Reviews from

in the past

Up there with Solar Striker with it's anonymity among more casual Nintendo fans is the NES black box title "Gumshoe", which has gone pretty much unreleased in Japan and on any other kind of service. It many ways it represents Nintendo's strive to invent and create new gimmicks, but it also represents how much of a bunch of nincompoops they can be.

This is a Zapper game like Duck Hunt or Wild Gunman, but instead of being mostly a target shooting game it is also a platforming game. You see, Detective Dipshit over here has a problem with his legs, he can only keep running and running and can never stop unless he puts himself into a pit or gets killed by oncoming objects. You can help Detective Dipshit on his quest to find the pink panther rip-off items by shooting him to make him jump to avoid obstacles. This sounds fun in theory, but in addition to needing to pay attention to where Detective Dipshit is and keep him from blundering his way into death traps, you also need to shoot objects that come his way on-screen. Now keep in mind, I am emulating this and technically cheating by using a mouse as my firing weapon. The game is still very very hard, and very very annoying to play.

I seriously cannot imagine trying to play this thing with a real Zapper, because in addition to needing to be more precise than I am with a mouse you also need to deal with the Zapper's one in fifteen ability to mysteriously fail to register a hit. In a generic target shooting game like Duck Hunt it's not the worst deal, but here it could mean a lost life and lost progress. It's woeful. This is kinda like Pac-Man 2, except devoid of all the dopey charm and all the meme potential front-loaded into this dumb piece of music that Hip Tanaka composed after smoking a big blunt.

A really really dumb game, big recommend to try it yourself sometime.

This came actually fucked back in the day but its hard as hell.

Super Sharpshooter Flappy Bird

Noval but very difficult zapper game. You have to shoot both your character to make him jump but also flying projectiles and enemies that can be small. You'll be constantly shooting, and there was only one time I got to the final level. My arm hurt having to shoot the zapper that long. Having only three lives makes with this style of gameplay makes it almost too hard. At least the music is really catchy.

An ill-conceived use of the lightgun and terribly unfair. Not fun at all.

I guess if you tilt your head sidways and squint this is the forefather of Flappy Bird.

A sort of continuation of Hogan's Alley C-mode. Logic is a bit atypical, since you have to shoot the obstacles and Stevenson's character to make him bounce. Good difficulty and concept.

This was my dad's favorite game to play. We would spend hours trying to finish it, and I remember getting to the last level a couple of times, but never being able to complete it. It was such a unique game with great sounds and I really enjoyed the sprite work.

It was so very, very hard. I'm unsure if I'll ever be able to play it again with Light Gun mechanics being a thing of the past, but if I get the chance, I definitely will.

A forgotten little NES novelty that combines an auto runner with platforming all controlled with the Zapper. It's challenge is mainly designed around that (somewhat mitigated when playing it on PC).Cool little black box game tho. Feels like a game a father and son would grow up with.

This is a lightgun platformer and that is such a unique idea

Neat use of the Zapper, and that's all it's got going for it