and all the rewards feel worth it. All the Sims are expressive and goofy.

You can take those rewards to free play for a more traditional free play.

Btw, Mimi is your stepsister. Almost all of us unknowingly romanced her before (;

Essa versão de the sims é bem bacana, tinha algumas coisas que n tinha no the sims 2 de ps2 ent por isso joguei mt tbm.

>> Prós
• FILHO : Outro spin-off de The Sims com um elemento único pra plataforma da época, a possibilidade de ter filhos no game é leg.

>> Contras
• TELA MULTIPLAYER : A tela multiplayer do The Sims 2 no PS2 era melhor, a do Sims Bustin' Out deixa cortado na diagonal.

nostalgia so strong it could kill you. i never beat this game

(The GBA version really ought to have its own page, as it's a completely different game)

Unlike the household simulator it takes its name from, The Sims: Bustin' Out is a mission based life sim that has you controlling a character taking a holiday vacation in SimValley, and while decorating your home is part of the gameplay, you spend more time outside the house than in it -- hence the title.

And it was pretty fun and imaginative, way more than what you'd expect from an ostensive cash-grab spin-off. It had a complete storyline in which you went from living in a literal barn to owning a mansion while helping everyone else in town. Instead of a traditional career, the game had you taking all these odd jobs around town, such as bartending, mowing grass or making pizza.

It was a really fun twist on The Sims's formula that not many people noticed existed.

The level of improvement and increase in graphical fidelity from the first 3D Sims game is kind of staggering. I've spent many hours on this game as a youth.

It's more or less a remake of the first game but with more polish. It's fun, goofy, and entertaining from start to finish.

The best Sims game I have ever played. :)