Reviews from

in the past

One of the worst party games i have ever played. Mario party is already a good part luck, but at least in (most) of those games there is player skill expression in minigames, board decisions, item usage, etc. Orange Juice has none of that. You roll your silly little dice and thats it. Over and over again until you either win or lose half hour later. Still kinda funny tho imo

Rolled a 1 so many times I got an achievement. 10/10 would get screwed over again.

Would not play again. I wanna keep my friends.

Fr though, fun game

A really fun game to play against friends, it's a little bit silly as well

Never been fucked by a game so hard in my life. 10/10 experience!

I find this game completely unenjoyable unless I am playing as my favorite character Marie Poppo and ruining the experiences of other people in the voice call. Then it's pretty fun

100% Orange Juice, more like 100% based on luck.

"CHECK THIS SHIT OUT FELLAS" (rolls 2 with 2 dice) it's a wonderful game but you most certainly need friends

Ele me beat muit nesse game que fofao ele me mima tmb me deixando ganhar as vezes

Party game of many yester-years, back when Discord was at its infancy. Compared to some games in the genre, this one is greatly RNG-determined, kind of like Snakes and Ladders, if the snakes are your friends trying to use the cards they have on hand to kill you at range.

Even worse, those friends may or may not have any real reason to bully you, and so this is a good game to play for when you actually have friends to bully in good sport.

Single Player, the AI cheats and is not as fun, because everything is RNG-rigged to their favor and to your great detriment.

É divertido, seja online com desconhecides ou entre amigues. Além disso, é bem baratinho!! Recomendo :D

CPUs cheat. Game is hard to understand.

I come back to this game every now and then, just to see the best character to ever grace my PC, Marie Poppo. Only, I return this time to see that her mother has been added as well, a great start to 2024.

This game is fun if you have people to play it with. You can join random lobbies but I just think it is more fun with people you know.

You don't get access to all characters and aside from 2 that will rotate every week, you have to buy the other characters. You can play this game PvE or PvP which is good. The art is cute, the soundtrack is okay.

fun w the right people only

Had a lot of fun with it over the years, but I feel like a huge chunk of its identity is missing now that Hono no longer does art for the chibis on the field. Not the same without him.

i hope all my friends hate me after i use every extra bit of steam trading card money i have to buy the broken characters when they go on sale. sorry not sorry.

é bem legal mas precisa de amigos

life has so many flavors and yet im still salty

I played this one time with the person who gifted it to me and I had no idea what it was or what I was doing. I have not touched it since then.
"Last Played Jan. 13, 2016."
And it shall stay that way.

truly the fighting game of all time.

you will not find a better party game