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It's a short 2001: A Space Odyssey spoof that is also a murder mystery game. It puts all it's effort into the presentation and its - dare I say - a bit too much.(especially when interaction with objects, only to get interrupted by the interrogation fella) Nevertheless, it looks suprisingly well - a lot of visuals remind me of Fullbrights Tacoma (but in a good way!). The mystery gameplay is quite simple - one gathers evidence by snapping a few pics and look for any contradicting statements. Sadly, you can just brute force it by just spamming every picture available.

For the price of PayWhatYouWant aka. Free€, I would suggest you to check this half hour adventure with albeit weak detective gameplay.

#1 of ??? of my foray into the BEEG bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, which you should totally get RIGHT NOW

Have you ever wanted to play 2001 A Space Odyssey where you're a detective investigating the aftermath of HAL's shenanigans, assuming HAL was never killed?

No? Well too bad. That's what this game is, although in its most humorous moments it will remind you that this has absolutely no relation to the movie whatsoever.

What belies in the product is a sort of detective game where you investigate the aftermath of what appears to be a AI gone rogue (with the charisma of a discount GLADoS), taking pictures of dead bodies and evidence in space to then confront the AI Ace Attorney style (who apparently always tells the truth when you contradict them). Coupled with it is a few humorous digs at the obvious source material and somewhat funny narration.

Unfortunately, this game never goes beyond its proof of concept, and that doesn't just extend to the gameplay. The game graphically is very much "made in Unity" as if it was rushed out, which actually makes the mystery worse than it should: because everything isn't detailed and blocky, you'll miss a vital hint for later that makes a argument point infuriating to figure out.

But let's talk about the gameplay. You sorta travel around in space around a spaceship (that definitely doesn't look like the ship from 2001), with... really weird controls that takes figuring out and because the game is actually REALLY short (it takes less than an hour), by the game you get comfortable, the game is almost done. To collect evidence, you have to take pictures, and while sometimes it's obvious what you need to take a picture of... sometimes it's not. You might be stumbling around in the dark. When you confront MAL, you have to connect evidence where you present a photo you've taken and then MAL will feed you their response, for which you have to contradict with another photo. Finding the photo to contradict MAL is not done well, in that it doesn't.... logically flow at all. For a part of it, I was just contradicting by trial and error. Ace Attorney this is not.

Also, if you've seen the movie, you will enjoy some of the comedic references to it (such as the classical music "MAL" loves to play), but it'll also be infuriating when you obviously know what happen but it takes an hour to find what you're looking for. If you're really a movie purist, you might balk at some of the new additions added for the sake of making the game somewhat longer.

If you haven't seen the movie, you might find the mystery interesting on a surface level, maybe even find MAL endearing. But it's too short and again, it never goes further than its proof of concept. The ending is also a big "WTF" for both audiences. It could be humorous, but instead it feels like a middle finger to the player. All that for... that?

Avoid unless you want to try it for dirt cheap, which you can as it's "name your price". I suggest avoiding.

The control scheme and narrative framing were more interesting than the actual mystery. Oh, and the lights in MAL's chamber were rad.

i quite liked this. i'd love more games in this vein; really enjoyed the gameplay and dark humour. strangely bittersweet. i really liked the "hidden choice" at the end.