Reviews from

in the past

I have never regretted buying anything in my life more than this game

Love is stronger the hate, FUCK OFF

I have a lot of fun with it.

I have a very fond memory with this game, one time playing with my little sister, who is directional dyslexic, got the signal flags for her turn in team mode. we were all on the floor dying, especially when she ended up winning because the person she was going against was laughing too hard

the milking minigame gave it its only star

aprovecha bien la switch pero siempre estará a la sombra de lo que fue wii party

It’s a fun game to play with friends and family, but I recommend getting it on sale.
There are only 28 minigames and I don’t think they’re worth 50 $.

What were they thinking when cow game

A solid pack-in title for the Switch, Well, at least it should've been. 6/10

1-2-Switch (2017): Lo de la vibración de los joy-con es brujería. Luego se ha visto que como mandos son un poco chapuceros, pero tienen una tecnología de la NASA. El juego aprovecha muy bien esto, creando situaciones muy divertidas y originales, aunque no puedo quitarme de la cabeza que se siente una demo técnica (6,90)

This is a pretty fun game. It is obviously something that should only be played from time to time but I don't really think that's a flaw, it is just a fun little party game, nothing more. There are more than a few duds but overall it is just a fun time and was a pretty decent launch game for the Switch.

why the fuck did they make a sequel to this game

Served its purpose well enough. It was an easy pick-up-and-play game that my niece and nephew both liked when they were little. I also used it when I had to babysit my niece and nephew and their friends one day. The game isn't great but it works as something quick that anyone can understand and play, and for that, Nintendo did an admirable job.

No está mal, supongo. Buen set de minijuegos, pero nada más. Si no tienes con quien jugarlo, ni te molestes en comprarlo

This is honestly is great little mini-game tech demo for the joycons. I've had a lot of fun times messing with this game with friends. BUT it never should have been a full price game. If it was a free tech demo, like Astro's Playroom on the PS5, I'd likely rate it a fair bit higher.

I can't believe this didn't come bundled with the Switch like Nintendo Land for the Wii U or Wii Sports for the Wii

is fun for an hour, and then i never want to play it again. 80 dollars???

as a gimmick game for the launch of a new nintendo majig this was actually quite a good way to show off what the switch could do on a social level, I remember taking my switch week one to a coffee shop to relax and play some BOTW when a pair of entranced old people were intrigued at what it was they were looking at. I'll never forget that woman's face when she counted how many balls were rolling around in that joycon, I'm glad I went for coffee that day

a full-price tech demo for technology that had largely already been in market for over a decade prior (from the same company, no less!) with stylings that basically desperately scream "are we having fun yet?!?" every five minutes. there is some degree of worth in some of the games, but then, at this price and with the depth of the party game market at the time...why would you bother?

Should have been a pack-in ala Nintendo Land, but then again it isn't that great anyways.

I paid $50 for this game on the switch’s launch day, along with buying the console. I bought this instead of botw. I thought that it would hold more value since it’s multiplayer, and also I hadn’t played though all of a Zelda game at the time. I spent $50 on this game. It was innovative and fun for the first 30 minutes but then something awful happened. Its novelty wore off and I realized I spent $50 on this game. Luckily, I ended up taking a risk on me liking a game and picked up botw a couple months later, played it over the summer with the same friend I tried to play 1-2 switch with, and it became both of our favorite games of all time. Funny how that works. Even though BOTW is still an amazing game, if 1-2 switch hadn’t lowered the bar that much, I feel like any game would’ve been the greatest game to me at the time. I paid $50 for this game.

if video games had a smell this would smell like rotting meat

Fun little party game that shows off what the joy cons are capable of. Should have come free with the Switch console.

While I certainly agree that this should've been bundled with every Switch much like Wii Sports, I won't let the price tag of this game influence my opinion of it. This is a great showcase on some of the things they built into the Joycon, many of which are easily forgotten. Some of the games, while very tiny in scope, are pretty great. I appreciate what they were going for here. If you can pick it up used, it's worthwhile.

A fairly good showcase of the Joycon controllers. Decently good time with a friend for an hour or two. A good little $10 purchase to make! Wait what do you mean it's $60?