Reviews from

in the past

US Saturn Release #020 - Off-World Interceptor Extreme

Played on a real American Sega Saturn with the Fenrir ODE

If you just look at YouTube playthroughs of this game, it'll look like utter trash, but I think if you sit down and try it, you'll like it. It's extremely loud and in your face, but that's something I grew to like about it. It felt so insane that it was amusing throughout. Sadly though, it's kind of mindless. You can just hold down the fire button and drive forward, veering around to dodge and collect health pickups, and you should be fine (granted that you don't get halted for too long, as there is a somewhat strict timer on these chases).

I think the biggest problem with this game is that it seriously overstays its welcome if you play in one sitting. Around the 1 hour mark I was getting legitimately tired from playing it. The game doesn't get worse as it continues, but pretty much the entire game plays the same with very little variety, and the formula itself is not interesting enough to go for longer than an hour. Please, if you happen to play this, use some save states, or use the in-game passwords. Don't go through all at once because you'll regret it.

It's mindless and excruciatingly loud, but there's a charm to it. Don't expect anything too amazing, but you'll likely find it at least interesting. This is definitely a game I'm willing to replay, though not in one burst.


Look. Was it a great game? No. But as a 10 year old playing this game, the MST3K videos between levels were hilarious. I never got super far though.