Reviews from

in the past

As someone who remembered this game being flawed but generally alright, I gotta say I don't think anyone would actually like this game if it wasn't shambling around in a Warhammer 40k themed skinsuit.

For an Enhanced Edition of an already existing game it really doesn't feel all that enhanced. The playerbase for this is almost completely dead, which is completely understandable due to the age of the game. This wouldn't be so bad, but there are no bots in the multiplayer mode. On the standard normal difficulty, going into a mission solo with your skills immediately on cooldown, the opening firefight can often be far too difficult for a single player to deal with, and that's not even considering if you're using weapons that may be inaccurate or even close-range only. From what I played of the Campaign, the bots are by no means good or even halfway functional, but it would still be something to alleviate the pains of waiting for someone to join your lobby. This as a problem I cannot understand, it's simply a solved issue as far as co-op shooters go, either have bots that get filled in by joining players, or have dynamic difficulty.

There aren't really any objectives beyond ludicrously long defense situations followed by trudging through corridors to the next defense situations, which became extremely tedious by the time I'd cleared maybe half the standard missions. And the balance of the classes - is downright horrible. Four out of the six classes in the game are basically functionally worthless. Like, from a balance perspective, why play any classes but the only class that can heal at all and the class that with a push of two buttons can revive the entire team AND hand out invincibility shields? When the game on Normal is throwing out Broodlords back to back to back in the span of less than a minute and a half, it just seems ridiculous to expect any other team comp to survive unless they have god-like positioning, teamwork, and reflexes. And it's made worse due to the fact Broodlords can one-shot a player if they simply land a hit to the noggin. All in all it's some downright bizzare balance. It often feels like the game is trying to punish its players for having the gall to attempt to play any team comp but the absolute most meta choices with how many Broodlords can sometimes spawn, having those invincibility shields feels like a necessity. And while I didn't play the original version of the game, it makes me believe that the class in question - Chaplain, introduced in the Enhanced Edition - was created as a complete bandaid solution to the balance of the game.

Many of the classes also share weaponry - which is fine, but if I put a damage upgrade on an Apothecary's Bolter, why do I need to purchase the exact same upgrade for another classes Bolter? The intertwined Upgrade Cosmetic system is just super baffling in general. It's just bloat on top of bloat on top of bloat, an absolutely unnecessary level of grind for a game that has about 6 hours of content, if that. All the intertwining of the system causes is frustration at getting ass-looking cosmetic items and a slow trickle of renown so that you can buy the upgrades you actually want. Like shit, some of the weapon upgrades and cosmetic options look hilariously bad. I'll have one tiny scope stapled to the top of my minigun, with the end of it blocked by a mass of metal, thanks. And the cherry on top of the system is that to even receive your level-up rewards you must leave the game lobby, further exacerbating the issue of empty lobbies and the dead feeling to the game.

This game is also plagued with bugs, from being unable to see other players revive timers to something as game-breaking as the mission objective soft-locking or even being completely unable to fire your guns upon a respawn.

Sometimes this game can be enjoyable, mowing down a horde of enemies advancing toward you and your battle-brothers, hearing all the Bolters and Assault Cannons going off at once. There was obviously a lot of work that went into creating and polishing the overall look of the game, and I can appreciate what the devs were trying to do with the tactical nuances and teamplay but the execution just doesn't work. At its best, the game can be fun for an hour or two at a time, but at its worst it is mind-numbing mediocrity.

much like all other space hulk games its insanely difficult, if you want to finish the game you NEED 3 other people. Its a ton of fun to play (especially if you find a good voice changer). Its a bit buggy but nothing gamebreaking

It's a very repetitive game. It looks like there's a story, but in fact you're doing the same things over and over again on slightly modified maps. The game fails to make you feel like you're part of a story. There are almost no cinematics, which makes the overall feel of the game very soulless. On the other hand, it's a very unbalanced game. The difficulty level can go from very easy to very hard and keeping up with it can get a bit frustrating. The main reason for this is the almost infinite number of enemies that respawn to attack you. The AI companions we have with us don't make things any easier in these battles. The only thing you do in the game is kill monsters and even that makes no sense. In one chapter you have to clear the creature nests and even if you do all of them, you'll still see creatures coming until you move on to the next chapter. This gets really annoying after a point. When you realize that the only thing you have to do during the whole game has no purpose, it becomes really hard to continue the game. I also think that the maps are unnecessarily large, the character is already very slow and there is almost nothing to explore on the maps, so it takes a lot of time to get from one place to another, and sometimes you get lost and don't know where to go. It's not hard to understand that the game was developed mainly for multiplayer, but if you're adding a single player story, I expected at least as much storytelling as in the Doom games. In short, it's an average game if you like the Warhammer universe. It will keep you busy for a while with low expectations.

it was boring stage-mission shooter

this gets stars on visuals alone bc holy shit warhammer has never looked so good

gameplay is just alright but its sick as fuck the whole time

Terminator armour feels like paper, and the whole game is just holding down left click the whole time. Also squad doesn't auto-heal so they just die. Also screen shake is overwhelming with no option to disable.

Super fun and immersive. Way too buggy and poor perfoming to invest time into though.