Reviews from

in the past

hate this game it stole my wife

this game has given me aneurysms

fun party game to play with friends and fuck them over in

The best party game with characters that have unique gimmicks for each other, making your friends super salty when you kill them and take their stars.

all my friends hated, but I liked

Fun Mario Party esque game with cute characters. Really simplistic but I really enjoy playing it on online with people

A cute thing to play with friends. Too bad I have no friends.

Very enjoyable to play with a small group friends. It's like Mario Party with cards that add bonuses to the game for depth.

party game pero todo es rng y te da una cólera asesina

Nice way to end multiple friendships at once.

i swear, it's an actually mechanically deep game
...don't laugh at me! look, it has cards, it's complex, right??

The most fun party game I've ever played with random people.

the most fun multiplayer game I've experienced in a while and the game is still being updated even to this day

WARNING: Pedophiles are using this game to identify themselves. If you see anyone playing this game, BLOCK THEM IMMEDIATELY.

anime mario party if there were no minigames

I don't trust you if you have more than 2 hours in this shit.

blaaaaand, barely passable even for some drunk playing around with friends. pretty cutesy tho.

Pretty fun party game. Has a ton of dlc, but the basic game is enough to have an enjoyable time. It's really hard to learn though, so you'll have trouble introducing this game to your friends