Reviews from

in the past

Never been fucked by a game so hard in my life. 10/10 experience!

I find this game completely unenjoyable unless I am playing as my favorite character Marie Poppo and ruining the experiences of other people in the voice call. Then it's pretty fun

100% Orange Juice, more like 100% based on luck.

"CHECK THIS SHIT OUT FELLAS" (rolls 2 with 2 dice) it's a wonderful game but you most certainly need friends

It's always nice being beaten up like a punching bag by cute girls particularly when you're about to win a match that's been going on for like two hours. I really recommend it.

everyone that plays this is either the friendlist person out there or the most sweatiest asshole ever

Crappy, worse mario party but I love it.

Only for fun, don’t take it seriously

friend bought it for me, very confusing was fun sometimes

fun w the right people only

Had a lot of fun with it over the years, but I feel like a huge chunk of its identity is missing now that Hono no longer does art for the chibis on the field. Not the same without him.

i hope all my friends hate me after i use every extra bit of steam trading card money i have to buy the broken characters when they go on sale. sorry not sorry.

é bem legal mas precisa de amigos

life has so many flavors and yet im still salty

I played this one time with the person who gifted it to me and I had no idea what it was or what I was doing. I have not touched it since then.
"Last Played Jan. 13, 2016."
And it shall stay that way.

truly the fighting game of all time.

you will not find a better party game

Lost friendships over this game.. Recommended!

Quite a TON of fun, love playing this with the homies

The title is a lie I don't see any orange juice

Fun board game. Got forced to play it by an asian girl though.