Reviews from

in the past

My family watches Wheel of Fortune a lot, so we got this game on the Xbox One so we could play as a family. The graphics don't look very great and the host can't be able to properly replicate the charisma Pat Sajak has, but this can be fun to play with other people.

it's a wheel of fortune game, but the character customization is really minimal and it takes a while to unlock things and the hosts are weird original character completely disconnected from the show (there was an era where they used to at least pay Vanna for likeness rights). but the puzzles are neat and it's included in ps plus extra so it's not a bad thing to fire up from time to time

It's Wheel of Fortune ¯\(ツ)

This feels a little bit unfinished

The amount of times this shit bankrupted me is the reason it has a low rating.

Wheel of Fortune, the classic word-guessing game, is a staple in many game nights and gatherings. However, my experience with it was... quite unique.

Picture this: a seemingly innocent game of Wheel of Fortune with friends turns into a real-life Death Note scenario. One of the players transforms into Kira, the infamous antagonist from Death Note, right in the midst of the game. While I thought we were all here for some friendly wordplay and puzzle-solving, it turns out that someone was harboring secret ambitions to wield the power of life and death.

This unexpected twist added an entirely new layer to the game. While we were spinning the wheel, revealing letters, and solving puzzles, the underlying tension was palpable. Each move felt like a step towards unraveling the mystery of who among us had taken on the mantle of Kira.

To be honest, this dramatic turn of events made the game both more exciting and more terrifying. The usual joy of shouting out guesses and competing for puzzle solutions was overshadowed by the eerie feeling that we were playing with someone who had become unhinged, just like Kira.

As a result, my experience of Wheel of Fortune was unlike any other. While the game itself remains a classic and the mechanics are as entertaining as ever, the memory of that fateful game night with the "Kira" player lingers in my mind. It's a testament to the power of a game to create unexpected narratives and experiences.

In the end, Wheel of Fortune gets a solid 6 out of 10 from me. The game is undeniably entertaining, but who knew that it could also provide the backdrop for a real-life Death Note scenario? Just remember, next time you gather around the wheel, be prepared for the unexpected – you might just find yourself facing a Kira of your own.

"That's a lot of money you won! Don't spend it all at once!"

Just like the Game Show itself, Wheel of Fortune is a miserable game show where you guess your way through bullshit phrases people haven't used since the 50's all the while you are at the mercy of a random ass wheel that will do it's best work to make sure you never earn any money at all or are even able to take a turn. In that regard, it's incredibly authentic and I commend Ubisoft for going the extra mile. Unfortunately, that doesn't make it a good game at all. On the contrary, it's quite bad and I don't recommend you play it.

it's fucking wheel of fortune

The wheel is a cold and merciless machine. Bankrupt bankrupt bankrupt, you beg Jeff to help but all he says is "Wow, how did you come up with that one?"

It is what it is. Nothing special but nothing bad, either.

It’s Wheel of Fortune, but feels incredibly stiff and bare bones. It’s a Ubisoft product, so that’s par for the course. The announcer is also a massive jerk, which is both annoying and funny. I feel like in this day and age, in order for a Wheel of Fortune product to be worthy of more than an indifferent shrug… there needs to be SOMETHING new and different. Character and set customization is not enough. Either some changes to the formula or a collection of other game shows would make this worth it. But this game is way overpriced, and can be bundled with other soulless Ubisoft games for even more money. It’s not bad, and it can be fun, but I need more to even consider spending money on this.

"Press X to start"

This is as far as I could get. For whatever reason, the game refuses to start on my PS4.

For those who are having trouble with this stupid game, you still have to solve the answer, but it's better than nothing.

Also I got bankrupted more than 5 times

Ubishit as per usual. This is very soulless, and very boring outside of the odd one game every once in a few years. I don't like it. Wii version was top tier and I would play it 10/10 times.

This is a fine Wheel of Fortune game.

For an Ubisoft licensed video gameshow, this is one of the better, but that's a low bar. Between these types of games, they tend to choose different features that work or don't work well.

To start, the WoF part is good - if you like it. The input methods are decent, the game setup is just like the TV show, and the rounds can be fun. It has the excellent feature of skipping each scene of dialogue between characters and host, which is absolutely necessary for replaying the game.

Then there's a bunch of problems. First, spinning the wheel with the full gauge always lands in the same spot. This could either make for a frustrating metagame or frustrating predictable outcomes.

Then there's the customization. These unlock gradually in a strange order for the set, hosts and playable characters. There's a lot of unnecessary micro-customization (like shoes you don't see) on generic character models, but they don't save, and slogging through UI to even escape the default white-guy-with-blonde-hair is itself a horribly unexciting mini-game.

It is a relief that after so many rounds of this game, we haven't seen a repeat of answers. Again, this is a fine Wheel of Fortune. I also need to mention that Ubisoft is run by abusers and probably fascists as well.